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1、 如皋市实验初中九年级第二次模拟考试试卷英语 注 意 事 项 考生在答题前请认真阅读本注意事项 1 本试 卷共 11 页 满分 120 分 考试时间为120 分钟 考试结束后 请将本试卷和答题卡一并交 回 2 答题前 请务必将自己的姓名 考试证号用0 5 毫米黑色字迹的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡指 定的位置 3 请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名 考试证号与你本人的是否相符 4 答案必须按要求填涂 书写在答题卡上 在草稿纸 试卷上答题一律无效 第 卷 选择题共 60 分 一 单项选择 本题共 15 小题 每小题1 分 满分15 分 从 A B C D四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的

2、最佳选项 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 1 They stopped in beautiful place for camping near farmhouse of the Smiths A a a B the a C a the D the the 2 When I walked the south side of the square I happened to meet our English teacher A across B around C through D along 3 The match between Spurs and Heat in the NBA finals was

3、 really fantastic when Leonard scored in the last minute A probably B exactly C especially D mostly 4 Bobby recommended me several foreign films but was to my taste A all B nothing C no one D none 5 Mr Smith his wife were badly hurt in the traffic accident I m sorry to hear that We need to drive mor

4、e carefully on foggy days A Either or B Neither nor C Not only but also D Both and 6 Now most young people like shopping online because they spend a lot of time going from shop to shop A shouldn t B can t C mustn t D needn t 7 My grandparents for over 60 years and they love each other very much A ha

5、ve been married B got married C were married D have got married 8 Why doesn t the surgeon stop lunch Because he is too busy a dying patient in the operation room A to have to save B having to save C to have saving D having saving 9 It is known to all that the day becomes shorter and shorter winter c

6、omes A before B when C until D since 10 As soon as she at home Sally knew she had bought the wrong dress A handed it in B tried it on C cut it out D made it up 11 Alex Honnold is planning to climb the mountain without even using a rope What I ve never heard of idea before A a crazier B the crazier C

7、 a craziest D the craziest 12 Sandy for some information about the topic Then share it with us please A is searchingB searchesC searchD will search 13 How is your May Day holiday John Not bad You seem so happy Could you tell me A what place you have been to B if you visit your grandparents C who did

8、 you spend the holiday with D that you watched a football match 14 beautiful voice Betty has No wonder she wants to be a singer when she grows up A How B How a C What a D What 15 I am sorry to hear that our women badminton players lost the Sudirman Cup Failure is the mother of success A No problem B

9、 It s a pity C With pleasure D Never mind 二 完形填空 本题共 15 小题 每小题1 分 满分15 分 请认真阅读下面短文 从短文后各题所给的ABCD四个选项 选出最佳选项 并在答题卡上将 该项涂黑 There was a king who loved art very much One day a n 16 came and said Please let me paint a picture on a wall The king happened to have a big new hall 17 So he 18 the artist to wo

10、rk on one of the walls At the same time another artist came and asked to work on the 19 wall He promised he would make the same picture as the first artist s 20 looking at the first artist s work The second artist asked to have a thick curtain put up between the two walls 21 neither of them could se

11、e each other The following day they began to work The first artist brought in 22 supply of paint oil water and so on The second one came with a 23 and a bucket 桶 A month later the first artist s work was completed and the second artist said My wall is 24 too The king went to see the first artist s w

12、all He was pleased with it and gave the artist a lot of money He then asked people to 25 the curtain 26 Each line was 27 the same as that on the opposite wall The king was quite satisfied and gave him double money However he 28 how the second man had made it I just wipe the wall with the cloth the m

13、an said calmly The wall was made of white marble 大理石 He made it shine like a mirror The reflection 倒影 of the first painting 29 up on it The 30 is a reflection of you too If you are sad the world will be sad If you are happy the world will be happy 16 A editor B artist C server D actress 17 A created

14、 B destroyed C pushed D built 18 A reminded B realized C allowed D made 19 A opposite B common C same D similar 20 A with B without C over D under 21 A even if B as if C so that D in case 22 A little B few C enough D useless 23 A mirror B cloth C stick D curtain 24 A present B free C ready D useful

15、25 A open B shut C close D closed 26 A Exciting B Amazing C Frightening D Interesting 27 A probably B exactly C certainly D hardly 28 A knew B warned C noticed D wondered 29 A set B added C showed D took 30 A story B king C world D painter 三 阅读理解 本题共 15 小题 每小题2 分 满分30 分 请认真阅读下列短文 从短文后各题所给的A B C D四个选

16、项中 选出最佳选项 A Here are some important events in August in Britain Great Britain Beer Festival Tuesday August 3 rd Saturday August 7 th London Drink music and other entertainments This is held at Earls Court Edinburgh International Festival Friday August 13 th Sunday August 22 nd Edinburgh A festival of classical music operas and dances in Edinburgh Bristol International Balloon Festival Thursday August 12 th Thursday August19 th Europe s largest hot air balloon festival with over 100 balloons taki


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