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1、 绿园区九年级第一次模拟考试 英语试卷 本试題卷包括四道大題 共8 页 全卷满分120 分 考试时间为120 分钟 考试结束后将本试卷和答题卡一并交回 注意事项 1 答题前 考生务必将自己的姓名 准考证号填写在答題卡上 并将条形玛准确粘贴在条形码区域内 2 答题时 考生务必按照考试要求在答题卡上的指定区域内作答 在草纸 试卷上答题无效 一 听力 共25 分 I 听句子 选择最隹答语 5分 1 A Good luck B Never mind C Fine thank you 2 A It s Monday B It s March 20 C Lt s five ten 3 A He is he

2、avy B He is a reporter C He is busy 4 A No way B It doesn t matter C All right 5 A OK I will B Not at all C I hope not II 听简短对话和对话后的问题 选择最佳答案 5分 6 A Comedies B Thriilers C Action movies 7 A By bus B By bike C By taxi 8 A To the bank B To the museum C To the hospital 9 A Windy B Fine C Rainy 10 A Onc

3、e a week B Once a month C Once a year Ill听描述 选出与其相符的图片 其中有一副图片是多余的 5 分 D E F 11 12 13 14 15 IV 听较长对话 选择最隹答案 5 分 听第一段对话 作答第 16 17 小题 16 What kind of music docs Sally like A Pop music B Rock C Light music 17 When did Sally go to Cai Qin s concert A Last week B Last month C Last year 昕第二段对话 作答第18 20 小题

4、 18 Why did the girl look for the cookies A She was hungry B John needed them C She wanted to feed the cat 19 What kind of cookies docs Ella like A Cookies with milk B Cookies with sugar C Cookies with chocolate 20 Where is the cat A On the table B Under the chair C Under the table V 听短文 选择最佳答案 5 分

5、21 Where did Hank use to live A In a big town B In a small town C In a big city 22 What was Hank doing on the first Saturday A Washing a car B Driving a car C Looking at a car 23 When will Hank s daughter use the car A When the car is clean B When there is a football match C When there is a party 24

6、 What s Hank s son s name A Mark B John C Joe 25 How many people are there in Hank family A 5 B 4 C 3 二 基础知识 共 25 分 VI 在下列各句的空白处填入一个适当的 使句子意思完整 语法正瘺 5 分 26 Don t let others know what I told you today It s a 27 The girl could look after when sh was at the age of five 28 We should for the old and offe

7、r our seats to them on buses 29 The school ports meeting will be put because of the heavy rain 30 doubt the greatest love in the world is the love of a mother VII 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 5 分 31 As for improving your English why not consider read English novels 32 I true thank my teachers for what they have

8、done for me in the me in the past three years 33 Li Yifeng is regarded as one of the most popular actor now days in China 34 My cousin went to England last year and he had his twelve birthday there 35 People who est lots of fruit and vegetables art much healthy than those who don t VIII 单项选择 15 分 从毎

9、小題所给的四个选项中 选出一个最佳答案 36 There is h in the word hour and the h doesn t make any sound A a B the C D an 37 I think it s necessary to learn how to work in groups I quite agree Sometimes it s even than grades A less important B more important C the least important B the most important 38 the traffic was

10、heavy this morning Peter arrived in school on time A Although B Because C Unless D Since 39 Could I park my car here Sorry I am afraid you Please look at the sign No parking A couldn t B can t C won t D shouldn t 40 Wang Yuan a member of the popular Chinese boy band TFBOYS to give a speech st ECOSOC

11、 Youth Forum 2017 on January 31st A invitee B invited C is invited D was invited 41 一 Are you good at running or swimming 一 I run fastest in my school A Yes I am B No I m not C Running D Swimming 42 There still some milk and bread in the fridge We don t n ed to go to the supermarket today A is B was

12、 C are D were 43 exciting volleyball game it was People around the world watched it A What a B What an C How D How a 44 Being blind is something most people can7t imagine A who B whose C that D what 45 一 Do you know L t n f see I remember it was on March 15th A why did they leave for New York B why

13、they left for New York C when did they leave for New York D when they left for New York 46 Yangge is my grandma s favorite and she does it healthy every evening A to keep B keeps C keeping D kept 47 your exam papers once again before you hand them in A Going over B Went over C Go over D To go over 4

14、8 The twin brothers look almost the same of them are outgoing A Neither B Both C None D All 49 一 do you help the old in the old peopled home Twice a year A How soon B How far C How often D How long 50 一 1 have to go to the piano class this Sunday so 1 can t go camping with you 一 I thought we could h

15、ave a nice day together A It s a pleasure B You re welcome C What a pity D I m sure 三 交际运用 共5 分 IX 根据对话内容及方框中所给的句子补全对话 选项中有一项是多余选项 5 分 Lin Hua and Sun Jia are chatting on the WeChat Lin Hua What are you doing Sun Jia Sun Jia 51 Have you seen it IJn Huai Of course And I like the winner Wu Yishu She b

16、ecomes famous overnight Suit Jia You are right Do you know anything else about her Lin Hua 52 I can t imagine that she knows so much about Chinese poems Sun Jis How amazed she is 53 Lin Hua It seems that no other TV show is more popular than that recently What do you think of it Sun Jia 54 Lin Hua I can t agree with you more The show inspires more people to learn Chinese ancient poems Sun Jia It also attracts foreign fans of Chinese poems Lin Hua Yes even a seven year old girl joined in it And I


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