2020年秋七年级英语上册 Unit 7 Shopping课外延伸素材 (新版)牛津版

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1、Unit 7 Shopping英语购物常用语集锦1 顾客进入商店时,店主或店员的常用语:What can I do for youCan(May)I help youIs there anything I can do for youMay(Can) I do something for you以上各句均可译作“我能帮你吗(您要什么)?”2店主或店员想了解顾客想要什么、喜欢什么或向顾客推荐物品时的用语:Which shirt(pen) do you like你想买哪一件衬衫(笔)?What size(color、kind)do you want你想买哪种型号(颜色、种类)?Do you lik

2、e this size(color、kind)你喜欢这种型号(颜色、种类)吗?Is this(Are these)all right这个(这些)可以吗?What about these(those)这些(那些)怎么样?What else would you like你还想要点什么?3顾客要告诉店主或店员想买什么时的用语:Can you show me 你能给我看看吗?I would like(want) some 我想买。Have you got any 你们有吗?Im looking for我想买。4顾客向店主或店员询问价钱或讨价还价时,可以说:How much is it (are the

3、y)多少钱?How much do youask for it(them)这个(些)你要多少钱?What does it come to 一共多少钱?Can it(they) be cheaper 能便宜点吗?Thats too much dear 太贵了。Can you sell it for two yuan 两元钱你卖吗?Can you come down a little 能便宜一点吗?How much do you want 你想要多少钱?5顾客选购物品时,店主和顾客之间交谈的常用语:May I have a look at it(them) 我可以看看吗?Can I try it(

4、them)on 我可以试一试吗?is (are) over there 在那儿。买东西 (Going shopping)走进商店,售货员问你:Anything I can do for you? 您想买什么? 告诉她你要什么: I want a pair of sneakers.我要一双胶底运动鞋。 Give me a kilo of beef jerky. 给我一斤牛肉干。 Could I have a look at the brandname items? 我想看一看名牌商品。 名牌的东西可真太多了,瞧瞧他会说什么:We have a great variety of them in s

5、tock. 这些我们现有许多种类。 We have some real good buys. 我们有些真正的好货。 What kind would you like to see? 您想看什么样的?可真眼花缭乱了,还是由她推荐一下比较好:Can you recommend some to me? 你能不能给我推荐一些?想买一条Lee的牛仔裤,可是价钱还是先问一下再说:How much? 多少钱? 啊,竟然Sheer robbery! 太贵了,简直是抢劫!Thats too expensive.I cant afford it.太贵了,买不起。Can you cut the price a bi

6、t? 您能再便宜点儿吗?We dont usually give discounts. But theyre on special this week. 我们平时不打折扣,但这星期削价出售。We give 30 percent discount off the price.按原价打七折。It comes to 165 yuan, sir. 先生,一百六十五元。嗯,这价钱:Its a real bargain.真便宜。That sounds reasonable.这个价钱听起来还算公道。你根据她的推荐又买了好些东西,售货员热情地问你:Is there anything else you migh

7、t need?您还有什么要买的吗?想想,嗯还想买一双小号的莱尔斯丹凉鞋。不过很可惜Sorry, were out of them today.对不起,今天没有货了。Shopping 购物之一May I help you? 能为您效劳吗?【功能】售货员对顾客的招呼语。【范例】Jim: May I help you?Customer: Yes. Id like two pounds of tomatoes, four heads of lettuce, six oranges and one pound of grapes.吉姆:能为您效劳吗?顾客:好的,我要两磅西红柿,四棵生菜,六个橙子和一磅葡

8、萄。Do you have.? 你有没有?【功能】 询问店家是否有某种商品。【范例】 Jim: May I help you?Customer: Do you have any lettuce?Jim: Yes, sir. Over there, in the second case.吉姆:能为您效劳吗?顾客:有没有生菜?吉姆:有的,先生,在那边,第二个筐里。Im looking for . 我想买【功能】希望知道商店是否有自己想买的物品。【范例】Salesgirl: May I help you, sir?Miguel: Yes. Im looking for a gift for my g

9、irlfriend.Salesgirl: How about a silver Egyptian bracelet? Its fashion these days.Miguel: OK, Ill take one.售货员:先生,能为您效劳吗?米盖尔:我想为我的女朋友买一件礼物。售货员:银质埃及手镯好不好?现在很时兴。米盖尔:好,我买一个。I want to buy him a present. 我想给他买个礼物。【范例】Salesman: May I help you, sir?Customer: Its my sons birthday. I want to buy him a presen

10、t.Salesman: Would he like a baseball mitt? Boys like baseball, you know.Customer: Yes, youre right. 售货员:先生,能为您效劳吗?顾客:我儿子过生日,我想给他买件礼物。售货员:他喜欢棒球手套吗?您知道,男孩子很喜欢棒球。顾客:你说得对。Shopping 购物之二We dont have . today. 今天我们没有卖。【范例】 Customer: Do you have bananas?Jim: Sorry, we dont have bananas today. But the melons

11、are very good today.顾客:你店里有没有香蕉卖?吉姆:对不起,今天没有香蕉。不过今天的甜瓜很不错哟。Its sold out. 卖完了。【范例】Customer: Do you have any spinach?Jim: Sorry, sir. Its sold out。顾客:有菠菜吗?吉姆:对不起,先生,菠菜卖完了。How much is it? 这多少钱?【范例】Laura: This dress is really nice.Friend: How much is it?Laura: Theres no price on the label. Lets ask the

12、salesgirl.劳拉:这条裙子真漂亮。朋友:多少钱?劳拉:标签上没有标价。我们问问售货小姐吧。How much does this dress cost? 这多少钱?【范例】Salesgirl: May I help you?Joanna: How much does this handbag cost?Salesgirl: Ten dollars.售货小姐:能为您效劳吗?乔安娜:这个手提包卖多少钱? 售货小姐:十美元。Shopping 购物之三Whats the price of.? 是什么价钱?【范例】Customer: Whats the price of the potatoes?

13、Jim: Uh. Grandfather, whats the price of the potatoes?Yamamoto: They are forty cents a pound.顾客:马铃薯是什么价钱?吉姆:嗯爷爷,马铃薯是什么价钱?山本:四角一磅。Its ninety-nine cents a pound. 这个九角九分一磅。【范例】 Customer: How much is the spinach?Jim: Its ninety-nine cents a pound.Customer: How much are the eggs?Jim: A dollar a dozen.顾客:

14、菠菜怎么卖的?吉姆:一磅九角九分。顾客:鸡蛋多少钱?吉姆:一打一美元。Theyre five for a dollar. 这些一美元五个。【范例】Customer: How much are the apples?Jim: Theyre five for a dollar.顾客:苹果多少钱?吉姆:一美元五个。May I have a discount? 可以给我打个折吗?【范例】 Laura: How much is this scarf?Salesgirl: Its fifteen dollars.Laura: May I have a discount if I take two?Salesgirl: Sorry.劳拉:这种围巾多少钱?售货员:十五美元。劳拉:如果我买两条,可以打折吗?售货员:对不起,不行。Shopping 购物之四You can have a 10% discount. 可以给你打九折。【范例】Michael: How much are these chairs?Salesman: Twelve dollars for one. You can have a 10% discountif you take a pair.迈克尔:这椅子怎么卖?售货员:十二



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