人教版高中英语必修4同步练习测试卷 综合测试卷(一)参考答案

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1、综合测试卷(一)参考答案听力(201.5=30):15 CBACA 610 ACCAB 1115 CBBAB 1620 CABCA阅读理解(152=30): 21. D 细节理解题 根据文章第一段的第二句话可知答案。22. C 细节理解题 从第三段内容可知答案为C。23. A 事实细节题 从最后一段的第二句话可知答案。24. B 题目归纳题 纵观全文可知,文章主要讲的是梦游。25. D 细节理解题 从第一部分的第二段最后一句话可知答案为D。26. C 推理判断题 从第一部分的第二段前两句话可推断出C项正确。27. B 细节理解题 从第二部分第一段的第一句话可知答案为B。28. C 数字计算题

2、根据第一段第二句话的数字可计算出答案为C。29. A 细节事实题 根据第一段的数字可知答案为A。30. D 推理判断题 根据第二段的最后一句话和第三段的第一句话可断定答案为D。31. B 细节理解题 第一段的第一句话统领全文。32. D 细节事实题 根据第二段内容可知答案为D。33. A 总结归纳题 根据第三段内容尤其是第一句话可知答案为A。34. B 词义猜测题 根据画线字的前后内容可知“tapped” 的意思为“selected 挑选”。35. C 根据最后一段的第二句话可知答案为C。七选五阅读填空(52=10): 3640 EBCGA完形填空(201.5=30):41. B flood

3、涌入 此处为“过去的记忆涌入我的脑海中”。42. D根据第一句话“Last month, I paid a visit to my old neighbourhood.”可知此处为“old apartment building.” 43. A view 看;spy 秘密监视;enjoy 欣赏;search 搜寻 44. C 儿童时的画面出现在脑海当中,故用pictures。45. B 根据前后句可知此处为转折关系。“来到住过的公寓,来到玩过的操场,环顾周遭依然熟悉,童年的画面在眼前不断浮现,但已然人是物非”。46. A不由伤感地明白,最美的记忆,只能珍藏,只能远观,不可触动,不可把玩。47.

4、D left 过去分词,其意思为“留下,剩下”。gone 过去的,用完了,一去不复返的;forgotten 被忘记的;deserted 被遗弃的 48. C alive 有生气的 bright and alive 明亮鲜活49. B 根据句义“她远不只是个栖身之处。”。more than 不仅仅 other than 除了 rather than 而不是 better than 比.更好50. A steal away 偷偷离开 此句为“和朋友偷偷离开在地下室玩”。来源:学*科*网51. D 根据后面的原因可知这里应该是高兴的词。exciting 令人兴奋的 embrassing 尴尬的 sh

5、ocking 令人震惊的 boring 无聊的52. B 后面有提示词“The river was polluted.”53. C 根据该句句义可知“lie in the shade of the trees”.54. A 根据前后内容的对比可知“我过去看到的和现在完全不同”。故为completely.55. D 根据后面描述的内容可知此空应为“disrepair”. in disrepair 破损,失修56. B 根据前面描述的内容“窗户破了,从前干净的墙现在覆盖有泥点。”signs 征兆,迹象; signals 信号;notices 通知57. D 河流被污染了,几乎难以辨认。recogn

6、iazble 可识别的58. A 根据句义判断此处为“regret”, 59. C回来看看,我并不后悔;然而童年的回忆,却再无法一切如故、纤尘不染了。“你已永远无家可回,”我想这说法也不无道理吧。60. B 参见59题解析。语法填空(101.5=15):61. the 考查冠词 句意为:他一直摸着洋娃娃的头发,看起来非常伤心。由句意可知此处特指这个洋娃娃的头发。所以此处应填定冠词the。62. to 考查介词 句意为:我想要知道他把这个洋娃娃送给谁。Give sth to sb 为固定搭配,意为“把某东西给某人”,符合句意所以此处应填介词 to。 63. that 考查强调句 分析句子成分可知

7、,此句为强调句。句意为:这个洋娃娃就是我妹妹最喜欢的,而且是她今年圣诞节最想要的东西。64. replied 考查动词时态 根据语境可知,此处“回复(reply)”这个动作发生在过去,所以用动词的一般过去时。65. where 考查连接副词 此处为一宾语从句,且宾语为某一地点,所以应用连接副词where。where she is now 意为“她现在所在的地方”。66. sadness 考查名词 根据语境可知,小男孩的眼睛里满是忧伤。所以此处sad的名词形式sadness。67. has gone 考查动词的时态语态 句意为:我的妹妹已经去和上帝在一起了。根据句意可知,此处的动作从过去开始一直

8、持续到现在,所以用现在完成时。68. her 考查人称代词 根据语境可知,小男孩认为母亲可以带上这个洋娃娃,并把洋娃娃送给她的妹妹。所以,此处应用人称代词的宾格her。69. wholly 考查副词 谓语动词后面应用副词修饰。句意为:我的心脏几乎完全停止了跳动。70. until 考查从属连词 分析句子成分可知,此处为时间状语从句。应用连词until。句意为:我请求她等我,直到我从商店里回来。短文改错(101=10):Yesterday morning, it was already 7:30 that I got up. Thinking I would be late, whenI got

9、 dressing quickly and left without breakfast. There were such many people dressed soat the bus stop that it was hard to catch a bus. So I rush towards my school. rushedSuddenly, I ran across an old woman and she fell down. Without make an apology, into makingI left him and went on. Later, I heard th

10、e old woman was bad injured in the leg and her badlyshe was sent to hospital. I felt it very sorry. And the following day I paid her visit. a书面表达(满分25分):One possible version:Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.Friendship is one of the greatest pleasures that people can enjoy. Real friends are those w

11、ho can share all our sorrows and double our joys. No man can make most of his life without the help of his true friends. True friends cherish your ideas and feelings; they will not desert you when you are in trouble; they will not take advantage of you when you are in favorable conditions; and they

12、will offer you their sincere advice when you are lost. We should choose those as our friends who have good characters, great ability and a kind heart. We should treat our friends politely, forgive their mistakes and try to help them as much as possible. If so, well be able to keep the sacred friends

13、hip burning all our life. (120 words)Thank you!来源:Z*xx*k.Com附:听力材料Text 1M: Do you know the best way to the Science Museum?W: No. Why dont we just go? We can ask people on the way.M: I dont think thats a good idea. Lets look on the Internet. I know a site that gives road information.Text 2M: Could yo

14、u give me a hand moving this cupboard, please?W: Im sorry. It looks a bit heavy to me. Jims next door. Why dont you ask him?M: Good idea.Text 3W: I hate my roommate. Look at this! All the dishes still on the table from last night. And her clothes! She never puts them in her closet. Theyre on the flo

15、or, on the chair, everywhere.M: Why dont you talk to her about it?Text 4M: Where shall I put these playing cards? By the TV?W: No, I like to keep that table clear. Can you put them on the bookcase?M: Sure.Text 5M: Did you hear about what happened with the elevator last night? A students coat belt was stuck b



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