七年级牛津(SZY)2012-2013上学期 第41期 同步评估.ppt

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《七年级牛津(SZY)2012-2013上学期 第41期 同步评估.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级牛津(SZY)2012-2013上学期 第41期 同步评估.ppt(69页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、深圳牛津七年级第41期同步评估 Module1Unit2同步评估 ListeningTestPart I 听录音 在A B C选项中选出你所听到的句子 句子念一遍 1 A Franceisfamousforitsfood B Franceisfamousforitswine C Franceisfamousforitsgrapes 2 A Gracelikesskiinginwinter B Graceenjoysskatinginwinter C Graceenjoysskiinginwinter 3 A WhynottraveltoAustralia B WhynotvisitAustra

2、lia C WhynotflytoAustralia II 听录音 在A B C选项中选出与你听到句子意思最相近的句子 句子念两遍 4 A Andrewisasmartstudent B Andrewisahard workingstudent C Andrewisaverygoodstudent 5 A Idon tlikethebluecoat B Ilikethebluecoatbetter C Iwanttobuythebluecoat III 根据你在录音里听到的句子 从下面每小题的A B C三个选项中选择最佳答句 每小题读两遍 6 A Yes Iam B Yes Ido C No

3、Ican t 7 A Thankyou B That sagreatidea C Wearegoingtoplaytabletennis 8 A WearegoingtoLondon B Wearegoingtohaveapicnic C Wearegoingbybus 9 A Yes Ido B I mfine thankyou C Yes I dloveto 10 A Susan B She sateacher C She sten IV 下面各段对话后均有与对话内容有关的问题 从下面每小题的A B C三个选项中选择能回答这个问题的最佳答案 每段对话读两遍 听第1段对话 回答第11 12小

4、题 11 What stheman splanforhiswinterholiday A Hewillstayathome B Hewilltakeatrip C Hewillfindapart timejob 12 Wherewillthemanprobablyspendhiswinterholiday A Athome B InHarbin C OnHainanIsland 听第2段对话 回答第13 15小题 13 Whatdidthemanwanttoshowtothewoman A Somecartoonfilms B Someseafood C Somephotos 14 Whatd

5、idthemanlikebest A Thecastles B Thecartooncharacters C Theseafood 15 Accordingtothetalk whichofthefollowingisNOTtrue A Thewomanwantedtoseetheman sphotos B ThemanwenttothecastlesinFrance C Themanenjoyedhimselfthere V 听短文 从下面每小题的A B C三个选项中选择最佳答案 短文读两遍 下面你有15秒钟的时间阅读16 20小题 16 WhereisLilynow A InSanya B

6、 InHaikou C AtWuZhizhou 17 What stheweatherliketoday A It srainy B It scloudy C It ssunny 18 WhatdidLilylearntodofromJack A Swim B Surf C Sailaboat 19 WuZhizhouisoneofthemostfamous inHainan A islandsB beachesC cities 20 WhichofthefollowingisNOTmentioned 提及 inthetalk A Sunshine B Thebeach C Seafood W

7、rittenTestPart I 选择填空 A 从下面每小题的A B C D四个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项 21 Aliceprefersplayingthepiano A doesn tlike atallB likes betterC likes alittleD likes verymuch 22 AnnagotanexcellentscoreintheEnglishexam A verygoodB veryboringC verylowD veryinteresting 23 Myuncleboughtanewhouseonthecoast A aplacethelandme

8、etstheseaB aplacefarawayfromtheseaC aplaceclosetothevillageD aplacefarawayfromthevillage 24 ChinaisfamousfortheGreatWall A wellB goodC well knownD great 25 ThefootballseasonusuallyfinishesinMay A opensB keepsC endsD remains B 从下面每小题的A B C D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 26 Jack whatdoyouthinkof Itisacountry ma

9、nywonderfulplaces A French inB France ofC French onD France with 27 DoyouknowaboutShenzhen Yes alittle It inthesouthofChinaanditisacityonthe A lies coastB lie coastsC lies coastsD lie coast 28 Helen whereareyou IhearKunmingisagoodplace SoI llpayavisittoit A goingforholiday goingB goingonholiday togo

10、C goingforholiday togoD goingonholiday going 29 Mum howabout ourwinterholidayinBeijing Goodidea Wecanvisitmanyfamous andgoshoppinginthebigdepartmentstores A spend placesofinterestsB spending placeofinterestsC spending placesofinterestD spend placeofinterest 30 DoyouknowMoYan Yes He awriterand hiswor

11、ks 著作 A isfamousfor isfamousforB isfamousas isfamousasC isfamousfor isfamousasD isfamousas isfamousfor 31 Whatdayis ofthisyear Itison A thespringfestival sundayB theSpringfestival SundayC thespringFestival sundayD theSpringFestival Sunday 32 John whynot theGreatWallthisholiday Great Wecantry totheto

12、p A visit climbingB visiting climbingC visiting climbD visit climb 33 Excuseme canyoutellmethewayto Sure Walkalongthisroad youwillfinditonyourleft A ShenzhenRailwayStation andB Shenzhenrailwaystation butC shenzhenrailwaystation soD shenzhenRailwayStation or 34 Whatisyoursister shobby Oh herhobbyispl

13、aying piano shedoesn tplayitoften A a soB an andC the butD 不填 or 35 Anna howdoyougotoschooleveryday Bybus Ilive frommyschool Ihavetotakeabustoschool A faraway butB near 不填C faraway soD near and 36 Hey whatareyoudoingnow Iamwriting mye mailfriend tellinghimaboutmyself A with butB to andC on soD from

14、不填 37 Whatsportdoyoulikedoinginwinter Ilike butI skating becauseskatingismoreinteresting A ski don tlikeB skiing preferC toski likeD skiing don tprefer 38 Tom whatisthe today Oh itis 29th A day DecemberB date decemberC day decemberD date December 39 Doyoulikethehouse thesea Yes itisa placeforasummer

15、holiday A by perfectB on warmC in coldD from hot 40 Aliceisa n girlinherclass Yes shealways allherhomeworkfirstandthengoestoplay A lazy makesB cleerful finishesC excellent finishesD strict makes II 完形填空根据短文内容 从各题后所给的A B C D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案 Peterlivesinacityalone His41livesinacountry OncePeterwent

16、tostaywithhimforafewweeks Everydaytheyoftenwentfora42orforadriveinacar Whentheywerewalkingordriving theypassedsomebody Hisuncle43 Peterwassurprisedandsaid UncleGeorge youknow44here Wheredidyoumeetthemall Idon tknowallthesepeople saidhisuncle Then45didyouwavetothem askedPeter Well Peter answeredhisuncle whenIwavetosomeoneandheknowsme hewillbe46 Hegoesonhisjourneywithahappierheart ButwhenIwavetosomeoneandhedoesn tknowme hewillbe47andsaytohimself Whoisthatman Whydidhewavetome Sohehassomethingto48ab



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