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1、Lesson77 Terribletoothache要命的牙痛 Warmup Howdoyouprotectyourteeth Revision 1 Iwanttobuyap ofshoes 2 Theyworkedveryh 3 Whendidyouw television 4 Don tj offthewall 5 MyfatherwenttoDaliantwomontha air ard atch ump go Revision 1 sizedoyouwant Sizesix A WhereB WhatC What sD Which s2 I oneofmyfriendsinthestr

2、eetlastweek A ammeetingB meetsC metD meet3 What you onSundays A did doB do didC did didD do do4 Mymother abeautifuldressformeyesterday A buysB buyC boughtD buyed B C D C nurse dentist Mr Croft Lesson77Terribletoothache Raina Listenandanswer Whattimeisit doyouthink Whatdidthenursesaytotheman Canhewai

3、t appointmentn 预约区别 daten 约会 mentn 名词后缀以ment结尾的词通常是名词 词汇 Pointv 指 指向用法 pointto 人 物指着 指向 例句 不要指着我 Don tpointtome pointout指出 问题 例句 他指出了这个机器的问题 Hepointedthismachine sproblem 词汇 Urgenta 紧急的 急迫的搭配 紧急会议urgentmeeting例句 我们有一件紧要的事情 Wehaveanurgentthing tillprep 直到 为止 词汇 填空 1Tom appointment withthedoctor hehas

4、atoothache 2Lily not gotosleepuntil10 00o clock 3Pleasebequick It svery 紧急的 试着做做吧 hasanappointment didn t urgent Answerquestions 1 Whodoyouwanttosee 2 Doyouhaveanappointment 3 Isiturgent 4 What swrongwithyou 5 Canyoucomeat10a m 6 Canyoucomeat2p m 7 Canyouwaittillthisafternoon Goodmorning Mr Croft Go

5、odmorning nurse Iwanttoseethedentist please Doyouhaveanappointment No Idon t wanttodosth wantsth haveagoodtimehavelunchhaveabath LanguagePoints 1 Iwanttoseethedentist wanttodosth 想要做某事eg Iwanttoplaycomputergames wantsb todosth 想要某人做某事eg Mymotherwantsmetogoabroad Isiturgent Yes itis Itisveryurgent If

6、eelawful Ihaveaterribletoothache Ifeelhappy Hefeelsill haveaheadachehaveafever Canyoucomeat10a m onMondayApril24th Imustseethedentistnow nurse Thedentistisverybusyatthemoment Canyoucomeat2p m 2 Canyoucomeat10a m onMonday April24th 注 英语中时间和地点按从小到大的顺序排列 十时间为月日年或日月年eg IlivedinShiJiazhuangCity HebeiProv

7、ince China Thatisverylate Canthedentistseemenow I mafraidthathecan t Mr Croft Can tyouwaittillthisafternoon Icanwait butmytoothachecan t till 不能用与句首 until可以放在句首 1 prep用于肯定句 与延续性动词相连 直到 为止Ihavebeentheretilllastweek我在那儿一直呆到上个星期用于否定句 与短暂性动词相连 在 之前 直到 才 Don tcallmetilleighto clock在八点之前给我打电话3 conj主句为肯定句

8、谓语为延续性动词 直到 为止 IlivedinthecountrytillIwasfifteen我在乡下一直住到十五岁主句为否定句 谓语为短暂性动词 在 之前 直到 才 Hedidn tcomebacktillhefinishedhishomework直到完成作业他才回来 Not until句型 1 陈述句not until 直到 才例 LastnightIdidn tgotobeduntil11o clock 昨晚我11点钟才睡觉 2 强调句Itwasn tuntil that 直到 才 例 Itwasn tuntilyesterdaythatIgotyourletter 我直到昨天才收到你

9、的来信 3 倒装句Notuntil did 直到 才 例 NotuntilIbegantoworkdidIrealizehowmuchtimeIhadwasted 直到我开始工作 我才意识到我已蹉跎了很多岁月 3 Can tyouwaittillthisafternoon 否定疑问句 表示惊异 反问 失望 责难等语气 通常译为 难道 不 eg Didn tyouknow 难道你不知道吗 Aren tyouastudent 难道你不是学生吗 回答 否定疑问句的答语在形式上与一般疑问句的答语一样 肯定是Yes 否定为No 但翻译成汉语时 Yes要翻译成 不 No要翻译成 对 是的 例如 Isn t

10、heateacher 难道他不是老师吗 Yes heis 不 他是 No heisn t 是的 他不是 Exercise 1 Can tyouseeit AYes Ican BNo Ican CYes Ican t 你难道不是学生吗 是的 我不是 不 我是 Aren tyouastudent No I mnot Yes Iam 课文语言点练习 选择 1 Can tyouwaitthisafternoon A forB atC tillD in 2 Youmustcome2p mFriday A on atB at onC in onD at in 3 I mafraidhecannotseey

11、ounow A andB thatC ofD then C B B Goodmorning Mr Croft Goodmorning nurse Iwanttoseethedentist 看牙医 please Doyouhaveanappointment 预约 No Idon t Isiturgent 急诊吗 Yes itis It sveryurgent Ifeelawful 难受极了 Ihaveaterribletoothache Canyoucomeat10a m onMonday on in April24th Imustseethedentistnow nurse Thedentis

12、tis be适当形式 verybusyatthemoment Canyoucomeat2p m at in on That sverylate Canthedentistseeme I适当形式 now I mafraidthathecan t Mr Croft Can tyouwaittillthisafternoon Icanwait butmytoothachecan t 1 Iwanttoseethedentist please 对红色部分提问Whatdoyouwanttodo 2 Doyouhaveanappointment 变成肯定句Ihaveanappointment 3 Isit

13、urgent 变成肯定句Itisurgent 4 It sveryurgent 变成一般疑问句Isitveryurgent 5 Ifeelawful 对红色部分提问Howdoyoufeel 7 Ihaveaterribletoothache 变成一般疑问句Doyouhaveaterribletoothache 8 Imustseethedentistnow nurse 变成否定句Imustn tneedn tseethedentistnow nurse 8 Thedentistisverybusyatthemoment 对红色部分提问Whoisverybusyatthemoment 9 Can

14、thedentistseemenow 变成肯定句Thedentistcanseeyounow Writtenexercises书面练习ACompletethesesentences 把下列句子改写成过去时 Example Shegoestotowneveryday Shewenttotownyesterday 1Shebuysanewcareveryyear She anewcarlastyear 2Sheairstheroomeveryday She itthismorning 3Heoftenloseshispen He hispenthismorning bought aired los

15、t 开心阅读 根据短文内容判断正 T 误 F MynameisTom Iameleven thisismyroom look thereisadeskandabedinit thebedisnexttothedesk Mybedisred besidethebedisabookshelf mybookareonit onthedeskthereisaclock mycatissleepingnearthedesk myroomissmallbutverynice Ilikeitverymuch 1 Tomistenyearsold 2 Thebedisnexttothedesk 3 There

16、isclockonthewall 4 Tom scatonsleepingonthedesk 5 Thisroomissmallbutverynice Sumup Have1 haveagoodtime abath acake adrink2 havesomemoney someenvelopes3 haveaheadache afever flu anearache Shegoestotownevery Shewenttotownyesterday Shebuysanewcareveryyear She anewcarlastyear Heoftenloseshispen He hispenthismorning Shealwayslistenstothenews She tothenewsyesterday bought lost listened Whendidyou he they Thankyou



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