八年级上册英语第三单元Section A GF-3c 教学课件

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1、八年级上册英语第三单元SectionAGF 3c教学课件 SectionA GF 3c Unit3I mmoreoutgoingthanmysister 八年级英语上 RJ 教学课件 学习目标 Keysentences 1 IsTaramoreoutgoingthanTina No sheisn t TinaismoreoutgoingthanTara 2 DoesTaraworkashardasTina Yes shedoes 3 Whoissmarter yourmotheroryourfather Ithinkmymotherissmarterthanmyfather Thecompar

2、ativeformsofadjectivesandadverbs 1 形容词的原级形容词的原形 2 形容词的比较级表示两者相比 一个比另一个更 有比较级的句中有than 且仅限于两者比较 形容词的原级和比较级 Thistreeis thanthattree Sheis thanbefore taller thinner PastNow 比较级 一 句子结构 1 形容词比较级常用的句型结构 A和B比较 A be动词 形容词的比较级 than Be g I mtallerthanyou Youarethinnerthanme Thisrulerislongerthanthatone 2 Healt

3、his importantthanmoney strongB strongerC thestrongerD thestrongest B 1 He s thanhisbrother moreB muchC mostD the A 2 副词比较级常用的句型结构 A 动词 副词比较级 than B e g Igotupearlierthanmymotherthismorning 我今天早晨起床比我妈妈还早 TinasingsmoreloudlythanTara Tina比Tara唱得更大声 1 Ann IamworriedI mgettingfatter WhatshallIdo Ithinkyo

4、ushouldeatfoodanddomoreexercise A moreB lessC muchD little 2 Leesang thatothersingersinthesingingcompetionandhewonthefirstprize A goodB wellC betterD best B C 1 单音节和少数双音节形容词 副词比较级的构成 不规则变化 1 在词尾加 ertall tallersmart smartershort shorterhigh higherfast faster 二 形容词 副词比较级的变化规则 2 以不发音的字母e结尾的 加 r nice ni

5、cerlarge largerfine finerlate later 3 重读闭音节以一个辅音字母结尾的 先双写辅音字母 再加 er big biggerfat fatterthin thinnerred redderhot hotterwet wetter 4 以辅音字母 y结尾的双音节词 先改y为i 再加 er happy happierearly earlierfunny funniereasy easier 5 多音节词和部分双音节词要在前面加more important moreimportantdelicious moredeliciousexpensive moreexpens

6、iveoutgoing moreoutgoingtired moretiredserious moreseriousslowly moreslowly 请写出下列各词的比较级的正确形式 3 easy 4 funny 2 tall 1 quiet quiter taller easier funnier 6 beautiful 7 outgoing 8 different morebeautiful moreoutgoing moredifferent 5 friendly friendlier good betterwell betterbad worsebadly worsemany muc

7、h morelittle lessfar farther further 三 形容词 副词比较级的不规则变化 注 需一一记住典型的不规则词 1 Ifyouwanttobethinnerandhealthier you dbettereat foodandtake exercise more fewerB more lessC fewer moreD less more 2 Whichdoyoulike teaorcoffee goodB betterC bestD thebetter D B Thepinkbagisas asthepurpleone big 同级比较 Linglingruns

8、as asLiLei fast 肯定句 TaraisasfriendlyasTina Tara和Tina一样友好 TaraworksashardasTina Tara工作和Tina一样努力 一 句型 as as 和 一样表示修饰的两种东西的程度是一样的 否定句 Lilyisnotso astallasMary 莉莉不如玛丽高 莉莉比玛丽矮 Taradoesn tworkso ashardasTina Tara工作不如Tina努力 Tina工作比Tara更努力 notas so as 不如 比不上 表示前者不如 比不上后者 二 句子结构 1 形容词同级比较常用的句型结构 A和B比较 A be动词

9、 as 形容词的原级 as Be g Sheisasquietasyou Youareasthinasyoursister Thisrulerisaslongasthatone 以as as为例 2 副词同级比较常用的句型结构 A和B比较 A 动词 as 副词的原级 as Be g PeterrunsasslowlyasTony TaraworksashardasTina 一些带有as as结构的常见短语归纳 asbusyasabee像蜜蜂一样忙碌aseasyasABC像ABC一样容易asdeepasawell像井一样深aslightasafeather像羽毛一样轻assoftasbutter

10、像黄油一样软asrichasaJew像犹太人一样富裕 20kgheavier 15kgheavy many more Usethewordstowritequestionsandanswers 3a 1 Julie tall youQ A No sheisn t She s thanme 2 Jack run fast SamQ A No hedoesn t Heruns thanSam IsJulieastallasyou taller DoesJackrunasfastasSam faster 3 Yourcousin outgoing youQ A No sheisn t She s t

11、hanme 4 Paul funny CarolQ A No hedoesn t He s thanCarol Isyourcousinasoutgoingasyou moreoutgoing IsPaulasfunnyasCarol funnier 3c Compareyourparents Check whoissmarter funnier etc inthechart Thenaskyourpartnerabouthis herparents A Whoissmarter yourmotheroryourfather B Ithinkmymotherissmarterthanmyfather Good better bestGood better best Neverletitrest Tillgoodisbetter Andbetterisbest Rhyme Summary 1 形容词 副词的比较级变化规则 不规则变化2 同级比较as as notas so as Writedownthesameanddifferentbetweenyouandafriend Homework Thankyou everyone Bye Bye



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