人教新目标版英语七下Unit 2《What time do you go to school》(Period 3)ppt课件

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《人教新目标版英语七下Unit 2《What time do you go to school》(Period 3)ppt课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教新目标版英语七下Unit 2《What time do you go to school》(Period 3)ppt课件(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、学习重点 预习检测 思考探究 Period3预习案 ReadingP11 Period3训练案 ReadingP11 成效追踪 能力阶梯 Unit2Whattimedoyougotoschool 学习重点 单词 life taste quickly either sometimes lot短语 either or lotsof begoodfor 预习检测 一 请根据中文意思写出下列单词 1 adv 很快地2 adv 有时3 adv 或者 也4 v 品尝 n 味道5 n 生活6 pron 大量 许多 sometimes either life taste lot quickly 预习检测 二

2、请认真阅读课本 找出以下短语 7 大量 许多 8 睡得早 9 吃得快 10 要么 要么 11 对 有益 12 做运动 13 尝起来不错 14 到家 15 吃雪糕 lotsof gotobedearly eatquickly either or begoodfor play dosports tastegood gethome eatice cream 预习检测 三 阅读2b短文 完成下列信息填空 hamburgers play Getsup computergames volleyball Doesherhomework ninethirty 思考探究 either和either or 的意思

3、及用法 also too和either都有 也 的意思 区别 also用于行为动词前 助动词 be动词和情态动词后 too常用于肯定句句末 either则用于否定句句末 1 他是学生 我也是 1 Heisastudent I m astudent 2 Heisastudent Iamastudent 2 她不是老师 我也不是 3 Sheisn tateacher Iamnotateacher either也有 两者其一 之意 either or 是个固定的搭配 意为 要么 要么 also too either 4 Afterclass Jane sings dances 下课后 简要么唱歌要么

4、跳舞 lotsof的意思及用法 lotsof alotof 和many much都有 大量 许多 的意思 区别 much修饰不可数名词 many修饰可数名词复数 lotsof既能修饰不可数名词 也可修饰可数名词复数 5 姐姐每天喝许多水 Mysisterdrinks watereveryday Mysisterdrinks watereveryday 6 May读许多书 Mayreads books Mayreads books or either much lots many lots of of begoodfor的意思及用法 begoodfor意为 对 有益 反义词组为bebadfor

5、对 有害 注意区别学过的begoodat和begoodwith的用法 7 Tina擅长英语 Tina English 8 我和老人们相处得好 I theoldpeople 9 做运动对我们健康有好处 Playingsports ourhealth isgoodat amgoodwith isgoodfor Period3训练案 ReadingP11 成效追踪 根据2b内容完成短文填空 每空一词 TonyandMaryarebrotherandsister buttheyhave1 lifehabits Tonyisunhealthy Hedoesn tgetup2 inthemorning s

6、ohedoesn thavemuchtime3 breakfast Helikes4 hamburgersforlunchatschool Whenhegetshomeafterschool healways5 hishomeworkfirst Hegoestobed6 tenthirty different early for eating does at Period3训练案 ReadingP11 成效追踪 Maryis7 She8 getsuplate Shealways9 ashowerandeatsagoodbreakfast Forlunch sheeats10 offruitan

7、dvegetables Afterlunch shesometimesplaysvolleyball Sheisagoodgirl healthy lots takes never 阅读理解Goodsleepisimportantforyourhealth Youneedabouteighthours sleepanight Don teatorreadinbed Gotobedatthesametimebeforemidnightandgetupatthesametimeeverymorning Formoreinformation pleasevisit Howoftendoyouexer

8、cise Ifyouwanttostayhealthy trytoexercisefor30minutesaday threeorfourtimesaweek Formoreinformation pleasecallHealthLineat180 2000 能力阶梯 Studiesshowthatthebacteria 细菌 canliveonourhandsforlong Soyoushouldwashyourhandsoftenwithsoapandwater Ifyouwanttoknowmore pleasecallHealthLineat180 1313 Brushyourteet

9、htwiceadayandseeadentistatleastonceayear Pformoreinformation 能力阶梯 根据短文内容 选择最佳答案 11 Howlongdoweneedtosleepanight A About7hoursB About8hoursC About9hoursD About10hours 12 Mayistoofat Whatshouldshedo A Callat180 2000B Callat180 1313C VD V B A 能力阶梯 13 Whichofthefollowingisnotgoodforourhealth A Sleepwell

10、atnight B Exerciseasmuchaspossibleeveryday C Washhandsbeforemeals D Brushourteethtwiceaday 14 Theunderlinedword information means A 信息B 话题C 健康D 知识 15 Wheremaythispassgecomefrom A Anewspaper B TV C Abook D Alettter B A 能力阶梯 A 二 重点词汇积累 从提供的阅读文章中找出以下短语 16 在同一个时间 17 保持健康 18 一周三或四次 19 洗手 20 看牙医 21 至少 atthesametime keephealthy threeorfourtimesaweek washhands seeadentist atleast 三 重点句型解析并造句 Goodsleepisimportantforyourhealth 好睡眠对你的健康重要 22 好习惯对我们健康有好处 Goodhabits 23 晚睡对我们有害 Goingtobedtoolate aregoodforourhealth isbadforus



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