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1、 Practice1 peach 桃子 桃树 2 zoo 动物园 3 glass 玻璃杯子 4 fox 狐狸 狡猾的人 5 lady 女士 夫人 6 policewoman 女警察 7 house 房子 8 photo 照片 9 monkey 猴子 10 wife 妻子 11 rose 玫瑰花 粉红色 蔷薇花 12 path 道路 小路 13 judge 法官 裁判员 14 map 地图 peacheszoosglassesfoxesladiespolicewomenhousesphotosmonkeyswivesrosespathsjudgesmaps Practice 1 他 ismybr

2、other 2 Ihadaletterfrom 她 3 It sallright it sonly 我 4 Today 我们 wentin 我们的 car tomorrow 我们 aregoingin 他们的 5 我 lend 我的 booksgladlyto 我的 friendsandto 你的 6 Canyouhelp 我 with 我的 English 7 When 你 gotosee 你的 father pleasetakethesebooksto 他 8 他们 found 它 difficulttolearnGerman He her me we our we theirs I my

3、 my yours me my you your him They it 1 Thereisnotebookonmydesk lusenotebooktokeepadlary 2 Thereisbottleonthetable waterinitissweet 3 Wang smotherisEnglishteacher Sheteachesinprimaryschool 4 Chinaisancientcountrywithlonghistory 5 Chinahaspopulatlonof12hundredmillion Chinesepeoplearegreatpeople 6 Herm

4、othehisuniversityteacher Sheishonestwoman 7 Noneofbooksshouldbetakenoutofroomwithoutpermissionoflibrarian 8 Partyalwaysteachesustoworkforpeopleheartandsoul 9 ShestudiesatNo 3MiddleSchool Shegoestoschoolbybuseveryday 10 MyeldersisterisstudentofEnglish Shestudiesatcollege 用a an the或不填来填空 a the a The a

5、n an the a the The a an the the the The a a 1 HeverygodatEnglish 2 MyfatherandIgoingtoBeijingnextmonth 3 youondutythedaybeforeyesterday 4 Mr KinginLondontwoweeksago 5 Theremanykindsofanimalsinthezoo 6 Whatthedateyesterday 7 Look Alittlegirlflyingakite 8 WhonotatschoollastMonday 9 HaveyouevertoJapan 10Inotanurse Iworkasadoctor is are Were was are was was is been am


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