2020年高考英语精优预测卷 浙江卷word解析打印版(二)

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2020年高考英语精优预测卷 浙江卷word解析打印版(二)_第1页
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1、2020年高考英语精优预测卷 浙江卷(二)1、 When you hear the word birthmark, you probably think of one of those black or brown spots that you have on your body. For me, its different I have them on my lips and inside my mouth. Pm used to being asked, What are those black marks on your lips? When I tell people theyre b

2、irthmarks, they usually say, Thats strange.” I used to consider them ugly. However, my mom calls them beauty marks. In pictures, I used to hide my birthmarks by pursing(噘起) my lips so I wouldnt have to deal with peoples questions. As I was growing up, people wore me out with them. Some people would

3、ask me the same questions even before knowing my name. In society I feel like we judge people by their looks before their personality. My birthmarks are caused by a genetic(基因的) condition from my moms side of the family. My moms mom has birthmarks on her lips, and my moms uncle and my uncle have som

4、e on their bodies. Every year I plan to have a procedure to remove them. But when imagining the process, I always get nervous and give up. My cousin faces a similar challenge. She has a huge birthmark that takes up her whole arm. Shes never tried to hide it or change her appearance. Once, her grandm

5、other told her that the birthmark looked extremely prominent and suggested that she should wear long sleeves more often. If my cousin had actually taken that suggestion, she wouldnt be such a person as she is. Inspired by my cousin, I am finally accepting who I am and now I dont hesitate when someon

6、e asks me about them either. I say, Theyre beauty marks and smile without pursing my lips.1.How did the author feel when asked about the birthmarks?A.She felt excited to show her difference.B.She felt annoyed to give others an answer.C.She was scared to be made fun of by people.D.She was bored to be

7、 faced with the question.2.What can be inferred about the authors cousin?A.She dislikes talking about her birthmark.B.She never judges others by their looks.C.She is more confident than the author.D.She has taken her grandmas suggestion.3.What does the underlined word prominent in paragraph 4 mean?A

8、.Brilliant.B.Apparent.C.Harmful.D.Impressive.2、 Kim Stemple found herself in a Boston hospital being treated for one of several diseases she had been identified with. The normally high-spirited Stemple was naturally getting very depressed. And then a friend who had just finished a half marathon gave

9、 her a medal and hoped it would give a positive message. Before she got too sick to exercise, Stemple had been a marathon runner, an experience shed always miss. After Stemple hung the medal above her hospital bed, other patients said they wanted medals too. That got Stemple thinking, A medal can ac

10、t as a kind of pick-me-up. And so was born her charity, We Finish Together, which gathers medals from strangers in different fields 一 runners, dancers, swimmers, and even spelling bee winners and donates them to sorts of people in need. Receivers have included hospital patients and residents of home

11、less shelters. Part of the process involves the donor writing a personalized note. This gives them a connection to someone, says Stemple. Can a simple medal really make a difference? Yes, says Joan Musarra. I opened my package containing a new medal and a note of positive, warm thoughts. I was amaze

12、d, she wrote to Stemple. At that moment, I was sitting on my couch breathing through an oxygen cannula(插管). It seemed that someone was holding my hand. I had the privilege of meeting Kim when in Washington D. C. for the Rockn Roll Half Marathon. We chatted about life, sharing stories and of course w

13、e talked about her organization, says Keri, a runner. Kim talks little about herself and doesnt want the organization or stories to be about her, but rather, about all the wonderful people involved.”1.What is the purpose of We Finish Together?A.To raise money for those in need.B.To catch attention t

14、o helpless patients.C.To lift up people in poor conditions.D.To collect medals from different fields.2.What does the medal mean to Musarra?A.It encourages her to forget pain.B.It brings her support and love.C.It allows her to make more friends.D.It helps her make a big change.3.Which of the followin

15、g best describes Stemple?A.Caring and courageous.B.Dependable and determined.C.Helpful and modest.D.Selfless and strong.3、People are being tricked into Facebook with the promise of a fun, free service without realizing theyre paying for it by giving up loads of personal information.Most Facebook use

16、rs dont realize this is happening. Even if they know what the company is up to, they still have no idea what theyre paying for Facebook because people dont really know what their personal data is worth.The biggest problem, however, is that the company keeps changing the rules early on you keep everything private. That was the great thing about F


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