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1、M11知识梳理Unit 1 In China, we open a gift later.1. What a surprise! 多么令人惊讶啊!Surprise在此为形容词,意为“惊讶”。其形容词形式为surprising(指物)/surprised(指人)。另外,surprise还可作动词,后接人作宾语,意为“使惊奇或震惊”。e.g. The news greatly surprised us. 【固定短语】(1)to ones surprise 意为“使某人吃惊的是”,它对全句进行解释或说明,表示说话人对上文的看法和态度,一般放在句首。e.g. To our surprise, the

2、boy won the prize. (2)in surprise 意为“惊奇地;吃惊地”,它修饰谓语动词。e.g. “How did you come here?”she said in surprise. (3)be surprised 意为“感到惊讶”,可单独使用或跟不定式。e.g. When I received his letter, I was very surprised. 【小试牛刀】2. In China, you accept a gift with both hands. 在中国,你必须双手接收礼物。(1)【辨析】receive和acceptreceive表示客观上的收到

3、,而accept表示主观上的接受。e.g. The girl received a gift but she didnt accept it . (2)both意为“都”,强调两者,常用短语为bothand。bothand引导并列主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。e.g. Both Jim and his sister like playing basketball. 【小试牛刀】3. Thats interesting! Im interested to know all the Chinese traditions. 太有趣了!我对了解所有的中国传统习惯很感兴趣。interesting意为“有趣

4、的,有意思的”;interested意为“对感兴趣”。【固定短语】be interested in 对感兴趣,be interested to do sth.对做感兴趣。e.g. Im interested in football. Im interested to hear the interesting news. 知识拓展:类似的词有exciting/excited,surprising/surprised等。【小试牛刀】4. But in the west, we usually dont pay much attention to that.但在西方,我们通常对那不太在意。(1)at

5、tention表示“注意”“专心”等,是不可数名词,因此不能与不定冠词连用,也没有复数形式。e.g. Pay great attention to these points. (2)在pay attention to结构中,to是介词,所以若接动词,应用动名词。e.g. You must pay close attention to his eyes. (3)attention的口语常用句:e.g. May I have your attention, please? 【小试牛刀】5. You cant be serious! 你不是在开玩笑吧!(1)cant在这里意为“不可能”,表示猜测、判

6、断。can表示猜测时常用于否定句和疑问句中。e.g. Listen! Someone is singing in the next room. It cant be Lingling.She has gone to Bettys home for a party. (2)serious在此处的意思是“并非开玩笑的,认真的”。e.g. The school has decided to give us another days holiday. You cant be serious! 【小试牛刀】6. And youd better not have your hair cut during

7、the Spring Festival month. 并且你最好不要在春节期间理发。其中的youd better = you had better,后面要加动词原形;如果要变否定句,就在better后面加not。e.g. Youd better turn down the radio because the baby is sleeping. You had better not go out now. 【小试牛刀】7. They taste great. 饺子尝起来很好吃。taste在此为系动词,意为“尝起来”,后面加形容词作表语,类似的词还有smell(闻起来),sound(听起来),fe

8、el(摸起来)。e.g. The mooncakes taste good. Could I have much more? 【小试牛刀】【当堂检测】一、根据汉语意思补全单词。 1. We open a gift_.( 立刻) 2. We noticed another _.(不同) 3. You cant be _.(严肃、认真) 4. I got such a_(惊奇)that I couldnt believe my eyes. 5. What other _(传统)do you have at the Spring Festival.二、汉译英。 6、在中国,你要用双手接受你的礼物。

9、In China, you _ a gift _ both hands. 7、你不必在春节期间做任何打扫。 You mustnt _ _ _ at the Spring Festival. 8、通常我们不注意那些事。 We usually dont _ _ _ that.9、在春节那几个月里,你最好不要理发。 Youd _ _ _ your hair during the Spring Festival month. 10、你必须用红纸包红包,因为红色意味着幸运。 You_ use red paper _ hongbao because red means_.三、单项选择 11. My mot

10、her doesnt want me to do any cleaning_ the first day of the Chinese New year. A. in B. on C. for D. at 12. Im very hungry ;Can I have _?A. anything to eat B. anything to drink C. something to eat D. something to drink 13.We will take part in the speech competition. A. Congratulation B. Good luck C.

11、Well done 14. You _ wait till the traffic lights are green. A. may B. can C. must D. would 15. Noise,_, is a kind of pollution(污染). A. example B. such as C. such D. for example 16. Happy birthday to you, Lingling! A. The same to you B. Thank you C. Youre welcome D. Not at all 17. Its going to rain.

12、Youd better _ an umbrella. A. take B. to take C. taking D. taken 18. Has Lucy _ my invitation?-Yes, she has. But she cant _it because she will look after her grandpa that day. A. received; receive B. accepted; accept C. received; accept D. accepted; receive 19. In China, you_ wrap hongbao in red pap

13、er. You _ wrap in white paper. A. mustnt ;should B. must;cant C. cant; must D. may: may not 20. There is _ in my bag. Its empty. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothingUnit 2 In England you usually drink tea with milk.1. When you get to know each other better or when they ask you to, you c

14、an just use their first names. 当你们互相认识或当他们同意你这么叫时,你能用他们的名字。get to know意思是“相识、认识”,是know的短暂性动词形式。know是延续性动词。e.g. I got to know him ten years ago. = I have known him for ten years.【知识回顾】I get to know a lot about the world through reading.其中的get to know以为“逐渐了解”。【小试牛刀】2. Afternoon tea is not just a drink but a light meal at around 4 p.m. 下午四点的下午茶不仅是一杯饮品,还是一顿便餐。not just but 意思是“不只是还是”。e.g. My friends is not just beautiful but very kind.【小试牛刀】3. or you can take it away and eat it with your fingers! 或者你能带走它并用手拿着吃。其中的take away意思是“带走”,注


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