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1、 上海初中毕业生统一学业考试 英语试卷 考生注意 本卷有7 大题 共94 小题 试题均采用连续编号 所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成 做 在试卷上不给分 Part 1 Listening 第一部分听力 I Listening Comprehension 听力理解 共 30 分 A Listen and choose the right picture 根据你听到的内容 选出相应的图片 共 6 分 1 2 3 4 5 6 考点 听录音选图 解答 1 C 2 B 3 H 4 E 5 A 6 G A 根据你听到的内容 选出相应的图片 并在答题纸上填涂相应的字母代号 每个句子念两遍 1 Ben an

2、d Jack are riding horses in the field 2 Will Peter take part in a table tennis match next Friday 3 A small group of students lined up to get on the bus 4 It s Bill s first time to take a train all by himself 5 Jimmy lik es to read stories about space doesn t he 6 Although he is always busy deliverin

3、g mails Henry never complains B Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear 根据你听到的对 话和问题 选出最恰当的答案 共 8 分 7 A In March B In May C In June D In July 考点 短对话理解 解答 C 7 M Were you here in May W Not really In fact I arrived in June Question When did the woman arrive 8 A His so

4、n B His daught r C His father D His mother 考点 短对话理解 解答 B 8 W Good afternoon sir Can I help you M Well actually I m looking for a mobile phone for my daughter Question Who is the man buy a mobile phone for 9 A 11 B 12 C 13 D 14 考点 短对话理解 解答 B 9 M Hello Lucy Are you the youngest in yourclass W No I m 1

5、3 Bruce is 12 one year younger thanme Question How old is Bruce 10 A Lions B Elephants C Monkeys D Tigers 考点 短对话理解 解答 A 10 M What a big zoo Do you know where thelions are W They are over there next to the elephants Be carefulwith the naughty monkeys Question What animal does the man wantto see 11 A

6、Beacuse the car is too old B Because heneeds money C Because there is too much traffic D Because he wants tobuy a new car 考点 短对话理解 解答 C 11 W Why didn t youdrive Alex M Well I ve sold my car W Oh is thatbecause you are getting a new one M No it s becausethere s too much traffic on the road I ve decid

7、ed to live without acar Question Why did Alex sell his car 12 A At home B In the museum C At school D In thehospital 考点 短对话理解 解答 D 12 M How are you feelingtoday Linda W Much better thanks The doctor says I cango back home in one week Question Where is Linda now 13 A Make some cakes B Order ameal C T

8、ake him to a restaurant D Buy some milk 考点 短对话理解 解答 A 13 W Thank you for taking me to thisrestaurant Denny It s the best meal I ve ever had M Gladyou like it but I still like the cakes you makebest W Thank you Tomorrow you will have the chance to trymy cakes again Question What will the woman probab

9、ly dofor Denny tomorrow 14 A Sleep B Fans C The kids D Theweather 考点 短对话理解 解答 D 14 M It s too hot these days and I canhardly sleep at night I bought an electric fanyesterday W The weather forecast says rainy days will comesoon and the temperature will fall down M Are you kiddingme I can t believe it

10、 Question What are the speakersmainly talking about C Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false 判断下 列句子是否符合你听到的内容 符合的用 T 表示 不符合的用 F 表示 共 6 分 15 Amy often stays up late at night to learn English 16 The programmes Amy listens to are Canadian andAmerican 17 Amy t

11、hinks that talk channels are better than musicchannels 18 Amy s progress is slow but her English is gettingbetter than before 19 Tom isn t interested when Amy tells him aboutlistening online 20 Tom and Amy are talking about a good way to learnEnglish 考点 长对话理解 解答 FFTTFT M Hello Amy You ve done really

12、 wellin English W Thank you Tom M How doyou manage to do so well Do you stay up late at night tolearn W No not a chance I need mysleep M So what do you do then W Ilisten to the radio M How can that possiblyhelp W Well the programmes I listen to are British andAmerican M I see How do you find out abo

13、utthem W Well one day I was on my computer and I found aBritish radio website I couldn t believe my luck when I found that I couldlisten online even so far way inChina M Do you listen tomusic channels or talk channels W I think talk channelsare better because they give me better listeningpractice M

14、Can you understand them betternow W Well of course Progress is slow but yes I think Iunderstand more than before and my English is getting better all thetime M I really like to improve my English too I m goingto look on the internet tonight to find some programmes I like Thank you Amy D Lis the dial

15、ogue and complete the following sentences 听对话 完成下列内容 每空格限填一 词 共 10 分 21 The yearly Walk for Charity will GardenStreet 22 Money will be raised to build a children s in thetown 23 If rain is forecast walkers should all possible events 24 Walkers are told to keep to in the single line while walking 25

16、The bus leavesevery half hour and the service 考点 短文理解 解答 21 start from 22 book shop 23 preparefor 24 one side 25 is free Dear friends please join us in ouryearly walk for charity We ll start from Garden Street You and your friends areall warmly welcome Please read the directions we offered carefully especially ifyou need transport to and from Garden Street Just come along on the day withyour friends The money raised will be used to build a children s bookshop in ourtown It is better to wear old


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