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1、4 Canyouswimtheriver A betweenB amongC nearD across5 DavidsitsLucy Heisverytall soLucycan tseethemovie A behindB infrontofC nearD nextto Wherethereiskindness thereisgoodness andwherethereisgoodness thereismagic 哪里有仁爱 哪里就有善行 哪里有善行 哪里就有奇迹 灰姑娘 我现在在写数学作业 我昨晚在写数学作业 我今晚要写数学作业 我每天晚上都要写数学作业 我写完了数学作业 现在进行时一般

2、过去时一般将来时一般现在时现在完成时过去进行时过去将来时过去完成时 一般现在时 在英语中表示不同时间发生的动作或存在的状态 需用不同的动词形式表示 这种不同的动词形式称为时态 Tense 一般过去时态 LearningAims1 掌握一般过去时的意义 用法 构成及其用于一般过去时的时间状语 2 能够写出部分不规则动词的过去式 3 掌握一般过去时的句式变换 一般疑问句 否定句 特殊疑问句 什么是一般过去时 意义 动词的一般过去时态表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态 I 12yearsoldthisyear 我去年11岁 I 11yearsoldlastyear He inBeijingnow

3、 他昨天在上海 He inShanghaiyesterday 他现在在北京 Pleaselookatthesentences 我今年12岁 am was is was They inChinatoday 他们今天在中国 They inJapanyesterday 他们昨天在日本 are were am is was are were 每天 早餐我吃鸡蛋和牛奶 I eggsandmilkforbreakfasteverymorning 昨天 早餐我吃面条 I noodlesforbreakfastyesterdaymorning 他每天都吃水果 He fruiteveryday 昨天他吃了3个苹

4、果 He 3applesyesterday have has had have has had had Igetupat6 30everymorning I upat9 00lastSunday Heplaysfootballeveryafternoon He basketballyesterdayafternoon Hedoeshishomeworkeveryevening He somereadinglastnight 动词原形 第三人称单数 动词过去式 got played did 谓语构成 1 动词be2 动词have has3 助动词do does4 行为动词用过去式 was wer

5、e had did 一般过去时以动词的过去式来表示 没有人称和数的变化 was were除外 Iwenttoschoolyesterday Theywenttoschoolyesterday 一般过去时的谓语构成 由动词的过去式构成 规则变化1 一般加ed 2 以e结尾加d 3 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词 先双写这个辅音字母 再加ed work worked change changed shop shopped stop stopped move moved nod 4 以辅音字母加y结尾的词 先改y为i 再加ed study studied 5 不规则变化 见不规则动词表P102

6、carry carried hurrymarry 规则动词过去式 ed的发音 1 在以清辅音结尾的规则动词后 ed读作 t work w3 k ed t 2 在以浊辅音或元音结尾的规则动词后 ed读作 d play pleI live lIv ed d ed d 3 在以 t 或 d 结尾的规则动词后 ed读作 Id visit vIzIt ed Id finishedenjoyedshoutedmoved helpedwantedcalledneeded t d Id d d t Id Id Let sreadthem 动词过去式转换练习将下列动词变为过去式 返回上页 订正答案 1 look

7、2 live3 stop4 carry5 hope6 trip7 call8 finish9 want10 are11 go12 have13 do14 gete16 say17 see18 put19 eat20 take21 read 返回上页 返回首页 返回练习 动词过去式转换练习答案 1 looklooked2 livelived3 stopstopped4 carrycarried5 hopehoped6 triptripped7 callcalled8 finishfinished9 wantwanted10 arewere11 gowent12 havehad13 dodid14

8、 getgotecame16 saysaid17 seesaw18 putput19 eatate20 taketook21 readread 巧记不规则动词过去式1 中间去e 末尾加t如 keep kept feel felt sleep slept sweep swept2 结尾d变t如 build built lend lent send sent spend spent3 遇见i改为a如 ring rang sit sat drink drank sing sang swim swam begin began give gave 4 骑 马 开 车 写 字 把i变o如 ride rod

