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1、 Overview教学目标1.能够掌握体育与健康问题的常用词汇及句型2.能够熟悉体育与健康问题的常考话题教学重难点教学安排一览事项时间1复习英语谚语5分钟2短文改错,扩写句子20分钟3体育与健康话题的优秀作文赏析60分钟4体育与健康话题作文专项训练35分钟5RevisionI. 英语谚语1. God helps those who help themselves.自助者天助。2. Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同。3. He knows most who speaks least.大智若愚。4. He laughs best who laughs last.谁笑到最

2、后,谁笑得最好。5. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.抱最好的愿望,做最坏的打算。6. It is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老。7. Never judge a book by its cover.不能以貌取人。8. Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。9. Love is blind.爱情是盲目的。10. Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌。Introduction 中考最常见的文体是记叙文。记叙文里面最常用的时态是过去时,因为记叙文通常要求描写过去发生的事情.记叙文还

3、有一种要用一般现在时来写作的,这种文章通常是关于目前的社会状况、生活、兴趣爱好和学习状况等的描述。中考另一种比较常见的文体是说明文。说明文的用途在于提供信息,通常用来介绍某些事物的特征、性质等,客观性比较强。中考对议论文的要求也是处于要点作文的层次,通常都会给出论点和论据,然后文章最后个人适当地提出一些意见。应用文最常见的是书信。书信的内容有记叙性的.Presentation (1) I短文改错AI live in the country and my father was a farmer. He is now forty-five year old. Because of is years

4、years of hard work, he looks old than his age. When I was young, he used to tell me the olderimportance study. Father knows little about English and other subjects,but he usually gives meimportance ofsome good advices on how to learn my lessons good. He is not only kind to me but also very strict ad

5、vice wellin me. With his help, Ive made great progress. Ill never to forget what he taught me. I think my with /father is best father in the world. the best BWeve just moved in a house and we want to buy a new color television set, and Im not into butsure about a size. Maybe we should buy a big one.

6、 If we buy a small one, we might have theto change it in a few years time a bigger one. My husband thinks its no necessary to buy a very for notbig one. He said our sitting room isnt very big. If we put in a very big television, they will says itbe bad for our eyes. Anyway, wed better to make quick

7、decision because the price may go up / a quicksoon. II扩写句子句子是文章的基本单位,优秀的作文是由清晰而合乎语法规则的句子组成的。因此,在学习扩句法之前,先对学生进行五个简单句句型,并列句和复合句的专项训练,打好基础。扩句是在基本句型的基础上,添加各种修饰成份,使句子得到扩展,即根据表达的需求增加定语,状语,同位语等成分,或者举例子补充细节内容,或者添加谚语俗语等。1. We arrived in Sanya.- We arrived in Sanya, happily and excitedly. (添加副词)2. I like to m

8、ake friends with my classmates.- I like to make friends with my classmates, who have the same interest as mine. (添加定语从句)3. We were happy and returned home.We were happy and returned home after we had finished collecting all the rubbish.(添加状语从句)4. I like reading books.- I like reading books, such as

9、novels, short stories, magazines and newspapers.(通过举例补充细节)5. We should study hard.- As we all know, “Practice makes perfect”. So we should study hard.(添加谚语)6. I often join in many activities.- I often join in many activities in order to communicate with other students and broaden my mind. (添加目的状语)Pr

10、esentation (2) 近年来,中小学生健康问题日益引起人们的关注。请你用英语就该问题谈谈你的看法。要求:(1) 内容包括:1.列举中小学面临的健康问题。(2) 请谈谈怎么样才能保持健康(3) 字数60-80词(4) 短文中不得出现你的真实姓名,学校名和地名。_写作指导本文是篇议论文,属于开放性作文。它要求考生从中学生面临的健康问题和谈论怎样才能保持健康两个方面来进行写作。话题与学生日常生活紧密相关,因此考生有话可写,但先要确定好文章的主题和文体,重点突出,第一个方面重点在面临的健康问题,第二个方面在“保持”上。考生在行文时要注意文章连贯性和准确性,语言要简洁明了。注意:1. 在列举中小

11、学生面临的健康问题,根据具体情况使用适当的人称,但在谈怎样才能保持健康,使用第一人称口吻,这样显得亲切自然;2. 使用一般现在时;3. 在谈怎么样才能保持健康时,注意语气要委婉;4. 注意要写齐要点,并恰当地使用连接词。标准范文1. Everyone wants to keep healthy today, especially our students. But we dont pay attention to our health. Some of them go to school without breakfast in the morning. Some students and p

12、upils play computer games or watch TV all days, especially at the weekends. Many boys think it is cool to drink or smoke.It is important for us to have good habits. We should eat breakfast every morning. We can watch TV or play games for a short time, then have a rest. We also can take part in some clubs. I think it is necessary for us to keep healthy.范文翻译如今每个人都想保持健康,尤其是学生。可是我们并没有关注自己的健康。有些学生不吃早餐就上学,有些学生一整天地玩游戏或看电视,尤其在周末。有很多男生觉得喝酒抽烟很酷。对我们来说养成好习惯非常重要。我们应该坚持每天吃早餐。看电视玩游戏时间不要过长,要多休息。我们也要多参加一些俱乐部的。我想我们有必要保持健康。 范文解析 考生开门见山,讲述了人们想保持健康的



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