Book3 Unit2 training exercises

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《Book3 Unit2 training exercises》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Book3 Unit2 training exercises(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit2 The morals and virtues exercises一Words:1. Moral adj_ n_ 2.高尚的道德,美德 _ virtual? _3.dilemma_ 4.faint v_ adj _5.illustrate v_ n_6.珍惜的,宝贵的 _7.婚姻 n_ v_8.Majority n_v/adj_ _9.抱怨 v_ n_10.回答; 做出反应; 回应 v _ (to) n _ 11.奖学金 _12.雇佣,租用 v_ 反义词_14.医师 ;尤指内科医生 n_ 外科医生? adj physical / adv physically_15.同事,同僚 n _

2、 co- cooperate/ cooperation16.拒绝接受 v _ n _17. Adj faraway _ /far away _18.Elect v _ n _19.十年 _ 20.出版 v_ n _21.Tend v _ n _22.Staff _ 23.幼儿园_24.退休 v _ n _25.deliver v_ _ _26.Principle n_ principal_26.Passive adj _ 主动的_ n_27.Scared adj _ v _28.Sharp _ _ _ v _29.Insurance _ v30.精力充沛的 _ =31.Operation n

3、_ v _32.V Import _ export _33.Assist _ n _ _34.Waitress _ 男服务员_35 Chain _ 36.disguise _37.Spill _过去式 、分词38.寓言故事_ 39.法庭_40.Flexible adi _ _41.Income _ outcome43Therefore _ (so)_44.tension _ 45.replacewith/by_Exercise1:Fill in the blanks with the proper from of the words above.1.Her first story was _w

4、hen she was nine. (deliver) The surgical masks(医用口罩) were_ to Wuhan.2.In a happy _(marry), both husband and wife work hard to solve any problems that arise.3. I figure that teachers will not be _ (替代)with computers.4.As a_, he devoted all his life to the patients to make them healthy _. (physical)5.

5、She was _to death when she saw the _ tiger in the forest. (scare)6.The most _boy Xiaozhan always makes us full of_. He is so handsome but hardworking. (energy)7.He needs an _, so the physician is _on him now. (operate)8.Im now writing a letter to make a _(complain) about the service of your hotel .E

6、xercise2: Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words below.(课本p22) clinic complain majority staff response harm physician According keep t to a recent survey, the _of doctors believed their incomes did not match how hard they worked. The survey found that about 50 percent of the doctor

7、s were notsatisfied with their working conditions, especially those from hospitals in small towns. A _working in a large public hospital often has to see 100 patients per day. The researchers conducting the survey conducted that if hospitals and _ serving the general Public received more support, it

8、 would help to keep their medical _ from leaving the profession, and therefore the public would continue to receive good health service. In _ to a question about tensions between doctors and patients, some respondents _ that misleading media reports about doctors have greatly _ society, causing the

9、public to distrust medical workers.二Phrases :1.道德困境 2. 帮助某人渡过难关3.托付给某人 4. 大部分 5.对抱怨 6. 想到7.学费 8.对做出回应9.住院医师 10 任命某人为11.需要帮助 12.私人诊所13. 没有自己的孩子 14,易于做某事、往往会发生某事 15.在午夜 16.南极、北极 17.对某人低语 18.急救 19.去世 20.作为对的纪念 21.被绊倒 22.流着泪;含着泪 23.努力做某事 24.处于绝望中25.使免受伤害 26.北京协和医学院27.中华人民共和国28.全国人民代表大会 29.用尽全身力气 30.大量的努

10、力 31.成功做某事Exercise 1 :Fill in the blanks with the phrases above.1.He asked us to _ him the dilemma and we agreed to his request with pleasure.2.We should help those _ (需要)help when they are _.3.Instead of _(抱怨) the traffic rules ,we should try to strictly follow them.4.The film was made _ the living legend-Lang ping.5.Hearing the cry for help in the river, the young man jumpedinto the river without second thought , lifting the boy _.6.I rushed for the doctor , unfortunately _ the cat in the hallway.7. Hearing the news that the deadly disease br



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