七年级英语下册 单词巧学妙记 第5组素材 人教新目标版

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1、第5组helpv. 帮助【例句】Can you help me? 你能帮我一个忙吗?Let me help you get the ball.我能帮你拿到球。【助记】Hello(你好),请帮帮忙(help)。【用法】动词help后的动词可用动词原形也可用to十动词原形。help sb. (to) do sth.(帮助某人做某事);Help oneself to(请随便吃)pursen. 钱包【例句】Whats in your purse? 你的钱包里有什么?There is no money in his purse. 他钱包里没有钱。moneyn. 钱;货币【例句】Theres some m

2、oney in it. 有一些钱在钱包里。Time is money. 一寸光阴一寸金。【用法】make money(挣钱);lose money(亏本)worryv.(使)担忧【例句】Dont worry. 不要着急。What do you worry about? 你担心什么? 【助记】wor(war,战争)ry 美伊战争使人担心。【用法】worry后面接about介词短语,表示为某人或某事担心、忧虑。fiftynum. 五十【例句】Let me see. Er, fifty yuan, I think. 呃,我想是50元。The little boy can count from one

3、 to fifty. 那个小男孩能从一数到五十。【助记】fifty(五十)five(五)colourn. 颜色【例句】What colour is the purse? 钱包是什么颜色的?I like the colour TV. 我喜欢彩色电视。【助记】cola(可乐)的colour(颜色)是棕色的。blackadj. 黑色的【例句】Its black. 它是黑色的。Mr. Black has a black car. 布莱克先生有一辆黑色的小汽车。【助记】Black (布莱克)先生的头发是black(黑色的)。【用法】black and blue(遍体鳞伤);in black and wh

4、ite(白纸黑字);black and white(黑白图案)housen. 房子【例句】Theres a big tree behind Toms house. 汤姆的屋后有一棵大树。There are some flowers around the house. 房屋的周围有些花。【助记】选一间house(房子),当成自己的home(家)。 smalladj. 小的【例句】Theres a small bed. 有一张小床。The box is too small. Do you have a big one?这个盒子太小,你有大的吗? 【助记】small(小的)ball(球)【用法】sm

5、all“小”,侧重体积、数字、力量等,反义词为large;little指具体的人或物时,一般带有赞赏、爱怜等感情色彩,反义词为great。playhousen. 儿童游戏房【例句】There is a small playhouse in the big tree. 大树上有一间小小的游戏室。the Oxford Playhouse 牛津戏院 【助记】play(玩耍)+house(房间)likev. 喜欢【例句】Do you like tea or coffee? 你喜欢茶还是咖啡?The children like watching TV. 孩子们喜欢看电视。【用法】like十动词原形,表示

6、喜欢做某事,也可说成like十动词ing此时表示习惯性的爱好。playv. 玩;打(球)【例句】Tom and his friends like to play in the tree house. 汤姆和他的朋友们喜欢在里面玩耍。I like playing football, and he likes playing the violin. 我喜欢踢足球,而他喜欢拉小提琴。【用法】play后接球类运动的名词时,不用定冠词the;后接乐器时要用定冠词the。upadv. 在上面;在高处;向上;起来【例句】Hes up there in the tree with Bill. 他和比尔在树上。

7、Put your hand up if you know the answer. 知道答案的人把手举起来。【用法】get up(起床);go up(上升);look up(查阅);put up(建起);send up(发射);keep up with(赶上);give up(放弃);call up(打电话)withprep. 和【例句】I live with my parents. 我与父母住在一起。I often go shopping with my mother on Sunday. 在星期天我经常和妈妈一起买东西。【用法】go on with(继续做某事);be pleased wit

8、h(对满意)greatadv.(口语)好极了;很好【例句】You look great.你看起来气色很好。Thats great! 太好了!【用法】Great!用于表示赞成、赞扬或兴奋的感情时的常用语。【助记】green(绿色的)麦苗,great(伟大的)农民。lookn. 瞧;看 have a look看一看【例句】Lets go and have a look. 我们去看一看吧。Let me have a look at your photos. 让我看一看你的照片。【用法】have a look 看一看,后面如果接宾语要用have a look at形式。ping-pongn. 乒乓球【

9、例句】Theres a ping-pong ball, too. 还有一个乒乓球在书包里。Do you like playing ping-pong? 你喜欢打乒乓球吗?how many多少【例句】How many children are there? 有多少孩子?How many birds are there in the tree?树上有几只鸟?【用法】how many后常跟可数名词的复数形式。how many和它后面的复数名词是一个完整的词组,不能分开。kiten. 风筝【例句】How many kites are there? 有多少只风筝?Its fine today. Lets

10、 fly kites. 今天天气很好,咱们去放风筝。youngadj. 年轻的;幼小的【例句】They look young. 他们看起来很年轻。Whos that young woman? 那个年轻女子是谁?pioneern. 先锋 Young Pioneer少先队员【例句】Some Young Pioneers are planting the trees. 一些少先队员在植树。They are all Young Pioneers. 他们都是少先队员。menn. (pl. man的复数形式)男人;人【例句】Some men are singing. 一些男人在唱歌。【用法】(参见Unit

11、 5)womenn.(pl. woman的复数形式)妇女;女人 【例句】Some women are dancing.一些妇女在跳舞。【用法】(参见Unit 5)onlyadv. 仅仅;只【例句】There is only one. 只有一只。Only doctor can do that. 只有医生才能这样做。workn. 工作 at work在工作【例句】Theyre at work. 他们在工作。【用法】(参见Unit 8)skyn. 天空【例句】There are many kites in the sky. 天空中有许多风筝。The sky is blue. 天是蓝的。countv.

12、 数;点数【例句】Let me count. 让我来数一数吧。The children are learning to count. 孩子们在学数数。【助记】count(数数)这件coat(外套)有几个扣子。rivern.江、河【例句】There is a boat on the river. 河里有一只船。There is a great river near the village. 在村庄附近有条大河。【助记】r(两条支流汇成一个主流) riverdogn.狗【例句】Is there a dog in the picture? 在图画里有一只狗吗?The dogs are the bes

13、t friends of the people. 狗是人类最好的朋友。lightn. 灯【例句】Is there a light on the table? 桌上有一盏灯吗? Please turn off the light before you leave. 在你离开前把灯关掉。 【助记】房间光线(light)明暗度正好(right)。anyadj. 什么;一些;任何的【例句】Are there any pears in the picture? 画里有梨吗?Do you have any friends in this city? 在这个城市你有朋友吗?【用法】any用于否定句、疑问句中

14、表示“一些”。animaln. 动物【例句】Are there any animals in it? 画里有动物吗?Cats, horses and rats are animals. 猫、马、老鼠都属于兽类。peoplen. 人;人们【例句】There are five people in my family. 我家有五口人。If you do that, people will start to talk. 如果你那样做的话,人们会说闲话。littleadj.& adv. 小的;一点儿;稍许【例句】Peter, wheres my little cat? 彼得,我的小猫在哪儿?The li

15、ttle match girl is very poor. 这个卖火柴的小女孩十分可怜。【用法】little, a little用来修饰不可数名词,a little表示肯定,little表示否定。sheepn. 绵羊【例句】Theres no cat here, but there is a little sheep. 这里没有猫,但有只小羊。There are many sheep in Australia. 在澳大利亚有很多的羊。【用法】sheep单、复数同形。come on 来吧;跟着来;赶快【例句】Come on, Kitty! 过来,凯蒂。Come on, well be late for school. 快点吧,我们上学要迟到了。【用法】come


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