(门头沟区妙峰山民族学校陈海虹)北师大版英语七上Get Ready E Part 1教学设计.doc

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1、教学设计 姓名:陈海虹单位:北京市门头沟区妙峰山民族学校地址:北京市门头沟区妙峰山镇陇驾庄村邮政编码:102300联系电话:137177659026188 0043 - 8021 Get Ready E Part I Your Room 教材分析教学内容:本课是北师大版初中英语七年级上册Get Ready E Part I的第一课,话题是你的房间。讲述的是Jeff第一次来到Weimin的房间,发生在他们之间的对话。 本课的教学设计为一课时,是一节阅读课。本课教学设计主要分为三部分。一: 读前活动。用Key words中的单词,填写Warm - up图片中所指物品,目的是复习有关卧室物品的词汇。

2、二:读中活动1.通过阅读对话左边的人名以及其前两个句子,获取对话主要信息;2.通过细读对话,根据对话内容判断对话右边陈述是否正确,获取对话的细节信息;3.通过再次阅读对话,画出不理解的句子,学生或教师翻译,帮助理解对话。三:读后活动 1.模仿录音朗读对话;自己朗读对话;分组朗读对话;在全体学生面前分角色朗读对话;在朗读完毕后,学生或教师把每组读错或不准确的词写在黑板上进行评价。(满分10分;8分及以上为good;6分及6分以上pass )2.根据提示讨论对话 教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1.通过阅读对话,回答这两个问题获取对话的主要信息:(1)The dialogue is betwe

3、en _and _. (2) This is _ room .2. 通过细读对话,判断对话右边的陈述是否符合事实,获取对话的细节信息。3. 通过只听录音不跟读、跟读录音、自己朗读和两人一组朗读对话,能够正确朗读对话。4. 通过模仿这个例子Weimin: This is my room. Jeff: Wow! Its big. 及借助幻灯片上的提示,讨论对话。教学过程教学阶段教师活动学生活动设置意图时间安排Step 1Pre-readingI. Say: Look at the picture on page20 and write the word in the box. For exampl

4、e: 1. clock II. Write the examples on the blackboard: 1. Number One is a clock . 2. Number Two are two shoes . I. Write the word in the box as the number points with the key words in the yellow box.II. Say out their answer like the examples on the blackboard.Go over the bedroom things2 mins2 minsSte

5、p 2While readingI. Show the following two question with PPT:1. The dialogue is between_and _.2. This is _ bedroom .II. Reading1. Say: Read the sentences on the right of the dialogue, if you cant understand, underline it .2. Explain what the ss ask.3. Show the instruction with PPT. Read the dialogue

6、carefully and the sentences . If the sentence is true, write T in the box; If its not true, write F . 4. Check up the answers with the ss.5. Say: Read the dialogue again, underline the sentences you dont understand.6.Explain the sentences the ss ask if necessary。I. Look at the names on the left of t

7、he dialogue to answer the first question on PPT.1. Weimin and JeffRead the first two sentences of the dialogue to answer the second question:2. Weimins II. Read for the detail information.1. Read the sentences on the right of the dialogue, underline the words or the phrases they dont understand.2. A

8、sk their questions:3.Read the dialogue carefully and the sentences, write T or F in the box .4. Check up their answers in pairs or in groups.5. Say out their answer with the information they find in the dialogue. 6.Read the dialogue for the second time, underline the sentences that they cant underst

9、and.7. Some students translate the sentences their classmates ask into Chinese. Get the main idea of the dialogueUnderstand the sentencesGet the detail information of the dialogue.Find out the sentences the cantUnderstand .Understand the dialogue.1 min1 min2 mins3 mins6 mins2 mins3 mins2 mins4 minsS

10、tep 3Post -ReadingI.Play the tape . 1. The first time the ss listen. Then, the ss read after the tape for two times.2. Check up reading .II. Speaking1. Show the example with PPT to help the ss talk about the dialogue:Example;Weimin: This is my room .Jeff: Wow! Its big.(1) Jeff: Look at those balls .

11、Weimin:(2) Jeff: What are these?Weimin:(3)Jeff: You have so many Harry Potter books . Weimin:2. Check up talkingI. Read the dialogue aloud.1.First listen to the dialogue only; Then read it after the tape two times; Next read it by themselves one time; Finally read it two times in pairs.2. Read the d

12、ialogue in pairs in front of the class .II. Talk about the dialogue.1. Read the dialogue and talk about the dialogue like the example in pairs or in groups. 2. Talk about the dialogue. Look at the picture of Weimins bedroom on PPT and a piece of paper with the following sentences.(1) Jeff: Look at t

13、hose balls .Weimin:(2) Jeff: What are these?Weimin:(3)Jeff: You have so many Harry Potter books . Weimin:Read the dialogue correctly by understand-ing.The ss can talk about the dialogue.1 min3 mins1 min2 mins 3 mins 4 mins 3 minsHomework1. Read the dialogue for five times.2. Write down the small dialogues you talk about in class in your exercise book .


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