海南省海南国科园实验学校中学部八年级英语下册《Unit 7 Topic 3 I cooked the most successfully Section A》学案2(无答案)(新版)仁爱版

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海南省海南国科园实验学校中学部八年级英语下册《Unit 7 Topic 3 I cooked the most successfully Section A》学案2(无答案)(新版)仁爱版_第1页
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海南省海南国科园实验学校中学部八年级英语下册《Unit 7 Topic 3 I cooked the most successfully Section A》学案2(无答案)(新版)仁爱版_第2页
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1、Unit 7 Topic 3 I cooked the most successfully Section A一, 学习目标:1单词:lady , gentleman, sale, guest, kind-hearted, menu, beer, bill, corn, salad.2,如何点菜; 3, 如何买单。二,写出并背诵下列短语:1,女士_,_(复数)2,先生_,_(复数) 3,第一届国际美食节_4 ,开张,营业中(adj)_, 关门了 ,关着的_.商店上午8点开门,晚上9关门。.The shop is _ at 8a.m.and _ at 9p.m.5,打开(V.)_, 合上,关上(

2、V.)_请关上门,打开窗。Please _the door and _the window.6,谢谢光临._. 7,出售_8 客人_9,好心的_10,send sth to sb._11,Enjoy yourselves= _ /_(汉语)12,菜单_13,你可以点菜了吗?_14,我要点_.15,玉米_16,色拉_17,What kind of drink would you like?_(汉)18,无酒精饮料_19,啤酒_20,Anything else?_21,谢谢你点的菜(订单)_22,我可以买单了吗?_23,总计60.50元_23,这是找给你的钱_24,祝他们成功_三,课堂练习:1,根

3、据句子的意思及字首字母提示填空:1) After you finish a meal in a restaurant, you need to pay the b_2) Ladies and g_, welcome to our food festival.3) There are many kinds of food for s_ in the restaurant.4) Mrs. Li had a party last night. After all the g_ left, she felt very tired.5) My sister likes fruit s_ very muc

4、h.2,用所给的词的适当形式填空:1)Everyone _(enjoy) the delicious food。2)Ladies and _(gentleman),welcome to Beijing.3)Thank you for _(ask) me to come.4)Id like two _(bowl) of rice.5) All the guests enjoy _(they) in the food festival.3,选择填空:1)Here is the _(bill/ menu/change).You can order anything you like.2)Excuse me, are these bikes _( on show/ for sale/on line)? I want to buy a new bike.3)A:_(May I take your order?/ Can I help you?/ May I have the bill, now?) B: Yes. Eighty yuan in total.4)A: Id like a bottle of beer and beef curry. B:OK._(Here is your change./Thanks for your order./ Here is the menu./)


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