9、e drive drove write wrote5 想 买 带来 打仗 ought换上think thought buy bought bring brought fight fought6 教书 抓住 aught切莫忘如 teach taught catch caught7 ow aw改为ew是新时尚如 know knew grow grew throw threw draw drew8 放 让 读 过去式与原形一样如 put put let let read read red 表示过去的时间的时间状语 yesterday昨天早晨Justnow刚才yesterdayafternoon昨天下

10、午Lastweek上周Yesterdayevening昨天傍晚inthepast过去Thedaybeforeyesterday前天thatday那天Lastnight昨天夜里lastyear去年Threedaysago三天前thatyear那年Threeweeksago三周前thatmonth那个月Threemonthsago三个月前justnow刚才 1 ago家族 amomenttwominutesthreehoursfivedaysoneweeksixmonthsfouryears ago 用于一般过去时的时间状语 longlongago last timenightweekmontht

11、ermMonday yesterday morningafternoonevening thedaybeforeyesterday 2 Last家族 3 yesterday家族 4 that家族 that morningwinterdayyear justnowintheolddaysinthosedaysin1980theotherdayatthattimeonceuponatime 4 其他时间状语 那时候 当年 几天以前 在那时 以前 从前 1 肯定句 主语 行为动词过去式主语 be动词过去式 was were e g Weplayedfootballyesterday Iwasinth

12、eofficelastnight 2 否定句didnot didn t 行为动词原形wasnot wasn t 其他成分werenot weren t 其他成分e g Iwasnotintheofficelastnight Ididn tsingasongatKangkang sparty Ididn tplayvideogames 3 一般疑问句did 主语 行为动词原形was were 主语 其他成分eg Didyougoshoppingyesterday Yes Idid No Ididn t Wasshe15yearsoldlastyear 4 特殊疑问句特殊疑问词 did 主语 行为

13、动词原形特殊疑问词 was were 主语 其他成分eg Wheredidyougoshoppingyesterday Whenandwherewereyouborn 1 Iwasastudent 2 Youwereright 3 Hewasathome 4 Shewasinpink 5 Wewerehere 6 Theywerebusy 将下列句子变成否定句 Iwasn tastudent Youweren tright Hewasn tathome Shewasn tinpink Weweren there Theyweren tbusy 否定句 主语 wasn t weren t 其他

14、wasnot wasn twerenot weren t 1 Iwasastudent 2 Youwereright 3 Hewasathome 4 Shewasinpink 5 Wewerehere 6 Theywerebusy 将下列句子变成疑问句 Wereyouastudent Wereyouright Washeathome Wassheinpink Wereyouhere Weretheybusy 一般疑问句 Was Were 主语 其他 写出下列句子的肯定及否定回答 WasIastudent 2 Wereyouright 3 Washeathome 4 Wassheinpink 5

15、 Weretheybusy Yes youwere Yes Iwas Yes hewas Yes shewas Yes theywere No youweren t No Iweren t No hewasn t No shewasn t No theyweren t 行为动词一般过去时的否定式 一般过去时的否定式是在动词原形前加助动词didnot didn t 主语 didn t 动词原形 I themthenews I tell themthenewsyesterday didn ttell told Exercises 将下列句子改成否定句 Theystayedathomelastwee

16、kend 2 MyclassmatevisitedmelastSunday 3 Myparentswalkedthedogjustnow Theydidn tstayathomelastweekend Myparentsdidn twalkthedogjustnow Myclassmatedidn tvisitmelastSunday 行为动词一般过去时的疑问式 一般过去时的一般疑问式在句首加助动词did Did 主语 动词原形 They finish theirworkatfour 一般疑问句 they theirworkatfour Yes they No they finished Did finish did didn t 行为动词一般过去时的疑问式 一般过去时的特殊疑问式 疑问词 did 主语 动词原形 Theyfinishedtheirworkatfour A B 对划线部分提问A B Whatdidtheydoatfour Whendidtheyfinishtheirwork T 注意 1 加助动词did或者didn t后 动词须返回原形 ChooseForT Didhe


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