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1、华南师范大学引进人才申报表South China Normal University Application Form姓名Name: 研究领域Research Field: 一级学科Primary Discipline: 二级学科Secondary Discipline: 申报学院School/Institute Applied for: 引进类型Recruitment Category: (全职Full Time/特聘 Part Time) 填表时间Date: 人事处制Office of Personnel(2015)1填表说明Notes for Completing this Form1.

2、 填写内容必须实事求是,统一用A4纸张双面打印;Please ensure the authenticity of the information on this form and print it double sided on A4 paper. 2. 封面“一级学科”“二级学科”按教育部学位授予和人才培养学科目录的准确名称填写。For Primary Discipline and Secondary Discipline on the cover, please refer to the Inventory of Disciplinary Categories for Degree Gr

3、anting and Talent Cultivation published by the Ministry of Education.3. 第1页“专业技术职务”栏,海外引进人才需用外文表述,部分较难理解的语言或职务可同时译成中文,并附原文;For Current Academic Title in Page 1, the overseas applicant is required to express it in native language, and translate it into Chinese when the title is hard to understand in

4、some native language. 4. “学习经历”从本科(或大专)填起;Education Background starts with the applicants undergraduate education in university/college.5. “培养方式”指统招、自考、成教;硕士、博士研究生注明脱产、在职;Training Mode refers to the way in which the applicant receives his/her undergraduate education (through unified college educatio

5、n system, self-study education system or adult education system). The applicant with a master or doctoral degree is additionally required to indicate how he/she receives his/her postgraduate education (through full-time training or in-service training).6. “近5年发表的论文”的“刊物属SCI大类第几区”按中国科学院大类分区界定;“专利类型”为

6、“发明专利”、“实用新型专利”和“外观设计专利”; For articles published in the last 5 years, those included in SCI should be indicative of the quarters (Q1, Q2, Q3 or Q4) demarcated by the ChineseAcademyofSciences; Type of Patent includes Patent for Invention, Patent for Utility Model and Patent for Design.7. 经历以时间排序,由近到远

7、,时间需具体到月份(如2009.6),时间上不能出现中断。 Work Experience should be stated in descending chronological order in the form of month/year (e.g. 6/2009). Please make sure your statement shows chronological continuity.8. “聘期工作目标”是人才引进决策的重要依据,应尽量细化量化,可考核,包括教学、科研项目、科研成果、个人成长、学科建设、梯队建设等方面。Career Objective throughout th

8、e Duration of Appointment plays a critical role in deciding for talent recruitment. It should be made explicit, quantifiable, evaluable, covering your plans on teaching, research projects, publications, personal growth, disciplinary development and echelon construction, etc.9. 若引进特聘教授或骨干教师,“校外专家通讯评议

9、结果”和“校内专家组评议意见”栏不必填写。For appointment of part-time distinguished professors or key teachers, it is advised that the columns of both Feedback from External Reviewers and Feedback from Internal Assessors remain unfilled.10. 本申请表一式一份,由本人签名(含电子签名)、学院审核签字盖章;This application form is made out in one origina

10、l copy. It should be signed by the applicant (electronic signature allowed), and sealed by Dean of the School/Institute applied for.附件材料说明Notes for Attachments11. 所有材料用A4纸复印和打印,请按以下顺序整理夹好后提交(证明材料需各单位相关人员审核、签名并加盖单位公章):All documents should be photocopied and printed on A4 paper, and sorted out in the

11、following separate categories before submission(supporting documents should be verified, signed and sealed by the concerned staff of the School/Institute applied for):12. 已取得的学位、学历证书和任职资格证书复印件;Copies of diplomas, other graduate certificates and certificates of professional qualification;13. 海外工作经历证明

12、(如:海外博士后、访问学者经历等);Proof of overseas work experience (e.g. experience as postdoctoral researcher or visiting scholar abroad, etc.)14. 主要的科研项目及科研成果证明材料复印件:科研项目批件、奖励证书、专利证书、著作封面、版权和目录页;Copies of supporting documents for research projects and publications, including mainly approval letter for research p

13、rojects, award certificate, patent certificate, book cover, copyright page and table of contents. 15. 最能代表本人科研水平的10篇代表作材料:创新性论文的全文,被SCI、EI、SSCI收录及论文他引情况证明(原件,须经有关检索机构盖章);著作封面、目录、版权、本人负责章节的首页复印件;专利证书复印件;10 publications of the applicants most significant works, including full text of innovative articl

14、es, evidence of inclusion in SCI,EI,SSCI and certificate of frequency of citations (original copy sealed by relevant searching authorities), copies of book cover, table of contents, copyright page, the initial page of the chapters by the applicant, copies of patent certificate, etc.16. 在重要国际组织或学术团体的

15、任职证明复印件,以及作大会报告、特邀报告的邀请信或通知复印件;Copies of appointment letter for important international organizations or academic societies, and copies of letter of invitation (or notice) for plenary/invited lectures.17. 申请者需提交来校工作后的研究计划;申请“青年拔尖人才”的应聘者还需提交3名同行专家的推荐函。The applicant is required to submit a research proposal for his/he



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