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1、 16 中第二学期初三质量调研检测 二 英语试题 一 语法选择 共15 小题 每小题1 分 满分 15 分 Have you ever looked at someone and wondered what is going on inside his or her head Disney Pixar s new movie Inside Out 1 you there to find out The movie is mainly about Riley 11 2 has just moved to a new city 3 started a new school Inside her m

2、ind 4 known as headquarters there is a control center There five emotions Joy Fear Anger Disgust and Sadness are hard at 5 Joy s task is to make sure Riley stays happy Fear controls safety 6 Riley is trying to get along with her new environment Joy and Fear suddenly 7 into the back of Riley s mind T

3、hat leaves 8 three to work and brings about a lot of funny things Director Pete Docter who won an Oscar 奥斯卡奖 9 his film Up says the idea came to him while 10 his own kids turn into teenagers His daughter Ellie who was the voice of young Ellie in Up was 11 energetic kid But she started to become more

4、 12 as she grew up Young kids are 13 of energy and then they get a little older and get a little quiet and shy Docter said I thought What s going on inside 14 heads That is 15 leads to this film 1 A takes B take C taking D took 2 A which B that C who D what 3 A so B and C but D if 4 A either B neith

5、er C also D too 5 A works B work C worked D to work 6 A while B if C before D after 7 A put B are put C is put D are putting 8 A another B other C others D the other 9 A for B of C in D to 10 A watch B watched C watching D are watching 11 A a B an C the D 12 A silent B silently C silence D silenced

6、13 A fill B filled C full D fully 14 A your B our C his D their 15 A what B how C when D why 二 完形填空 共10 小题 每小题1 5 分 满分15 分 There were once two doors in the same house One was a beautiful living room door and the other was just a an 16 bathroom door They both had terrible lives The house was full of

7、17 children who were always slamming 摔 门 and kicking the doors Each night when everyone was asleep the doors would talk about their poor 18 The living room door was always ready to shout with anger but the bathroom door would calm him down saying Don t worry They re children They ll soon learn Be pa

8、tient and things will 19 And so the living room door would calm down for a while But one day after a big party and much slamming and kicking of the doors the living room door 20 lost his temper saying That s enough The next time someone slams me I m going to 21 and they ll learn how important I am T

9、he next day the first time he was slammed the living room door broke This caused great 22 in the house and the children were punished But after a few days the house owners didn t want to have a broken door Instead of 23 it they decided to buy a new one The old door was thrown into the rubbish By the

10、n the beautiful living room door regretted what he had done For not being 24 enough he was now abandoned 抛弃 waiting to be turned into firewood Meanwhile his friend the ordinary bathroom door remained in his place and the children were treating him with greater 25 16 A new B heavy C ordinary D silent

11、 17 A naughty B curious C nervous D polite 18 A dream B appearance C house D luck 19 A matter B improve C repeat D suffer 20 A seldom B fortunately C happily D finally 21 A break B teach C work D shout 22 A joy B benefit C trouble D doubt 23 A selling B repairing C painting D finding 24 A beautiful

12、B careful C patient D friendly 25 A force B anger C peace D care 三 阅读 满分45 分 第一节阅读理解 共20 小题 每小题2 分 满分40 分 阅读下面短文 从每题所给的A B C和 D项中 选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 A Here is something about an American high school and its students An American high school has a few large buildings and it s big enough for about 1 500

13、 students Each student has a locker 储物柜 in the classroom When they are at school they get their textbooks and outdoor clothes out Because American textbooks are expensive the school libraries usually loan them to students But they must pay for them if they lose them American students usually take a

14、yellow school bus to school Sometimes their parents drive them to school When they are 16 most of them take a free driving class at school Then they can drive by themselves to school Each day students must take science math and English classes They can also choose 选择 art fashion and other classes Th

15、ey usually go to different classrooms for one subject because the teachers have their own classrooms The school day usually ends early in the afternoon After school more than half of the students take after school activities such as sports and some school clubs 26 Where is the locker of a student A

16、In his her home B In his her classroom C In his her bedroom D In the school library 27 What color is the school bus in America A Yellow B Red C White D Blue 28 What does the underlined word loan mean in English A Buy B Push C Follow D Lend 29 Which of the follow is TRUE about American high school students A They have all the classes in the same classroom B Students must pay for textbooks if they lose them C A small number of them love after class activities D All of them take a school bus to sch


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