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1、 湖北省沙洋县初中毕业生学业考试英语模拟试卷六 第一部分听力部分 20 分 第一节 请听5 组小对话及对话后的问题 选择能正确回答所提问题的图画选项 每段对话及对话后的问 题均读两遍 1 A B C 2 A B C 3 A B C 4 A B C 5 A B C 第二节 请听4 段大对话 并按要求做答 每段对话均读两遍 听第一段大对话 回答第6和第 7 小题 6 Where will the dinner party be held A At Helen s B At Paul s C At Brown s 7 Why can t Helen go to the party A She is

2、seriously ill B She doesn t like dinner parties C She has to stay at home 听第二段大对话 回答第8和第 9 小题 8 What did Marco do yesterday A He worked with Steve B He went boating in the park C He went fishing in the river 9 What do we know about Steve A He wanted to study at Cambridge before B He is now studying

3、at Harvard C He has no interest in business 听第三段大对话 回答第10 12 小题 10 What are they going to buy A A shirt B A skirt C A dress 11 What color does Peter prefer A Red color B Light color C Dark color 12 Why doesn t Kate like the light color one A Easy to get dirty B Too small C Very expensive 听第四段大对话 回答第

4、13 15 小题 13 What happened to the man A He didn t go home last night B He was angry with his friend C His wife was angry with him 14 Why did the man come home late last night A He had a lot of work to do B He met an old friend C He went to look for Lily 15 What did Lily ask the man to do A To come ba

5、ck home early B To bring his friend home C To have a heart to heart talk 第三节 请听一段短文 并根据其内容 选择正确答案 短文读两遍 16 suggest that students should have 9 hours sleep every night A Parents B Teachers C Scientists 17 What can cause problems in a student s study A Quarreling with their parents B Arriving late for

6、 class C Falling asleep in class 18 Most students feel nervous and forgetful because A they worry about their studies B they don t get enough sleep C they often get lower grades 19 When should many students go to sleep A After 12 am B Before 11 pm C At about 9 pm 20 Most students go to bed late beca

7、use A there may be too much noise in his room B there may be a parent in his room C there may be a computer in his room 第二部分阅读理解 共两节 满分40 分 第一节共三篇阅读 共15 小题 每题2 分 满分30 分 A It was a hard year for my family Whenever my mom looked over at the tree and presents she would warn us There won t be as much fo

8、r Christmas this year Try not to be disappointed Christmas had traditionally been a time for my parents to make us happy In years past we had a lot of presents here and there taking over the living room On Christmas morning we nervously waited in the hallway until Dad told us everything was ready We

9、 rushed into the living room and let the wrapping paper fly Here s another one for you said Mom as she handed me a package I looked at it confused Having spent so much time examining the presents before Christmas I recognized this one But it had not been mine It was my mom s A new label 标签 had been

10、put on it with my name written in my mother s handwriting Mom I can t I was stopped by my mother s eager joyful look a look I could not really understand Let s see what it is honey Hurry and open it It was a blow dryer Though this may seem a simple gift to me it was so much more Being an eleven year

11、 old girl I was stunned In my world where receiving outweighed giving my mom s act of selflessness was incomprehensible It was a huge act Tears filled my eyes and I thought in disbelief about how much my mom must love me to give up her Christmas so I could have a few more presents I have always reme

12、mbered that Christmas It had such an effect on me As a mother with children in my life whom I love I can now understand my mom s actions because giving truly is better than receiving My mom s simple act meant the world to me 21 What can we learn from the first paragraph A The author wanted very much

13、 to get Christmas presents this year B There were many presents for the author in years past C The author s mother wanted to give a surprise to her children D The author s mother was excited about the Christmas presents 22 The mother gave her daughter her own present because A she loved her daughter

14、 B she didn t need the present C she didn t like her present D she thought the present was simple 23 The underlined word stunned in Paragraph 5 most probably means A worried B bored C interested D surprised 24 Which of the following best describes the author s mother A Friendly and energetic B Stric

15、t and intelligent C Selfless and kind hearted D Helpful and patient 25 The main purpose of the passage is to tell us A good is rewarded with good B giving is better than receiving C a friend in need is a friend indeed D where there is a will there s a way B Welcome to FrightC We have the widest sele

16、ction of outfits you ll need to make your holiday one to remember Regardless of age men s women s and kids outfits are always fun to wear The outfits give you a chance to live a life outside of your own for one whole night At FrightC there are countless adult outfits and kids disguises 用作伪装的东西 for you to choose from If you are looking for something frightening or scary we have it If you are looking for something cute or funny we also have it If you want to combine the two go ahead we have that t


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