河南省濮阳市第六中学2020学年八年级英语上册 Unit 5 What’s the highest mountain in the world Period 1 Section A(1a-1c)导学案(无答案)(新版)鲁教版五四制

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河南省濮阳市第六中学2020学年八年级英语上册 Unit 5 What’s the highest mountain in the world Period 1 Section A(1a-1c)导学案(无答案)(新版)鲁教版五四制_第1页
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河南省濮阳市第六中学2020学年八年级英语上册 Unit 5 What’s the highest mountain in the world Period 1 Section A(1a-1c)导学案(无答案)(新版)鲁教版五四制_第2页
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河南省濮阳市第六中学2020学年八年级英语上册 Unit 5 What’s the highest mountain in the world Period 1 Section A(1a-1c)导学案(无答案)(新版)鲁教版五四制_第3页
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《河南省濮阳市第六中学2020学年八年级英语上册 Unit 5 What’s the highest mountain in the world Period 1 Section A(1a-1c)导学案(无答案)(新版)鲁教版五四制》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《河南省濮阳市第六中学2020学年八年级英语上册 Unit 5 What’s the highest mountain in the world Period 1 Section A(1a-1c)导学案(无答案)(新版)鲁教版五四制(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5 Whats the highest mountain in the world Section A (1a1c)【学习目标】1、掌握本节课出现的重点短语和句子。2、谈论地理和自然现象,学会对事实和数字的比较。【学习重点与考点】 识记形容词和副词比较级变法的多条规则。【课前自学指导】一、写出下列单词的比较级和最高级。high_ deep _ big _long_ old_ young _二、请根据预习写出下列短语。1、最高的山 2、最长的河 3、九百六十万平方公里 4、 1025米深 5、在全世界 6、其他任何一座山 7、6671米长_8、884443 米高_三、知识链接1、100

2、以内的数字咱们已经学过,那么100以上呢?100 :one hundred 102 :a hundred and two 246 :_ 751:_ 1000以上的数词 1,000 = one thousand 一千 10,000 = ten thousand 一万 100,000 = one hundred thousand 十万 1,000,000 = one million 一百万 十亿以上的大数,十亿 one thousand million = one billion 百亿 ten thousand million = ten billion 万亿 one billion = one

3、trillion1000以上的基数词的表示方法:先从右至左,每三位数加一个逗号。第一个逗号前的数为千(thousand),第二个逗号前的数为百万(million),第三个逗号前的数为十亿(billion)9,883 nine thousand , eight hundred and eighty three 65,359 _265,468 two hundred and sixty-five thousand, four hundred and sixty-eight 60,263,150 _2、长度、宽度、高度、深度的表示法:(1)长度、宽度、高度、深度的表示法:“基数词 + 单位词 + 形

4、容词”。Eg. Tiger Path is 200 meters long.老虎路有200米长。We walk up three floors, which is about ten meters high.我们走上三层楼,大概10米左右高。(2)有时也可以用“基数词 + 单位词 +in + 长度或者重量的名词”来表示长度、宽度、高度、深度。The classroom was 25 feet in length and 20 feet in width. 教室有25英尺长,20英尺宽。注意:若表示重量,可以用 in weight 结构。Eg. The box is 9 kilos。=The b

5、ox is 9 kilos in weight。这个箱子重9公斤。long的名词形式是 翻译成 ,high的名词形式 翻译成 。表达东西的长度可以有两种方法 如:这条河100米长。The of the river is 100meters. =The river is 3、请总结形容词和副词比较级和最高级的构成方法。【学习过程】(一)导入并出示学习目标(二)Learning the new knowledge:1、出示图来学习本节单词Qomolangma, high, meter, Nile ,square, Caspian ,deep ,Sahara, desert 2、认真完成1a部分,连

6、接你所知道的事实,并能谈论你还了解关于它什么。3、学习大的数字的读法和写法。4、1000以上的基数词的表示方法。【课堂练习】 (一) 单项选择。( )1. Its _ in the world .A. the biggest desert B .biggest desert C. the biggest deserts D. bigger desert ( )2. There are no man-made structures as _as the Great Wall A. bigger B .big C. bigger D. the biggest ( )3. The Nile is 6

7、,470 _A. kilometers B. kilometer C. kilometers long D .kilometer long ( )4. Mount Tai is _ lower than Qomolangma .A .lots of B. many C. very D. much ( )5. Shanghai is one of _ in theworld .A .more big city B .the biggest city C. the biggest cities D .the most big city 【课后作业】1、根据第二课时的课前自学指导进行预习;2、完成节

8、节练。一、英语语法之形容词比较级和最高级练习题(基础题)( )1. This box is_ that one. A. heavy than B. so heavy than C. heavier as D. as heavy as( ) 2. I think the story is not so _ as that one.A. interesting B. interested C. more interesting D. most interesting( )3 .Tom is stronger than _ in his class.A. any other boy B. any b

9、oys C. any boy D. other boy( )4. When spring comes, it gets_.A. warm and warm B. colder and colder C. warmer and warmer D. shorter and shorter( )5. _ students in our class came to like English. A. more and more B. much and much C. many and many D. less and least( )6. When spring comes the days get _

10、 and nights _.A. short; long B. long; short C. longer; shorter D. shorter; longer( ) 7._ I look at the picture, _ I like it. A. The best; the more B. The more; the less C. The more; less D. More; the more( ) 8. I like _ one of the two books. A. the older B. oldest C. the oldest D. older( ) 9. Which is_ country, China or Japan? A. the large B. the larger C. larger D. largest( ) 10. Which do you think tastes _, the chicken or the fish?A. good B. better C. best D. well【课后反思】_


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