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1、小升初专项训练卷 看图题基础题一、看图写词1看图,写单词或短语。(1)_ (2)_(3)_ (4)_ (5)_ (6)_ 2看图,仿照例子,把对话写下来。例:A:Wheres the clock? Is it on the desk?B:Yes,it isA:_B:_A:_B:_3看图完成句子。(1)How do you go to school?I go to school _.(2)Where is your home? Its near the _.(3)Look at the _.(4)How can I get to the zoo?You can go _.4完成对话。A: _(1

2、)_ this man?B:He is my uncle.A:How_(2)_?B:He is thirty years old.A:What does your uncle do?B:He_(3)_.A:Where_(4)_ ?B:He works in a police station.A:How does he go to work?B:He_(5)_.5看图,照例子,把对话补充完整。Model:A:Whats this? A:What are these?B:Its a cap B:They are capsA:How much is it? A:How much aye they?B

3、:Its 3 yuan B:They are 8 yuan(1)A:Whats this? (2)A:_ _ these?B:Its a _ B:_ _ _A:_ _ _ _? A:How _ _ they?B:Its _ yuan B:They are _ _ 6看图写短语。(1). _(2). _(3). _(4). _二、看图说话7根据图片选择最佳选项。( )(1). A.Turn left. B. Go straight.( )(2). A.Its near the library. B. Its next to the library.( )(3). A.I like the par

4、k. B. I like the zoo.( )(4). A.Theres a supermarket. B. Theres a train station.( )(5). A.a swimming pool and a bus stop B. two zoos and two parks8看图写话。Model:We have some shorts(1) _(2)_9数一数。(1)How many pencils are there?There are _(2)How many flowers are there?There are _.(3)How many tomatoes are th

5、ere?There are _(4)How many buses are there?There are _(5)How many foxes are there?There are _10看图读句子,圈出正确的单词。(1)Its windy / sunny in Hang Zhou.(2)Its cloudy / snowy in Harbin.(3)Its windy / rainy in Beijing.(4)Its cloudy / sunny in Sydney. (5) Its sunny / rainy in Hainan.提升题一、补全句子11根据图片,补全句子。(1). Lo

6、ok out the _! (2). So much white _!(3). I like watering the _.(4). There is a _on the farm.12看图,选择。在正确答案上画“”。(1).She painteda picture /watched TV yesterday.(2).Chinese people invented/didnt invent the computer.(3). The ice was very cold. Lucy learnt to skate/swim.(4). She fell over/cut her finger an

7、d she cried.(5). Yesterday Sam and I went for a bus ride/a bike ride.13看图选单词。(1). ( ) (2). ( )(3). ( ) (4). ( )(5). ( )A. chess B. tomato C. train D. boat E. house14根据上下文及图示,补全对话,每空一词。A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the_?B: Go_ this street and then turn_ at the _ crossing. Its on your_.A: _

8、 _ is it from here?B: About two kilometers_.A: Thanks a_.B: Youre_.15看单词画线部分的读音,圈出不属于每个家庭的成员。16认真观察下面的海报,根据所给信息完成句子。(1). The name of the movie (电影)in English is _.(2). You can go to _ Cinema to see the movie.(3). On Saturday, you _ (can; cant) see the movie.(4). A ten-year-old child and his parents

9、go to see the movie, they need to pay (支付)_yuan.(写阿拉伯数字)(5).Do you love movies?(根据自己实际情况回答)_17根据图片,告诉Sam 该怎么去学校。Excuse me, where is the school? _18根据下列图标,写出正确的指示语。(1)_.(2)_.(3)._.19根据图片,用point to. 编写句子,描述图片。(1)._ (2). _ (3)._ 四、单词拼写20补全单词,并让小动物找到自己的名字。(1)_ct (2)_dg (3)p_ _da (4)_iger (5). bi_d 21根据图片,补全句子。(1). Im thirsty, I want a cup of _.(2). I like playing _ games.(3). Look! Its a lovely _.22看图,写单词或短语。(1).(2). _ _(3).(4)._ _(5). (6). _ _23看图,补全单词。(1). (2). (3). f _ sh k _ t _ wr _ t _(4). (5). (6). s _ x n _ n _ _ nsect(7). (8). (9). f _ v _


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