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1、 湖南省益阳市中考英语试卷 益阳市 2017 年普通初中毕业学业考试英语听力测试现在开始 听力材料以中速朗读两遍 A 听音选图根据你所听到的内容 选择相应的图片 1 My mother came to see me yesterday She bought me some bananas 2 Mr Wang is flying to Beijing tomorrow morning The plane will take off at twenty past nine 3 Anna usually goes to school by bike She never walks to school

2、 4 Jenny is going to skate with her friends this afternoon 5 Look at the sign Tom Please don t shout loudly B 对话理解根据你所听到的对话以及针对该对话所提的问题 选出能回答该问题的最佳答案 听下面一段对话 回答第6 小题 W Do you want to be a policeman in the future M Yes I hope so 听下面一段对话 回答第7 小题 W It s sunny today isn t it M Yes but it will be cloudy

3、tomorrow 听下面一段对话 回答第8 小题 W Are you from Australia John M No I m from Canada But my pen friend comes from Australia 听下面一段对话 回答第9 小题 W Did you speak at the class meeting M Yes I was the first one Then five other people spoke after me 听下面一段对话 回答第10 小题 W What s your favorite subject Jack M I like math b

4、est Because it s interesting 听下面一段对话 回答第11 12 小题 W What s the matter Why are you sitting on the ground M I fell off my bike and hurt my leg W I m sorry to hear that Is there anything I can do for you M Please call my mother and ask her to come here W All right I will call her right now M Thank you 听

5、下面一段对话 回答第13 15 小题 W Hi David What did you do last Sunday M Hi Ann I visited the zoo W Who did you go there with M I went there with Frank my best friend And his father took us there in his car W What did you do at the zoo M We saw a lot of animals there And we watched an animal show too W How was t

6、he animal show M It was great The animals were so clever And we took some photos W Can you show me the photos M No problem C 笔录要点根据你所听到的的内容 完成下面的表格 每空不超过3 个单词 People Sports Center offers service for all the family You can do almost any sport And also you can get help from the teachers here Outdoors

7、there is a baseball field two football fields and a 400 meter playground Indoors there are plenty of places for sports You can play basketball and table tennis There is also a nice hall where you can enjoy dancing Children under eight years old can get free tickets Our center opens every day Come on

8、 and join us 听力测试到此结束 监考老师请关机 考生请继续答题 益阳市 2017 年普通初中毕业学业考试试卷 英语 考生注意 1 本学科试卷分试题卷和答题卡两部分 2 请将姓名 准考证号等相关信息按要求填涂在答题卡上 3 请按答题卡上的注意事项在答题卡上作答 答在试题卷上无效 4 本学科为闭卷考试 考试时量为90 分钟 卷面满分为120 分 5 考试结束后 请将试题卷和答题卡一并交回 6 试卷中听力材料以中速朗读两遍 选择题中最佳选项只有一个 不选 多选 错选 涂写不清楚 均不给分 试 题 卷 I 听力技能 三个部分 共20 小题 计25 分 A 听音选图 共5 小题 计5 分 根

9、据你所听到的内容 选择相应的图片 1 A B C B 对话理解 共10 小题 计 10 分 根据你所听到的对话以及针对该对话所提的问题 选出能回答该问题的最佳答案 听下面一段对话 回答第6 小题 6 What does the boy want to be in the future A A policeman B A doctor C A teacher 听下面一段对话 回答第7 小题 7 What will the weather be like tomorrow A Sunny B Cloudy C Rainy 听下面一段对话 回答第8 小题 8 Which country is Joh

10、n from A England B Australia C Canada 听下面一段对话 回答第9 小题 9 How many people spoke at the class meeting A Six B Five C Four 听下面一段对话 回答第10 小题 10 What subject does Jack like best A Physics B English C Math 听下面一段对话 回答第11 12 小题 11 Why is the boy sitting on the ground A Because he was tired B Because he fell

11、off the bike and hurt his leg 2 A B C 3 A B C 4 A B C 5 A B C C Because he had a stomachache 12 What is the girl going to do for him A She is going to take him home B She is going to call the police C She is going to call his mother 听下面一段对话 回答第13 15 小题 13 When did David go to the zoo A Last Saturday

12、 B Last Sunday C Last Monday 14 Who drove the car A Frank s father B Frank s friend C Frank 15 How did David like the animal show A It was scary B It was awful C It was great C 笔录要点 共5 小题 计10 分 根据你所听到的内容 完成下面的表格 每空不超过三个单词 People Sports Center Service It offers service for 16 Outdoors A baseball fiel

13、d two football fields and a 400 meter 17 Indoors You can play basketball and table tennis You can also enjoy 18 Free tickets Children under 19 years old can get Open hours It opens 20 II 知识运用 两个部分 计20 分 A 选择填空 共10 小题 计 10 分 从 A B C三个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案 21 I bought useful dictionary yesterday diction

14、ary is very cheap A a A B a The C an The 22 Is this your son s sweater No is on the chair behind the desk A hers B yours C his 23 Which of the two subjects do you like P E or music They are really interesting A Neither B Both C None 24 I didn t realize he was a famous scientist you told me A until B

15、 because C since 25 It s necessary for you the classroom clean class A keep B keeping C to keep 26 The number of people in the city about seven million now A are B has C is 27 If more people give up driving cars the air will get much in a few days A clean B cleaner C the cleanest 28 The school sport

16、s meeting will be because of the heavy rain A put up B put on C put off 29 I wonder if Tom this afternoon Don t worry I will tell you as soon as he A will come comes B comes will come C comes comes 30 Could you please tell me A how old are you B when he will come back C where is he from B 完形填空 共10 小题 计 10 分 通读下面的短文 然后从短文后所给的A B C三个选项中选出最佳答案填空 使短文完整通顺 Smiling is the best way of making friends When I was thirteen 31 old my father found a job in the city So my family moved there I also came to a n


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