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1、CPVC、UPVC管道正确的施工方法SOLVENT CEMENTING WITH PRIMER 使用管道粘合剂和预粘胶水1. Assemble proper materials for the job (proper cement, primer and applicator for the size of piping system to be assembled)使用正确的物料施工(正确的管道胶水,预粘胶水和适当尺寸的涂抹工具)。2. Pipe must be cut as square as possible. Use a hand saw and miter box or mechan

2、ical saw .A diagonal cut reduces bonding area in the most effective part of the joint.切割管道于垂直面,可用手锯和定管盒或用机械锯子,斜割会减少粘接面积。3. Plastic tubing cutters may also be used for cutting plastic pipe ; however ,some produce a raised bead at the end of the pipe. This bead must be removed with a file or reamer, a

3、s it will wipe the cement away when pipe in inserted into the fitting.胶管管道切割器也可以切割胶管,但是用管道切割器会使切口边缘产生圈状粒子,因此需要用撮子来清除,如果不清除这些碎粒子,当管材插入管件时,管道边缘的粒子会擦去胶水而影响粘接的效果。4. Remove all burrs from both the inside and outside of the pipe with a knife, file or reamer. Burrs can scrape channels into pre-softened sur

4、faces or create hang-ups inside surface walls.用撮子或刀子清除管道内外碎粒子,因为碎粒子会擦去管内已软化之表层而产生颗粒状胶水悬挂在管墙上。5. Remove dirt, grease and moisture. A thorough wipe with a clean dry rag is usually sufficient.(moisture will retard cure and dirt or grease can prevent adhesion)用干净的布来抹除管内外的灰尘,油迹和水分。(水分会延长干化时间,灰尘和油迹会影响粘接强度

5、)6. Check pipe and fittings for dry fit before cementing. For proper interference fit, fitting should go over end of pipe easily but become tight about 1/3 to 3/4 of the way on . 粘接管道前要测试管材和管件结合的松紧度。在正常情形下,管道应该很容易插入管件内大约1/4到3/4左右。7. Use the right applicator for the size of pipe or fittings being joi

6、ned. The applicator size should be equal to 1/2 the pipe diameter. It is important that a satisfactory size applicator be used to help ensure that sufficient layers of cement are applied.使用正确的涂抹器于不同尺寸的管材和管件之粘合。涂抹器宽度应该相当于管材直径的一半,使用适当的涂抹器是非常重要的,因为它能保证抹足够的胶水于管道的表面。8. Priming: the purpose of a primer is

7、 to penetrate and soften the surfaces so they can fuse together. The proper use of a primer and checking its softening effect provides assurance that the surfaces are prepared for fusion in a wide variety of conditions. Check the penetration or if the weather changes during the day. Using a knife or

8、 other sharp object, drag the edge over the coated surface. Proper penetration has been made if you can scratch or scrape a few thousandths of the primed surfaces away. Because weather conditions do affect priming and cementing action, repeated applications to either or both surfaces may be necessar

9、y. In cold weather , more time is required for proper penetration.底层预粘胶:预粘胶的作用是渗透和软化管材和管件表面而使其表面溶化在一起。正确的使用预粘胶和测试它的软化效果给与保证管面具备在不同环境下都会溶于一体。在安装粘合前或如果当天天气温度有变化时先用一块废料测试渗透合软化性。用刀或者其他利器来刮割表面涂了的预粘胶,如果你能连同预粘胶一起刮掉少许表皮就说明表面已经软化了。天气温度也会影响预粘胶及胶水的效果,有必要时要重复涂抹胶水于管材和管件表面。在寒冷的天气里,胶水的渗透需要更长时间。9. Using the correct

10、 applicator (as outlined in step 7), aggressively work the primer into fitting socket, keeping the surface and applicator wet until the surface has been softened. More applications may be needed for hard surfaces and cold weather conditions. Re-dip the applicator in primer as required. When the surf

11、ace is primed, remove any puddles of primer from socket.使用正确的胶水涂抹器(在第7点已说明)用力将预粘胶涂抹于管件承口处,保持涂抹器和管面湿润直到管面软化为止。硬质的材料和寒冷的天气里要涂抹更多的预粘胶,如果有需要则要再浸湿涂抹器。当管面涂有足够的预粘胶水后,将浸在承口内多余的胶水抹去。10. Next, aggressively work the primer on to the end of the pipe to a point 1/2” beyond the depth of the fitting socket.下一步是用力将

12、预粘胶抹于管材要粘接管尾的表面。涂抹范围要比承口深度高1/2英寸。11. A second application of primer in the socket is recommended.建议在粘接前多涂抹一次预粘胶于管件内。12. Immediately ,and while the surfaces are still wet, apply the appropriate。当承口的底胶仍然湿润时,马上涂抹胶水于表面。13. Cementing; (Still the cement or shake can before using); Using the proper size ap

13、plicator for the pipe size, aggressively work a full even layer of cement on to the pipe end equal to the depth of the fitting socket do not brush it out to a thin paint type layer, as this will dry within a few seconds.涂抹胶水(使用前先搅拌胶水或摇动罐子)使用适合管子尺寸的涂抹器,涂抹均匀的一层胶水于管面,胶水涂抹擦和那高度应该相当于管件的深度,涂抹胶水时不要像涂油漆一样太薄

14、,因为太薄干化时间太快,大约几秒钟。14. Aggressively work a medium layer of cement into the fitting socket; avoid pudding cement in the socket. On bell-end pipe do not coat beyond the socket depth or allow cement to run down into the pipe beyond the bell. 涂抹中等厚度的一层胶水于管件承口内。当用钟形管尾管件时不要涂抹胶水于管件管尾于直管之间的地方或不要让胶水流向钟形管尾。15.

15、 Apply a second full, even layer of cement on the pipe.再次均匀的涂上适量的第二层胶水在管材表面。16. Without delay, while cement is still wet, assemble the pipe and fittings. Use sufficient force to ensure that the pipe bottoms in the fitting socket. If possible, twist the pipe a 1/4 turn as you insert it. Stop turning

16、when pipe tits bottom.当胶水还是湿润时,迅速及时安装管道和管件,用足够的力度将管材推进底部时尽可能将管材转动1/4圈。17. Hold the pipe and fitting together for approximately 30 seconds to avoid push put.然后紧握接好的管道接口约30秒左右不动直到管件不会被推出为止。18. After assembly, a joint should have a ring or bead of cement completely around the juncture of the pipe and fitting. If voids in this ring are present, sufficient cement was not applied and the joint may be defective.当接合管



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