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1、史庆华论文被SCI收录和引用检索结果 第135页/共136页证明编号:SCI论文收录引用检索报告安徽省科学技术情报研究所作者单位: 中国科学技术大学论文作者: 史庆华 (Shi Q)论文发表年限: 1999-2010年检索数据库: SCI Expanded 2000-2010.28 网络版检索结果:1)19992010年10月,18篇论文被SCI收录,其中12篇为第一作者,4篇为通讯作者,2篇为第二作者。2)20002010年10月28日,16篇第一作者或者通讯作者SCI论文被他人引用449次,引用期刊172引用作者1784单篇被引用最高次数135。史庆华论文被SCI收录与引用情况统计表SCI

2、收录情况他人SCI引用情况他人引用次数引用期刊种数引用作者人数单篇被引用最高次数第一(通讯)作者论文164491721784135非第一作者论文2564040956总 计185052122193(详细结果见附件)特此证明! (盖章)检索报告人: 2010年10月 28日附件目录一、SCI收录论文清单5二、SCI引用情况1.SCI引用次数统计表102.SCI引用文献清单被引文献1引文列表11被引文献2引文列表11被引文献3引文列表11被引文献4引文列表12被引文献5引文列表12被引文献6引文列表12被引文献7引文列表44被引文献8引文列表58被引文献9引文列表61被引文献10引文列表61被引文献

3、11引文列表82被引文献12引文列表93被引文献13引文列表101被引文献14引文列表103被引文献15引文列表108被引文献16引文列表111被引文献17引文列表116被引文献18引文列表131附件:一、SCI收录论文清单1:Author(s): Song YX , Chen Q , Zhang Z, Hou HL, Zhang D, Shi QH.Title:Effects of age on segregation of the X and Y chromosomes in cultured lymphocytes from Chinese menSource:JOURNAL OF GE

4、NETICS AND GENOMICS Vol 36, Iss 8, PP 467-474Source item page count: 8Publication date: AUG 2009IDS Number: 483PW20-char source abbrev: J GENET GENOMICS2:Author(s): Leng M, Li G, Zhong L, Hou H, Yu D, Shi Q.Title:Abnormal synapsis and recombination in an azoospermic male carrier of a reciprocal tran

5、slocation t(1;21).Source:FERTILITY AND STERILITY 2009 Vol 91, Iss 4, PP 1293.e17-22Source item page count: 6Publication date: Feb 6 2009IDS Number:20-char source abbrev: Fertil Steril3:Author(s): Rao XT, Zhang YY, Yi QY, Hou HL, Xu B, Chu L, Huang Y, Zhang TW, Fenech M, Shi QHTitle:Multiple origins

6、of spontaneously arising micronuclei in HeLa cells: Direct evidence from long-term live cell imagingSource:MUTATION RESEARCH 2008 Vol 646, Iss 1-2, PP 41-9 Source item page count: 9Publication date: NOV 10 2008 IDS Number: 378BH20-char source abbrev: MUTAT RES4:Author(s): Li JH, Leng M, Ma TL, Yu DX

7、, Shi HQ, Shi QHTitle:Cryopreservation has no effect on meiotic recombination and synapsis in testicular tissuesSource:FERTILITY AND STERILITY Vol 91, Iss 4, PP 1404-1407 Source item page count: 4Publication date: APR 2009IDS Number: 432KT20-char source abbrev: FERTIL STERIL5:Author(s): Shi QH, King

8、 RWTitle:Nondisjunction, aneuploidy and tetraploidy - ReplySource: NATURE 2006 Vol 422, Iss 7104, PP E10-E10 Source item page count: 1Publication date: AUG 17 2006 IDS Number: 074DK20-char source abbrev: NATURE6:Author(s): Shi QH, King RWTitle:Chromosome nondisjunction yields tetraploid rather than

9、aneuploid cells in human cell linesSource:NATURE 2005 Vol 437, Iss 7061, PP 1038-1042 Source item page count: 5Publication date: OCT 13 2005 IDS Number: 973AU20-char source abbrev: NATURE7:Author(s): Yan XM, Cao LH, Li Q, Wu YH, Zhang HX, Saiyin H, Liu XH, Zhang XQ, Shi QH, Yu LTitle:Aurora C is dir

10、ectly associated with Survivin and required for cytokinesis Source:GENES TO CELLS 2005 Vol 10, Iss 6, PP 617-626, Source item page count: 10Publication date: JUN 2005IDS Number: 930PD 20-char source abbrev: GENES CELLS8:Author(s):Shi QH, Spriggs E, Field LL, Rademaker A, Ko E, Barclay L, Martin RHTi

11、tle:Absence of age effect on meiotic recombination between human X and Y chromosomes Source:AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 2002 Vol 71, Iss 2, PP 254-261 Source item page count: 8Publication date: AUG 2002IDS Number: 575ZE 20-char source abbrev: AM J HUM GENET 9:Author(s):Martin RH, Shi QH, Fiel

12、d LL Title:Recombination in the pseudoautosomal region in a 47, XYY male Source:HUMAN GENETICS 2001 Vol 109, Iss 2, PP 143-145 Source item page count: 3Publication date: AUG 2001IDS Number: 470TX 20-char source abbrev: HUM GENET10:Author(s): Shi QH, Martin RH Title:Aneuploidy in human spermatozoa: F

13、ISH analysis in men with constitutional chromosomal abnormalities, and in infertile menSource:REPRODUCTION 2001 Vol 121, Iss 5, PP 655-666 Source item page count: 12Publication date: MAY 2001IDS Number: 431TE20-char source abbrev: REPRODUCTION11:Author(s): Shi QH, Ko E, Barclay L, Hoang T, Rademaker A, Martin R Title:Cigarette smoking and aneuploidy in human sperm Source:MOLECULAR REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT 2001 Vol 59, Iss 4, PP 417-421 Source item page count: 5Publication date: AUG 2001IDS Number: 447UC20-char source abbrev: MOL REPROD DEV12:Author(s): Shi QH, Spriggs E, Field LL, Ko E, B


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