广东省河源中国教育学会中英文实验学校九年级英语上册《Unit 1 Topic 3 The world has changed for the better(第4课时)》讲学稿(无答案)(新版)仁爱版

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广东省河源中国教育学会中英文实验学校九年级英语上册《Unit 1 Topic 3 The world has changed for the better(第4课时)》讲学稿(无答案)(新版)仁爱版_第1页
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广东省河源中国教育学会中英文实验学校九年级英语上册《Unit 1 Topic 3 The world has changed for the better(第4课时)》讲学稿(无答案)(新版)仁爱版_第2页
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广东省河源中国教育学会中英文实验学校九年级英语上册《Unit 1 Topic 3 The world has changed for the better(第4课时)》讲学稿(无答案)(新版)仁爱版_第3页
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广东省河源中国教育学会中英文实验学校九年级英语上册《Unit 1 Topic 3 The world has changed for the better(第4课时)》讲学稿(无答案)(新版)仁爱版_第4页
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《广东省河源中国教育学会中英文实验学校九年级英语上册《Unit 1 Topic 3 The world has changed for the better(第4课时)》讲学稿(无答案)(新版)仁爱版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省河源中国教育学会中英文实验学校九年级英语上册《Unit 1 Topic 3 The world has changed for the better(第4课时)》讲学稿(无答案)(新版)仁爱版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 Topic 3 The world has changed for the better学习目标:1. 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,复习现在完成时和重点表达法。2. 介绍“Project Hope” ,让学生了解更多的公益组织,从而激发学生关注不同的社会组织,倡导学生积极加入公益组织帮助他人。第一段:【短课导学】 模块一:自主学习学习内容摘 记Step1. Introduction1. Read through Sections A-C.2. P23, finish grammar and functions. Step2 初读-感悟课文。1. Leading. Show some

2、 logos to the students, what does it stand for ?(PPT)2. Pre-reading. 1).What do you know about Project Hope? 2).What can you do for it? 3. Read 1a and answer the questions. Finish 1b. Step3 听读-感悟课文。1. Watch the flash and check 1b。2. Play the flash again, students read after it.Step4 品读-读出理解。(自主学习:要求

3、独立、安静完成)一、Read P9-1a and underline the following phrases and sentences.(在课本上划出下列内容)1) by 2020截至2020年 2) Project Hope has made important contributions to both the education and the health of children. 希望工程为孩子的教育和健康做出了重大贡献。(make important contributions to为做出贡献)3) Project Hope has encouraged the moral

4、development and modern thinking of students. 希望工程鼓励了孩子的道德发展和现代意识。(链接:鼓励某人做某事_)4) as a result 因此 5)help one another 互帮互助 6)have an unhappy future 有一个不幸的未来二、语言点的梳理:1区分一般过去时和现在完成时两种时态。【归纳】1.含义的不同:一般过去时:表示过去所发生的事情。 现在完成时:表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,强调现在。2. 用法不同: Mr Wang bought a car last year. 王先生去年买了车。 Mr Wang h

5、as bought a car . 王先生已经买了车。(拥有车但没提什么时候买的)一般过去时常与过去的时间状语连用,如昨天_,1小时前_,去年_在2020年_等。而现在完成时却不能。Eg: Have you ever come to France? 你曾经去过法国吗? I have kept the book for two weeks. 这本书我已经借了两周。 His father has died. 他的父亲已经去世了。现在完成时能与ever连用,这类副词还有:已经_, just_, 从不_等。还能和表示一段时间的状语连用,如:for+ _(时间段、时间点),since + _,since

6、 + _ +ago, since +_【练一练】1.1. I _(buy) a computer last year. I _(buy) it for one year.1.2. His mother _(come) to Cuba four years ago. So his mother _(come)in Cuba for four years.2. Project Hope has made important contributions to both the education and the health of children.希望工程为孩子的教育和健康做出了重大贡献。【归纳】

7、:表达“为作贡献”结构是:_【练一练】( )2.1. We all should make a contribution to _ our environment. A. protects B. to protect C. protecting D. protect 第二段:【长课导学】 模块二:交流研讨研讨内容摘 记内容一:小组成员核对模块一中的语言点梳理,将不懂的内容提出来。模块三:巩固内化学习任务任务一:Finish P24-2. Complete the passage with the correct forms of the given words.任务二:熟读Project Ho

8、pe.Unit1 Topic 3 The world has changed for the better. Section D P 23-24第4课时 授课时间:第3周周 姓名 模块四:当堂训练老师的话:复杂的事情简单做,简单的事情认真做,认真做的事情重复做,重复做的事情创造性做!一时专一事,做最好的自己,你一定成功!一、 句型转换。1. A. They came to our school in 1980. B. They _ _ _ our school since 1980.2. A. The man died five years ago. B. The man _ _ _ for

9、five years.3. A. The meeting began two minutes ago. B. The meeting _ _ _ for two minutes.4. A. We borrowed two books last week. B. We _ _ the books since last week.二、单项选择。( ) 1.Many poor families in China cant afford an education _ their children. They need help. A. as B. for C. to D. with( ) 2Ameri

10、ca provides free education _ the children. A. at B. with C. to D. for( )3. Project Hope has _ 2.5 million yuan _ poor students education and sent 2.3 million students to high schools. A. spent ; in B. cost ; on C. paid; for D. took ; to( )4. Most of schools _about ten thousand yuan from students dur

11、ing the earthquake of 2020. Everyone is kind-hearted in China. A. raised B. raise C. raises D. have raised( )5. If each of us _ the environment , the world will become more beautiful. -I agree with you. A. takes measures to protect B. make a contribution to protecting C. makes a contribution to prot

12、ect( )6. The cleaners make a great contribution to _ the city clean. A. kept B. keeping C. keep D. be kept三、根据汉语意思完成句子。1. 这家旅店为顾客提供免费的早餐。The hotel _ breakfast without paying _ its customers.2. 希望工程已经成功地帮助了数百万贫困学生,但它仍然有大量工作要做。Project Hope has succeeded in helping millions of poor students. It still _ a lot of work _ _.3. 用这些钱,他帮助无家可归的人修建房屋。_the money, he helped the homeless people build the houses.



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