book3uint1 training exercise

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1、Book3 Festivals and celebrations ( exercises )一 Words: (一)Write down the words and their forms.1.狂欢节;嘉年华_ 2. march v/n _ _ March 三月 (a long march)3.典礼 仪式 n_4.Charm n_ _ charming adj _5.祝贺 v_ n_ 6.Figure n_ _ _ v _figure that figure out_6.感激n_ 感激的_7. 收获季节 收割、捕猎_8. feature: n_,v_ 9. _聚集 ;集合 v 聚集,搜集,收割

2、10.adj典型的、有代表性的、平常的_ n_11.n起源; 起因;出身 _ adj _原始的、最初的 adv_12. 宗教n_ adj 宗教的_13. 高兴;喜悦 n_ adj 快乐的_14.农业的 adj_ 农业n_15. 装饰;装潢 v_ n_16. 有重大意义的 adj_ n _ 重要性,重要意义17.商业的adj _ v使商业化,利用 牟利 _ n_18. 反射;反映v_ n_19.媒介_ pl_ the media_20.n 信念;信仰 ;信任_ v_21.Faith n _ adj_22.场合;n_ adj _ adv_ 23.Lunar adj_ /太阳的,阳历的 _24.fa

3、ncy v fancy doing adj _25Grace n_ adj _ 26.绝对地adv_ adj_27.horrible adj_ n _(二) Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of words1. want to express my c_ to you on your wonderful performance.2. Although many years have passed, the small town still has many its _(origin) features.3.We are so _(高兴的)t

4、o get the news that the new virus will be defeated.4. From the way he behaved, I f_ that he was drunk.5.Our festivals have become more and more _(商业的.6. When the harvest seasons arrive, the farmers will bring their _produce( 农产品) to the market.7. Many people hold a strong _ (believe) that the cure f

5、or this disease will be found one day.8. Now doctors and nurses are of great _(重要)in caring for the patients.9.There are many _ in the world, and they hold different_ beliefs. ( religion)10.One of the _ of the play is that it _ Xiaozhan as Wei Wu xian(三)Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of t

6、he words in the box.(课本p10) march brief media congratulation significant moment roast lunar represent fancy1. The beautiful flowers on cherry branches are the most _ sign of the arrival of spring.2. In December, many companies have _dress parties to celebrate the end of the year.3. The female soldie

7、rs forming the biggest _ group in the National Day parade.4. The most common color you see during the Spring Festival is red because red _ life, wealth, and good luck in Chinese culture.5. The newly married couple received dozens of letters of _ from their friends.6. If you are the best man at a wed

8、ding, it is best to keep your speech simple and _.7. She will never forget the _ when she saw all the audience clapping their hands and cheering after her performance.8. Falling on the 9th day of the 9th _month, the Chongyang Festival is also called the Double Ninth Festival. It is a day for people

9、in China to show respect to seniors.9. To be frank, this _ chicken tastes horrible二 Phrases:(一). Translate the phrases1.穿着传统的制服 2.猜谜 3. 参加盛典 4.观看桑巴舞 5.做表演 6.化妆 7.元宵节 8.一系列的 9.对感激的 10.一场大的盛宴11.用装饰 12.盛装打扮 13.毕竟 14.从到.之间15.逐渐消失 16. 中秋节17.不管;尽管 18.利用 占的便宜19.赏月 20.起着意义重大的作用21.放爆竹 驱赶邪恶的鬼神22.(兴趣,想法等)相同,有相

10、同的特点23.令人放松的气氛 24.坦白说, 25.自治区 26.出发去 27. 值得的 28.等不及做29. 爆炸;走火,离开 30. 除之外31.尊重某人 32.第一次(二). Fill in the blanks with the phrases above.1.It is a formal and important occasion, so we must _ carnival costumes2.If you study the festivals in different cultures, you will find they_ with each other(有很多相同的地方

11、)3. The inventor hope that we should combine shadow puppetry(皮影戏)with new technology to attract more young people as this ancient performing art is gradually_.4. We should _ the opportunity to study hard during the long holiday.5.We have confidence to win the battle against the virus _ many difficulties.6.The national park _wildlife, _ butterflies _ elephants (range)7._, I am very worried about our students, who cant finish their homework on time.8.Zhong Nanshan _in fighting against the virus.9. Traditionally, college students have a graduation ceremony to e


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