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1、-范文最新推荐- 浅谈奥巴马演讲中的语用策略_英语论文 AcknowledgmentsOne of the greatest joys during the writing of this thesis is discussing with people who have given not just their time and attention, but their hearts and souls as well. I hereby would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the following people for their s

2、elfless dedication and contribution to my thesis.My profound gratitude first goes to the teachers who have helped me with this paper. Among them I especially want to thank Ms. Liyan, my supervisor, who has generously shared her inspirational and provocative ideas during many of our face-to-face disc

3、ussion sessions. I will never forget the precious time she has spent for me.Another Person I would like to thank is my friend Chen Xuejuan for helping me find all the necessary research materials. I would never forgot the time we spent in the libraries and the book stores. I also appreciate the time

4、 she has spent to help me getting my ideas into shape.Last but not least, I would like to appreciate my dear mother. Whenever I want to give up, she always encouraged me to continue. She helped me to find balance between my internship and this paper. Without her encouragement, I cannot finish the pa

5、per within the required time.AbstractPublic speaking as an efficient way of expressing one’s idea is playing a gradually important role in our daily life. A typical person who has benefited a lot from making excellent speeches is Obama, the American President. The success of Obama aroused the

6、phenomenon called "say it like Obama". English learners treat Obama’s speeches as authentic examples for their English learning. Hundreds of books has been published to analyze the speaking techniques used by Obama. However, little attention has been paid to the pragmatic strategies

7、in these speeches. This paper tried to analyze the speeches from this creative perspective and hope to act as a guide to future study.The paper falls into three parts. The first part serves as an introduction of both Obama and his speeches. The second part, which is also the main part of this paper,

8、 aims at analyzing the pragmatic strategies applied in Obama’s speeches. The last but not least part functions as a conclusion. 3.3 Discussion134 The Strategy of Using Special Sentences144.1 Sentences of Religious Coloring.144.2 Sentences of Special Pattern.144.3 Discussion.155 Conclusion.165.

9、1 Major Findings165.2 Implications of The Study.175.3 Limitations and Suggestions.17Bibliography.191 IntroductionPublic speaking as an effective way of spreading one’s ideas is playing a gradually important role in our daily life. Different from other means of communication, speeches should be

10、 prepared in advance. Its content and structure are refined according to the purpose or the audience of the speech. While a speech is delivered, a great amount of information is passing to the audience so does the speaker’s idea. Mostly a specific reaction or effect is expected by the orator.

11、We can find public speaking in different occasions. It can be a casual one as explaining why you like a movie, while it also can be a serious one as giving a presentation at a meeting. In today’s globalized society, making an excellent presentation in English is very important for it means mor

12、e opportunities. Even Warren Buffet, one of the richest man in the world, once said at Stanford University that "The best investment I ever made was in the Dale Carnegie Course (a course train people how to make public speaking)".A typical person who benefited a lot from making excellent p

13、ublic speeches is Barack Hussein Obama II. Barack Obama is a son of Barack Hussein Obama a Kenyan and Ann Dunham an American. He spent his childhood in Honolulu, Hawaii and then went to Harvard University where his talent was recognized by both teachers and students. After graduating from Harvard, h

14、e became a lecturer to teach constitution in Chicago University. In 1995, he was elected the senator of Illinois. However, he failed in the competition for a seat in the House of Representative in 2000, after which he devoted all his energy into the senatorial work of Illinois. Obama made his speech

15、es around several major topics. First of all, which is also the most significant is to overcome racial limitations and encourage to build a nation for all Americans. This topic is closely related to his experience as a child born with different cultural backgrounds. At Obama’s parents’ time, the marriage between the black and white was not legally recognized. Obama’s mixed blood background is rare at his generation. Because of his special identity, Obama can understand the life of the immigrants deeper than an



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