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1、 英语中考模拟试题 听力部分 满分20 分 一 听力部分 第一节听力选择听对话选择正确答案 听下面5 段对话 每听完一段对话 做1 个小题 1 Who is the girl s brother A B C 2 What will they get first A B C 3 Where was the girl yesterday afternoon A At home B In the zoo C In the library 4 Which movie will the girl see A Mr Bean B The day after tomorrow C Little prince

2、 5 When will the football game begin A 8 00 B 8 30 C 9 00 听第 6 段对话 完成6 7 小题 6 What is the father doing A Reading a newspaper B Watching TV C Having dinner 7 How was the traffic this morning A Great B Not C Terrible 听第 7 段对话 完成8 9 小题 8 Where are they going tonight A To the supermarket B To the water

3、park C To the concert 9 How many people are going there together A Six B Nine C Eleven 听第 8 段对话 完成10 12 小题 10 What is Peter doing on Saturday morning A Nothing much B Have a piano lesson C Hang out with friends 11 When will the birthday party begin A At 3 00 B At 5 00 C At 7 00 12 Where will the par

4、ty be held A In the school restaurant B In the classroom C On the playground 听第 9 段对话 完成13 15 小题 13 When will Mr Lee leave A On Saturday B On Sunday C On Monday 14 Who will meet Mr Lee at the airport A Porter B Jane C Peter 15 How will Mr Lee to Paris A By air B By bus C By train 第二节笔录要点 根据你听到的内容 填写

5、下面的表格 每空不超过3 个单词 A trip to the museum Floors What to see What to do 1st The inventions in the16 days Spend much time looking at everything 2nd The inventors of the 20th Century Read the invention17 3rd Some18 inventions You can19 there 4th A cafe You can go for a drink but don t stay20 二 笔试部分 共100 分

6、 第一节单项选择 15 分 21 There is some in the fridge A tomato B oranges C milk 22 In China more and more teenagers love playing basketball A B the C a 23 This is book please give it to A my me B me I C mine me 24 The girl is famous her songs A of B in C for 25 How s the weather It s We all go out and enjoy

7、the sunshine A rainy B cloudy C sunny 26 How often do you go online Ann because it is bad for my eyes A Always B Sometimes C Often 27 is your Chinese teacher Peter Miss Li A When B Who C How 28 My father didn t sleep he finished his work A but B or C until 29 Spring Festival is coming parents are bu

8、sy for it A shop B to shop C shopping 30 Whose book on the ground It be Tom s Because his name is on it A must B can t C might 31 Teenagers should learn to themselves A give up B put on C look after 32 eat in class Mark Sorry I won t do it A Don t B Not C Can t 33 Many trees and flowers on the stree

9、ts in Jishou A plant B are planted C are plant 34 How long you English Since I was 10 years old A did study B are studying C have studied 35 Mr Brown could you tell us On June 9th A what is the Dragon Boat Festival B when the Dragon Boat Festival is C where is the Dragon Boat Festival 第二节完形填空 10 分 J

10、une 15th Today I 36 on a school trip We visited the science museum and it was really 37 We got there so fast 38 train We saw some farms and villages along the way At the 39 I learned a lot about 40 I didn t know they could play chess with us It was so cool Then the guide taught us how 41 a model rob

11、ot I took 42 great photos too 43 I went to the gift shop and bought some lovely 44 for my parents They weren t expensive All in all it was 45 exciting day 36 A go B went C gone 37 A interesting B boring C crowded 38 A at B in C by 39 A farm B village C museum 40 A animals B robots C history 41 A to

12、make B make C making 42 A a lot B a lots of C a lot of 43 A In fact B After that C At first 44 A gifts B photos C chess 45 A a B the C an 第三节阅读理解 10 分 A In today s world many people seem to be hungry for money Money does have its most useful effect on the poor But even if a person has already got pl

13、enty of money he or she can t have everything If money were everything all millionaires would have real love true friendship good health and a long life However this is not always correct Since the beginning of time no three words have ever invited more pleasure than I love you But can love be bough

14、t I m afraid not Love means to give not to take To every person health and a long life are probably the best things Well can health and a long life be bought with money The answer is No Of all the longest living people in the world few of them are millionaires True friendship can t be bought either

15、In a word where money is dreamed too much it can cause brothers to quarrel marriage to end lovers to hate and strangers to fight No matter how much money you have it is still not enough to make a happy person if you have no one to laugh with no one to cry for 阅读判断 正确的写T 错误的写 F 46 Getting plenty of m

16、oney getting everything 47 The meaning of love is to give not to take 48 It s true that health and a long life can t be bought with money 49 Millionaires are the longest living people in the world 50 Money can t make you a happy person 阅读图表 从每题所给的A B C三个选项中选出最佳选项 10 分 B If you have no special plans for your free time why not give your time away Don t listen to people who say that teenagers today are selfish 自私的 It s not true Volunteering is becoming more popular in the United States Millions of


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