七年级英语上册 Moudle 1 Unit 3 Language in use学案(无答案)(新版)外研版

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1、Moudle 1 Unit 3 Language in use学习目标 1 learning the new words. 2 learning the new phases and sentenses. 3情感目标 通过小组讨论、竞赛及探究性活动等,激发并强化学生的学习兴趣,培养学生乐于与他人合作的品质重点难点 Whats your / his / her name? How old are you / is he / is she?My / His / Her name is I am / Im/ Hes / Shesyears old.Where are you / is he / is

2、 she / are they from?Im / Hes / Shes / Theyre from学习方法自主学习,重难点适时点拨。学 习 过 程 修订Step1 words Nice to meet you知识点总结 1. be from + 地点 来自be (is, am, are ) “be from + 地名 = come from +地名 ” 来自某地 (和要随主语的变化而变化) eg: Im from Shanghai. = I come from Shanghai.Im not from English and Im not English. / Hes from Beijin

3、g and hes in my class. / 2. This is Daming. Hes my friend. / These are my parents.人物介绍:介绍一个人时由This,介绍几个人时用These.3. Im in Class One, Grade Seven. 班级、年级与数字并列使用时首字母都要大写。4.-Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you, too.当谈到与前一个人有相同的事或行为时,用too “也”, 常用于肯定句句末,用逗号跟前面隔开。 Im a student,too.5.系动词 be (is, am, are) 动词的

4、用法。我(I)用am , 你(you) 用are, is用于他he (她she、它it)。 其他的:单数用is,复数用are。含be 动词句子的陈述句、否定句、一般疑问句1)陈述句:This is my bag. / She is my daughter. / They are his parents.2)否定句:含有be (is, am, are) 动词的句子在变否定句时,在be(is, am, are)动词后加not即可:This is not my bag. / They are not my bag.(is not = isnt , are not = arent , 但是am not

5、 无缩略形式)3)一般疑问句:含有be (is, am, are) 动词的句子在变一般疑问句时,只要把be(is, am, are)调到句子主语的前面(句首)且要大写即可(注意:要是碰到第一人称改为第二人称,I am改为Are you ; We are改为Are you; my改为your;our改为your),句末变问号。He is my brother.Is he your brother? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.They are his grandparents.Are they his grandparents? Yes, they are. / No,

6、they arent.I am a student.Are you a student? Yes, I am. / No, Im not.注意:回答时,后面的主语用代词,不能用名词。6 人称代词与物主代词: 达 标 检 测 共 分 第 周 月 日 年级 班 组 号 姓名 得分 一 选择正确答案填空。 (每小题2分,共20分)( )1. Let _ help you.A. I B. me C. my D. mine( )2. What _ Tom reading?A am B is C are D does( )3._Mary _ in a hospital ?A. Is work B. Are

7、 working C. Do works D. Does work( )4.-_is the post office?- It is across from the bank .A. Where B. What C. When D. Who( )5. -Is this your pencil sharpener?-_.A Yes, it is B No, it is C Its a book6 ( ) This is _ backpack. _ is over there.A him; Hers B her; His C my; Her( )7. She _from Africa. A. s

8、B. are C. come D. am( )8. . They _ tennis now?A. play B. are playing C. played D. plays( )9. Lets _.A. go home B.to go home C.goes home D.going home( )10. _there a bank near here ?A. Are B. Is C. Am D. Be二 根据上下文意思完成对话(10分)A: Is t _ (1) your room?B: Yes, I _ (2) is.A: Where I_ (3) your baseball?B: It

9、s u _ (4) the bed.A: Where is y _ (5) backpack?B: Its o_ (6) the chair.A; Are your books I_(7)your backpack?B: No, t_(8)a_(9)。They are o_(10)the desk.书面表达(10分)根据下列表格的内容,写一篇60个词左右的短文介绍你的朋友Kathy。Name KathyAge 16School No. 14 Middle SchoolLikes Food beef, hamburgers, fishSports swimming, tennisDislikes Food rice, ice creamSports football_


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