2020年秋七年级英语上册 Lesson 18 We All Look Different导学案1(无答案)(新版)冀教版

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1、Lesson 18 We All Look Different 科目English课题Lesson 18: We All Look Different!课型New lesson学 习 目 标知识与能力:掌握单词:different,cute, twelve, blond, thirteen,almost, funny, glass. look different /cool/cute/funny look like 并能熟练运用 句型:What does he she look like? He/ She has过程与方法: 自主学习、合作探究、讨论练习情感态度和价值观:激情投入,大胆展示,为

2、团队增光添彩。重点:1.能熟练使用本课的短语What does she/he look like? He/ She has2.学会用简单的语言描述自己和他人的外貌难点:人称代词的使用和形容词的运用学法指导:阅读理解对话,在文中勾画出生词、短语和句型,完成预习自测题目。将预习中不能解决的问题标出来。知识链接:了解中西方文化的差别。学习流程一【预习指导】(一)英汉互译1. 看起来潇洒。_ 2. 看起来可爱。 _3. 他长的怎么样。 _4.差不多12岁。 _5.戴眼镜。 _ 6.黑色短发。 _7.3根黑发 _8.He is big and tall. _9.He looks cool. _10.Sh

3、e has short blond hair. _(二). 根据首字母用相应的单词填空1. The girl is c_. Everyone likes her. 2. We are not the same. We are d_. 3. The story is very f_. We all like to read it. 4. My grandmother often wears a pair of g_. 5. A_ all the students pass the exam. 二【互动探究,合作求解】探究一:We all look different.我们看起来不同.1).loo

4、k系动词 “看上去”, 后面接形容词作表语. 类似的动词还有fee l “摸上去”, taste “尝起来”,smell “闻起来”. 如:1.它摸上去很硬. It feels hard.2.肉尝起来很香. The meat tastes delicious. 3.这汤味道很好. The soup smells good.2).different作形容词,意为“不同的”,可以作表语,也可以作定语。如:The clothes are different.这些衣服不一样。(different作表语) They are in different classes.(作定语) different的反义词

5、是same 词组:be different from与不同,它的反义词组是the same as与相同。如:My bag is different from your bag.我的书包和你的书包不一样。【火眼金睛】 1.这个小女孩看起来很可爱。The little girl _ _ .2. Please _at the blackboard! 请看黑板!3.Your dress is different _her dress.Aof Bfrom Cto Dat探究二:What does she /he look like?她/他长什么样? What do /does sb look like?

6、表示“某人长得什么样子”,用来询问某人长相如何,回答时可用“主语+be+形容词.”或“主语+have/has+形容词+名词。”两种方式来描述人的外表。其中look like “看起来像”指外观或外貌上长得像。其中like是“像,如同”如:-What does the woman look like? -Shes tall and thin./She has long legs and long arms.那位妇女长的怎么样?她是高而且很瘦。/ 他有长腿和长胳臂。【火眼金睛】1你的朋友长什么样子? What _your friend_ _? 2 这个男孩看起来像他The boy_ _his fa

7、ther .探究三:She has short blond hair.她有一头金色短发。当一个句子中同时有长短,颜色两个形容词来修饰同一个名词时,通常把长短放在颜色之前。如:She has long blank hair.她有一头长长的黑发。【火眼金睛】1.-露西有双蓝色的大眼睛。Lucy has _ _eyes.2. Tims hair is short.Its blond. ( 合并为一句)Tim has _ _hair.探究四:He has three blank hairs.他有三根黑头发。Hair 常用作不可数名词,指“满头的白发”;也可以用作可数名词,指“一根头发”,其复数形式为h

8、airs.如:Our English teacher has a few grey hairs.我们的英语老师有几根银发。 【火眼金睛】1.I have blank_, but my grandmother has some white _.Ahair; hairs Bhairs; hair Chair; hair Dhairs; hairs 探究五:He looks funny.他看起来很滑稽。Funny 形容词,意为“有趣的,可笑的,滑稽的”。它的名词形式是fun.funny形容词有趣的,滑稽可笑的,爱开玩笑的侧重点是让人觉得好玩,滑稽或好笑fun名词形容词娱乐,乐趣(不可数名词)有趣的,

9、愉快的强调有趣,好玩如:They have fun.他们玩得很高兴。(fun作名词)We have a fun night.我们过了一个愉快的夜晚。(fun作名词 )The story is very funny.这个故事非常滑稽。【火眼金睛】1.My brother looks_.(fun)2.We have fun _(play) with the little dog.三【当堂检测】一根据汉语完成句子。 1. The two _are made of _.这两个杯子是由玻璃做成的。2. We look _.We dont come _the _countries .我们长得不同。我们来自

10、不同的国家 3. She has _ _hair.她有一头金黄色的短头发。 4. I _ _.我戴眼镜。5. I _ _.我来自中国。 6. - _ _ she _ _.?- -She is very beautiful.她长得怎么样?她很漂亮。二. 【熟练运用,拓展延伸】1). 选择( )1.Danny looks _.Do you like him ? A fun B a fun C funs D funny ( )2.-How old _your brother ? -He is fourteen _ old . A am, year B is , years C are ,years

11、D is year ( )3.-_? -He is very cool. A How tall is he B Where is he C What colour is he D What does he look like ( )4. He has _hair. A black long B long black C red short D brown long ( ) 5 .The girl _. A. wear glasses B. wears glass C. wearing glasses D .wears glasses ( )6.Tom has four _.A. red lon

12、g hair B .long red hair C. long red hairs D. red long hairs ( )7.Are his legs long or short?-_.A .Yes,they are. B.No, they arent. C. Theyre short. D .It is long. ( )8. My teacher tells me _up late.A . to not stay B.not to stay C. not stay to D .not stay2).句型转换 1. Liu Xiang looks cool.(对划线部分提问) _ _ L

13、iu Xiang _ _? 2. Her hair is red (对划线部分提问) _? 3. She has green eyes .(改为否定句) _ 4. His nose is small .(改为同义句) He has _ _ _. 5.I have an old skirt.(改为一般疑问句 _ _ _an old skirt?6.He has big,bown eyes.(改为同义句) _ eyes_big and brown.7. I do my homework. (改否定句) I _ _ my homework.3)完形填空 (20分,每题2分)Mingming, look 26 the



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