2020年秋九年级英语上册 Lesson 10 Touch the World导学案(无答案)(新版)冀教版

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1、Lesson 10 Touch the World学 习 目 标单词: blind(瞎的) deaf(聋的) sight(视力) courage(勇气) greatly(非常;很); Planetary Post (行星邮报) well-known=famous(众所周知的) writer(作家); educator(教育家) hearing(听力、听觉) 短语及句型:learn from(向.学习) be well-known for = be famous as(因而著名);at the age of (在岁时) have a high fever(发高烧) betweenand(在和之间

2、) 语法: Attributive clause重点:发展学生的听、说、识记及阅读能力,培养学生语言综合运用能力难点:How to use the phrases and structures of sentences一自主学习了解人物海伦凯勒19世纪美国女作家、教育家、慈善家、社会活动家,盲哑聋人。享年88岁。87年生活在无声、无光的世界中。在十九个月时因患猩红热而被夺去视力和听力。她完成了一系列著作,并致力于为残疾人造福,建立慈善机构,1964年荣获“总统自由勋章”,次年入选美国时代周刊评选“二十世纪美国十大英雄偶像”之一。主要著作有假如给我三天光明、我的生活等。 二要点详解1.Helen

3、 Keller, the well-known writer and educator, died yesterday at the age of 88. 著名的作家和教育家海伦凯勒于昨天逝世,享年88岁。at the age of “在岁的时候” eg: My father joined the army at the age of eighteen. 我父亲18岁参军。2.After she lost her ability to see and hear, she became difficult and wild.在她失去了视力和听力后,她变得难以相处且野蛮。ability n. 能力

4、,其后常接to do sth.或in / for sth.。 eg:Shehad theabilitytoexplainthings clearly andconcisely.她有能力简单扼要地把事情解释清楚3.As Helen grew older, she made a lot of progress and learned to read.make progress “取得进步”eg:I shall act as he advices. Study and make progress step by step.我会按他的建议做,努力学习,一步步地争取进步。三.合作探究,学习新知1. He

5、len Keller , the well-known writer and educator , died yesterday at the age of 88. 此句的意思是“_”. well-known相当于_. at the age of 意思是“_”相当于_(1)Jim could ride a bike _the age of 5.A. in B.at C.with D.for(2)Helen fell ill at the age of the nineteen months.(同义句) Helen Keller fell ill _she _nineteen months ol

6、d.2.Sometimes she stood between her mother and father. 本句的意思是“_” betweenand意思是“_”. among意思是“_”.3.She did her best to help people who were deaf and blind. 本句的意思是“_”. do ones best = try ones best 意思是“尽某人最大的努力”,后常接_. people who were deaf and blind 意思是“_”.(1)Im doing my best _(learn)English well because

7、 its very helpful.(2)Im good at helping people _are sick. A.who B.whose C.whom D. whos(3)I have a good friend. He speaks English.(合成一句,保持原意) I have a good friend _ speaks English.当堂练习,检测固学一.填空1.Yuan Longping and Helen Keller are both _(hero).2.Hellen Keller lost her sight and hearing because of her _(ill).3.She was famous for her _(勇气) and hard work.4. There are many differences _(之间) “take”and “bring”.5. My father teaches in a _(大学). She likes playing the piano.6. _(在岁时) 88, Helen died. 备注 备注(教师复备栏及学生笔记)



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