广东省河源中国教育学会中英文实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Topic 2 How about exploring Tian’anmen Square Section A教学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版

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广东省河源中国教育学会中英文实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Topic 2 How about exploring Tian’anmen Square Section A教学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版_第1页
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广东省河源中国教育学会中英文实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Topic 2 How about exploring Tian’anmen Square Section A教学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版_第2页
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广东省河源中国教育学会中英文实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Topic 2 How about exploring Tian’anmen Square Section A教学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版_第3页
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广东省河源中国教育学会中英文实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Topic 2 How about exploring Tian’anmen Square Section A教学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版_第4页
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《广东省河源中国教育学会中英文实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Topic 2 How about exploring Tian’anmen Square Section A教学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省河源中国教育学会中英文实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Topic 2 How about exploring Tian’anmen Square Section A教学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6 Topic 2 How about exploring Tiananmen Square Section A学习目标与要求:学习有关发出邀请、提出请求和建议及应答的话题掌握由while和when引导的时间状语从句的用法。第一段:【短课导学】 组织学生独立完成。模块一:自主学习学习内容摘 记Step 1 Read and listen.1.Read and learn these words: receive, postcard, vacation, explore,camp, work out,seaside2.Listen to 1a and tick the pictures

2、 according to what you hear. Finish P35-1b.3.Watch the video and read after it.Step2 初读-感悟短文。1.Read P35-36 and underline the following phrases and sentences.1) Glad to receive your postcard.2) I was busy preparing for my exams.(短语:忙于做某事_ 为做准备_)3) on vacation度假 (拓展:on sale 热销中on line在线 on business出差

3、on holiday度假)4)Im looking forward to meeting him. 5) make a plan制订一个计划(计划做某事_)6) know more about camping (P36-4) 7) go to the seaside 去海边_(P36-4)8)work out_ Step3 品读-读出理解。(自主学习:要求独立、安静完成)1. 仔细阅读P35-1a文本,完成P35-1c的练习。2. 语言点梳理。2.1 Glad to receive your postcard. 很高兴收到你的明信片。【归纳】(1)表示“很高兴做某事”的短语是:_ _ _ st

4、h.【归纳】(2)_的意思是“收到,接收到”,表示客观上收到某物。 观察例句:I received a letter from my brother once a month those years.那些年,我每月都收到来自我弟弟的信。【归纳】“收到某人某物”的短语是:_ sth _ sb.【拓展】我们还学过一个表“接受”的意思的单词,它是:_ 它指的是主观上的“接受”【反馈训练】 I _(收到)his invitation (邀请函)but I didnt _(接受)it.2.2 But now I am on vacation. 但是我现在在度假。【归纳】表示“在度假”的短语是:_. on

5、 在这里指“处于状态或情况”。类似的用法还有很多,请看以下例句: My parents are on holiday. 我爸爸在度假。 “在度假”的短语是:_ All the things here are on sale. 这里的所有东西都热销中。“热销中” 的短语是:_ My father is on business. 我爸爸在出差。 “在出差” 的短语是:_ My mother doesnt allow me to be on line for long. 我妈妈不准我上网太久。 “在上网” 的短语是:_ _2.3 How about exploring the Ming Tombs?

6、 去考察十三陵怎么样?【归纳】表示“做怎么样?”的句型是:_ /_ _ _sth?【链接】同学们,我们学过几个表示提建议的句型,请你看以下例句,回忆一下这句句型结构:What/ How about going shopping today? 今天逛街怎么样?表示“做怎么样?”的句型是:_/_ _ _ sth?Would you like to go swimming? 你想(愿意)去游泳吗?表示“愿意(想要)做某事”的句型是:_ _ _ _ sth?Why dont you come along with us? = Why not come along with us? 你为什么不和我们一块

7、去呢?表示“为什么不?的句型结构是:_ _ _do sth? =_ _ do sth?Shall we eat out tonight?今晚我们出去吃饭好吗?“我们做好吗”:_ _ _ sth?Lets go shopping tomorrow. 我们明天去购物吧。表示“让某人做某事”是:_ sb. _ sth.2.4 While you were enjoying your trip, I was busy preparing for my exams. 当你正在享受旅行时,我正忙着准备考试。【归纳】表示“当的时候”的单词有:_和_. 请观察例句,总结出while和when的用法: The

8、accident happened while we were having dinner. 事故发生时,我们正在吃饭。 It began to rain when I got home. 当我到家时,天开始下雨了。 He was listening to music while he was doing his homework. 他边做作业边听音乐。【思考】观察例句, having dinner 是一个短暂性动词还是延续性动词呢? 答:_观察例句,got home是一个短暂性动词还是延续性动词呢? 答:_【归纳】while和when, 都有“当的时候”的意思,通过观察例句, _ 引导的是延

9、续性动词,更侧重于强调 “和同时” 的意思。通过观察例句_ 引导短暂性动词,更侧重强调主语的动作。通过观察例句两个动作同时进行即用进行时的用_【反馈训练】( )- What were you and your sister doing at this time yesterday, Lucy? -I was doing my homework _ she was listening to music. A. when B. while C. if D. that 第二段:【长课导学】模块二:交流研讨研讨内容摘 记内容一:小组成员之间交换讲学稿,看看同学的答案与你的有什么不同。把你的意见直接标注

10、;内容二:按照组长的分工,每位同学选择一个内容向全组同学进行交流。如有不同意见,请直接 提出或质疑。内容三:理解下列句子并背诵。1. While you were enjoying your trip to Mount Tai, I was busy preparing for my exams. 你在享受旅游泰山之乐时,我正忙着准备考试。2. But now Im on vacation. 不过现在我在度假了。3. Would you help me make a plan to explore Beijing before he comes? 在他不之前,你能帮我制订一个考察北京的计划吗?

11、4. Could you come along with me? 你和我们一起来好吗?5. Shall we take him there? 我们带他去那儿好吗? 模块三:巩固内化学习任务摘 记任务一:背诵模块二中的五个句子并试着默写出来。任务二:Listening training. Finish P36-4任务三:Finish P36-2.and 3. 课题:Unit6 Topic2 How about exploring Tiananmen Square? P35-36 Section A 第1课时 授课时间 第5周周日 班级 姓名 模块四:当堂训练(独立完成)老师的话:复杂的事情简单做

12、,简单的事情认真做,认真做的事情重复做,重复做的事情创造性做!一时专一事,做最好的自己,你一定成功!一、单项选择。( )1. - Are you going to watch Yao Mings game tonight? - _ Im a big fan of his. A. You bet! B. Im sorry to hear that. C. No way! D. Sure. That would be very nice.( ) 2. - Can you finish the work before he _ tomorrow? - No problem. A. will get

13、there B. come back C. leaves for Shanghai D. will arrive( ) 3. It was raining _ I arrived at the station. A. as B. while C. when D. as soon as( ) 4. We _ in the forest last weekend when it began to rain. A. enjoyed camping B. were enjoying camping C. enjoyed to camp D. were enjoying to camp( ) 5. Did you _ presents _ your friends on your bir


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