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1、promotion of employment, form a reasonable and orderly pattern of income distribution, build a more fair and sustainable social security systems, medical and health system reform. The plenary, innovation of social governance, must focus on the maintenance of fundamental interests of the overwhelming

2、 majority of the people, maximize factors, enhance social development, improving social governance, the interests of national security, ensure that the people live and work, social stability and order. To improve social governance, stimulating social organization, innovative and effective system of

3、preventing and resolving social conflicts, improving the public security system, set up the National Security Council, national security systems and national security strategy to ensure national security. Plenary session, the construction of ecological civilization, you must establish systems of eco

4、logical system, using the system to protect the ecological environment. To improve natural resources asset property right system and use control, red line of delimitation of ecological protection, resources paid use system and ecological compensation system in ecological environment protection manag

5、ement system reform. Plenary session, centering on building a listening party command, can win and having a fine style of the peoples army, a strong army under the new situation of the party Goals, restricting the development of national defense and army building is solved outstanding contradictions

6、 and problems, innovation and development of military theory, enhance military strategic guidance, improve the military strategy in the new period, building a modern military force system with Chinese characteristics. To deepen the adjustment of personnel system reform in the army, military policy a

7、nd system reform, promote the development of military and civilian integration depth. Plenary session stressed that comprehensive reform must be to strengthen and improve the partys leadership, give full play to the core role of the party commands the overall situation and coordinating all parties,

8、improving the partys leading water . Margin. Challenged the leadership of the Communist Party of China, Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong thought by Deng Xiao-pings flag, replaced by three representatives and the harmonic society. The former Communist Party spirit and social cohesion point of almost a

9、ll political makeover. Characteristics of socialism public ownership is shifting to private ownership, planned regulation and market regulation, the proletarian regime controlled by the elite. Of universal equality, fairness and basic principles of distribution system is socialist society, however a

10、fter economic monopolized by powerful, vested interests grow, employers do not have the same status, hardly seems fair social distribution. State key protection of capital interests rather than the interests of citizens, had been hits the bottom of the proletariat内部资料 仅供交流 不得外传 翻印必究 考室 考号 姓名 学校 永州市2

11、013年初中毕业会考模拟试卷生 物(一)题 号一二总 分得 分考生注意:本试卷共二道大题,时量90分钟,满分100分。第卷 选择题 每小题2分,共50分。每小题只有一个符合题意的选项,请将各题的正确答案填入下表中。题号12345678910111213答案题号141516171819202122232425答案1.下列选项中,不属于生命现象的是 A.食物霉变 B.蝴蝶起舞 C.大雁南飞 D.滴水穿石2橘子呈金黄色,味道甘甜,橘子的颜色和味道主要来自细胞的哪一部分A细胞膜内 B细胞壁内 C细胞核内 D液泡内3. 使用显微镜观察时,下列操作中符合要求的方法是 4. 夜晚,卧室内放置较多盆栽植物,造

12、成的不利影响主要是 A卧室内湿度增加 B卧室温度降低 C使卧室氧气减少,二氧化碳增多 D卧室二氧化碳减少,氧气增加5.吸气时,人体主要的呼吸肌所处的状态是 A.肋间肌收缩,膈肌舒张 B.肋间肌收缩,膈肌收缩 C.肋间肌舒张,膈肌收缩 D.肋间肌舒张,膈肌舒张6.根尖的结构中,生长最快的区域是 A.根冠 B.分生区 C.伸长区 D.成熟区7在人的生殖发育过程中,受精卵的形成场所和胚胎的发育场所分别是 A.子宫、子宫 B.输卵管、子宫 C. 卵巢、输卵管 D.卵巢、子宫8.消化液具有消化作用,下列哪一组消化液混合,最有利于去除试管中的植物油A唾液、胃液、肠液 B. 胃液、胆汁 C胰液、肠液、胆汁

13、D. 肠液、胰液9.当你从桌子上端起茶杯喝水时,肱二头肌、肱三头肌所处的状态是 A.肱二头肌收缩,肱三头肌舒张 B.肱二头肌舒张,肱三头肌收缩 C.肱二头肌、肱三头肌均收缩 D.肱二头肌、肱三头肌均舒张10. 将大米种下去不能长出幼苗的主要原因是A种皮已被破坏 B胚已被破坏 C子叶中没有营养 D胚乳已被破坏11.下列动物的行为中,都属于先天性行为的是 A.孔雀开屏、公鸡报晓 B.猴子走钢丝、蜘蛛结网 C.狮子钻火圈、黄牛耕地 D. 猫捉老鼠、小狗做算术 12.人喝醉酒后,走路摇晃,站立不稳,这是由于酒精麻醉了人的哪个部分引起的 A.大脑 B.脊髓 C.小脑 雪松海带玉米肾蕨D.脑干13.观察右图,阴影部分表示图中四种植物的共同特征,这一特征是 A.都有根、茎、叶B.都能进行光合作用 C.都有花、果实、种子D.都进行无性生殖 14. 一位同学因饥饿而感到头晕,你认为补充以下哪类食品能使他尽快恢复 A炒鸡蛋 B烧牛肉 C花生米 D葡萄糖水15.饭后血糖浓度暂时升高,不久就恢复正常水平,这是下列哪种激素的作用 A.生长激素 B.肾上腺素 C.胰岛素 D.甲状腺激素16.正常人体内流出肾脏的血液成分与流进肾脏的血液成分相比,其特点是 A.氧气减少,尿素增加 B.氧气增加,尿素减少 C.二氧化碳减少,尿素增加



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