2020秋九年级英语全册 Unit 13 We&ampamp;#039;re trying to save the earth导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版

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《2020秋九年级英语全册 Unit 13 We&ampamp;#039;re trying to save the earth导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020秋九年级英语全册 Unit 13 We&ampamp;#039;re trying to save the earth导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 13Were trying to save the earth!第一课时Section A(1a2d)Target Navigation【目标导航】Key words and phrases:litter,bottom,fisherman,coal,ugly,advantage,cost,wooden,plastic,make a differenceKey sentences:(1)The river was dirty.Even the bottom of the river was full of rubbish.(2)It used to be so clean.(3)Peo

2、ple are throwing litter into the river.(4)Everyone in this town should play a part in cleaning it up!(5)I used to be able to see stars in the sky.Skills:能听懂关于污染的问题和环境保护的话题;并初步学会用重点句型谈论污染和环保的话题。Emotion:通过听说训练学会谈论污染和环保的话题,使学生认识到污染的严重性,从而培养学生养成爱护环境,保护环境的习惯。The guidance of learning methods【学法指导】听说法;小组合作

3、。Learning important and difficult points【学习重难点】1能听懂关于污染的问题和环境保护的话题;并初步学会用重点句型谈论污染和环保的话题。2掌握并运用Key sentences中的重点句型。Teaching Steps【教学过程】Autonomous Learning Scheme【自主学习方案】预习指导与检测(一)预习指导1预习Page 97、98的生词和短语,根据音标会读记。2朗读Page 97、98的句子,能英汉互译。(二)预习检测.翻译下列单词、短语和句子。1在建的房屋_2手机_3噪音污染_4空气污染_5水污染_6河底_7把扔进_8cut down

4、 air pollution_9takeaway food_10骑自行车的其他优点_11Everyone in this town should play a part in cleaning it up!_(Keys:1.building houses;2.mobile phones;3.noise pollution;4.air pollution;5.water pollution;6.the bottom of the river;7.throwinto;8.减少空气污染;9.外卖食品;10.other advantages of bike riding;11.在这个镇上每个人都应该参

5、与清扫。).完成书中第97页1a的练习:把与污染有关的词进行分类。Classroom Learning Guidance Scheme【课堂导学案】【探究一】1听录音,完成1b的句子。2再听录音,核对答案。【探究二】分角色扮演对话。然后就1a中不同种类的污染编造自己的对话,完成1c。【探究三】听这段采访,圈出杰森和苏珊所谈论的污染的种类。完成2a部分。【探究四】再听,完成2b的句子。【探究五】同桌合作用2a和2b的信息分角色扮演杰森和苏珊的对话。Jason:The air has become really polluted around here.Im getting very worrie

6、d.Susan:Yes,I used to be able to see stars in the sky.Jason:The problem is that【探究六】小组合作完成2d。1学生自读,找出疑惑。2老师解疑并教读对话。3师生、生生分角色扮演对话。【知识点拨】1The air has become really polluted around here.这儿的空气已经被污染了。辨析:turn,get 与become(1)become多指身份、职位等的变化,它强调变化的过程已经完成,后面可接名词或形容词。如:He becomes a teacher.他成了一名老师。(2)get多用于口

7、语,表示一种变化过程,强调的是“渐渐变得”,后常接形容词的比较级形式。如:In winter the days get shorter.冬季白天变得较短。(3)turn指在颜色和性质等方面与以前的完全不同,强调变化的结果。如: Leaves turned brown in the mountains.山里的树叶已变成了棕色。 【小试牛刀】用turn,get 和become填空。Her mother _ angry when she heard the news.Its _ darker and darker outside.The milk has _ bad.(Keys:became;get

8、ting;turned)2To cut down air pollution,we should take the bus or subway instead of driving.为了减少空气污染,我们应该乘坐公共汽车或者地铁,而不是开车。 cut down 意为“减少”,是“动词副词”结构的短语,所带的宾语为名词时,宾语可位于down的前面或后面;为代词时,只能位于down前面。如:Youd better cut the article down to about 2,000 words.你最好能把这篇文章压缩到两千字左右。【拓展】cut down 还可表示“砍倒”的意思。如:They c

9、ut down the big tree.他们砍倒了这棵大树。cut off切断,切除;cutinto 把切成;cut up 切碎;cut in插队。【小试牛刀】单项选择。Did you tell it to Jack?Yes,but we were _ in the middle of our telephone conversation.Acut down Bcut offCcut up Dcut into(Keys:B)3Its good for health and it doesnt cost anything! 它对身体有好处并且不会花费任何东西!辨析:spend,cost,tak

10、e与paytake通常表示“花时间”。主语可以是某事,也可以用于“It takes sb. some time to do sth.”的结构中。spend可以表示“花时间”,也可以表示“花钱”。主语通常是人,常用结构是:sb. spend(s) some time/money on sth./(in) doing sth. pay通常表示“花钱”。主语通常是人,常用结构是:sb. pay(s) so me money for sth. cost通常表示“花钱”。主语通常是物,常用结构是:sth. cost(s) sb. some money【小试牛刀】单项选择。(1)Do you take e

11、xercise every day?Yes.I always _ thirty minutes after supper.Aspend Bcost Ctake Dpay(2)I _ $300 for the bike.Atook Bspent Ccost Dpaid (Keys:(1)A;(2)D)Classroom Evaluation Scheme【课堂评价案】详见当堂训练部分(即学生用书同步练习题)。Teaching Reflection【教学反思】这是第13单元的第一课时,本课时主要通过听说活动让学生初步听懂谈话中涉及的关于污染的问题和环境保护的内容;用重点句型询问并谈论污染和环保的话

12、题。本课时的学习目标主要让学生准确记住单词和短语:litter,bottom,fisherman,coal,ugly,advantage,cost,wooden,plastic,make a difference学会运用谈论污染和环保的句型:The river was dirty.Even the bottom of the river was full of rubbish.It used to be so clean.People are throwing litter into the river.Everyone in this town should play a part in c

13、leaning it up!I used to be able to see stars in the sky.在这节课里,我通过让学生进行小组合作,分组竞赛的方式完成教学任务,课堂气氛热烈,收到了很好的效果。第二课时Section A(3a4c)Target Navigation【目标导航】Key words and phrases:method,cruel,harmful,industry,law,afford,take part in,turn off,pay forKey sentences:(1)Were trying to save the earth.(2)The river u

14、sed to be so clean.(3)The air is badly polluted.(4)No scientific studies have shown that shark fins are good for health.(5)We should help save the sharks.Skills: 进一步学会运用现在进行时、used to句型、被动语态、现在完成时、情态动词等谈论有关污染和环保的话题。Emotion:通过学习有关污染和环保的信息,从而培养学生热爱自己生活的环境的情感,保护环境从小事做起。The guidance of learning methods【学法指导】任务型阅读;归纳、练习、感悟。Learning important and difficult points【学习重难点】1现在完成时;2进一步学会运用现在进行时、used to句型、被动语态、现在完成时、情态动词等谈论有关污染和环保的话题;3任务型阅读。Teaching Steps【教学过程】Autonomous Learning Schem



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