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1、每单元五套练习,内容丰富、题型多样,可用做随堂练习、课后作业和小测,超高性价比,只需要您抢得一个小红包。Unit 1 The kings new clothes 习题1一、用下列单词的正确形式填空。1. I _ (live) here last month. 2. Her father _ (walk) home last night. 3. We _ to zoo yesterday. (go) 4. _ you _ (visit) your relatives last Spring Festival? 5. _ he _ (fly) a kite on Sunday? Yes, he _

2、. 6. Xiao Ming _ (show) photos to his friends last night. 7. I _ (am) ill yesterday, but now I feel better. 8. What _ she _ (find) in the garden last morning?9. How _ (be) Jims weekend? It _ (be not) bad. 10. I _ (have) an exciting party last weekend. 11. They all _ (laugh) at the little girl yester

3、day morning. 12. My mother _ (shout) at me yesterday evening because I didnt finish my homework.二、单项选择。1.Shewateredtheflowers_.A. tomorrowB. sometimesC. yesterdaymorning2. What_Mikedolastweekend?A. doB. doesC. did3.I_myroomlastSunday.A. cleanedB. clean C. cleaning4.Ioftenhelpmymother_housework.A. do

4、esB. didC. do5._you_TVlastnight?A. Do,watchB. Did,watchC. Did,watched6. Didyourfatherwriteane-mailyesterday?A. Yes,hedid.B. Yes,hedoesC. No,hedont7. They_onatripinFebruary, 2007.A. aregoingB. goingC. went8. We_mountainsyesterday morning together.A. climbB. climbedC. climbing9._he_footballtwodaysago?

5、A. Does, playB. Did, playedC. Did, play10. Goodafternoon,MissLee.HowdoesMikefeel?Hestired.He_lots ofwork_.A. does,thismorning B. do,thismorning C. did,thismorning三、选词填空。1. Long long ago, there (was/were) two young men.2. Long long ago, there (was/were) a car on the street.3. Long long ago, there (wa

6、s/were) a lot of children in the park.4. Long long ago, there (was/were) some apples on the table.Unit 1 The kings new clothes 习题21、 单项选择。1. My father ill yesterday.A. isnt B. arent C. wasnt D. werent2. your parents at home last week?A. Is B. Was C. Are D. Were3. The twins in Dalian last year. They

7、here now.A. are; were B. were; are C. was; are D. were; was4. your father at work the day yesterday?A. Was; before B. Is; before C. Was; after D. Is; after 5. Who was on duty last Friday? .A. I am B. I was C. Yes, I was D. No, I wasnt 二、改错题。1. How is Jane yesterday? _ 2. He goes to school by bus las

8、t week. _ 3. He often goes home at 6:00 last month. _ 4. I can fly kites seven years ago. _ 5. Did you saw him just now? _ 三、完形填空。Tom did not like doing his homework because he liked to do some 1 things after school and his teacher always 2 a lot of mistakes in his homework. Then one day, his Math t

9、eacher 3 at Toms homework and found that he got all his answers right. He was very 4 and surprised. The next morning before class, he called Tom 5 his desk and 6 to him, “You got all your homework right this time. Did your father help you?” Sometimes Toms father helped him with his homework, 7 this

10、time he didnt help Tom because he 8 at home. So Tom answered, “No, sir. He was busy last night, so I 9 to do it 10 .” 1. A. others B. another C. the other D. other 2. A. made B. found C. looked at D. looked 3. A. laughed B. knocked C. looked D. saw 4. A. please B. pleased C. pleasure D. sad 5. A. to

11、 B. for C. in D. at 6. A. talked B. asked C. spoke D. said 7. A. and B. but C. so D. or 8. A. isnt B. wont be C. wasnt D. cant be 9. A. wanted B. mustnt C. liked D. had 10. A. itself B. of them C. myself D. himselfUnit 1 The Kings new clothes同步练习一、翻译短语。1.大声喊_ 2. What a beautiful clothes! _3.步行穿过 _ 4

12、.一个聪明的男生_5.嘲笑 _ 6.一位愚蠢的国王_7.指着_ 8.皇帝的新装_9.很久很久以前_ 10.很多人_二、按要求写词语。1. King(名词所有格)_ 2. new(反义词)_ 3. is(过去式)_ 4. Men(单数)_5. clever(反义词)_ 6. cant(完整形式)_7. nice(近义词)_ 8. little(反义词)_三、选词填空。am, is, are, was, were1. _ you a student? No, I _ not.2._ he from China? No, he _not.3. You _ my good friend.4. Jim and I _ in the teachers office a moment ago.5. Where _ his football just now?6. I _ a student some years ago but I _ a teacher now.



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