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1、摘 要在市场经济飞速发展的今天,企业文化对于企业的重要性不言而喻。企业文化作为社会大文化的一个子系统,客观地存在于每一个企业之中。优秀的企业文化,将极大地促进企业的发展,反之则将削弱企业的组织功能。企业文化总是随着企业和社会文化的发展而不断发展,因此,企业文化的建设是企业的永恒主题,企业文化是企业价值观的核心。企业文化是企业广大员工在长期的生产经营活动中逐步形成,并经过企业家有意识的概括、总结、提炼而得到确立的思想成果和精神力量,它是企业优良传统的结晶,是维系企业生存发展的精神支柱。本文以我国企业为研究对象,对我国企业的企业文化现状、以及面临的问题进行了系统的分析研究。阐述过程共分为三个部分;


3、系列的分析和研究,为我国企业整理出现存问题的症结所在并提出具有可操作性的建设性意见,创新其渠道,发展其营销。本文创新之处在于企业文化创新要以对传统企业文化的批判为前提,对构成企业文化诸要素进行全方位系统性的弘扬、重建或重新表述,使之与企业的生产力发展步伐和外部环境变化相适应。关键词:企业文化;发展;创新;企业潜力 I AbstractNowadays, the market economy develops rapid and the importance of corporate marketing is evident. Enterprise culture, as the big soc

4、ial culture of a subsystem, objective consist in every enterprise in. Excellent enterprise culture, will greatly improve the development of the enterprise, conversely will weaken the enterprise organization function. Enterprise culture always with enterprises and social culture of continuous develop

5、ment and development; therefore, the construction of enterprise culture of the enterprise is eternal theme. The enterprise culture is the core enterprise values. The enterprise culture is the enterprise general staffs in long-term production and operating activities gradually formed in the course, a

6、nd pass by entrepreneurs conscious generalization, summarize and refining and established the ideological achievements and spiritual strength, it is the enterprise fine tradition crystallization, to sustain the spiritual pillar of the enterprises survival and development. Based on the enterprise in

7、China as the research object, to our country enterprises corporate culture and problems existing in the present situation, the system analysis research. Based on elaborating process CPC consists of three parts: the first part according to our country enterprise current situation found the existing p

8、roblems, such as the enterprise management and control distributors increased difficulties, enterprise channel structure obsolete, the enterprise channel access widespread pyramid phenomenon, these channels have led to our country enterprise in actual operation process appeared autonomy weak, passiv

9、ely and so on a series of phenomenon. The second part is through these seeking causes, causes is because the industrys development is short, operator of operation ideas arent mature enough. The third part is through the analysis of the specific situation of enterprise, and finally puts forward some

10、solutions to the existing problems of Chinese enterprises specific methods and perfect our country enterprise cultural strategy and integration aspects innovative countermeasures.This paper innovation in the enterprise culture innovation to traditional enterprise culture as the premise, and a critic

11、al of enterprise culture elements for all-round systematic carry forward, reconstruction or to paraphrase, to that of the enterprise productivity development pace and adapt to changing external environment.Methods include: according to the social development trends and culture progressive, combined

12、with the state, enterprises future goals and tasks considered cultural model, according to the enterprise external objective environment and inner reality conditions, forms the enterprise the commonness of culture and individuality of ancient culture, national culture and the existing enterprise cul

13、ture adopts criticizing and inheriting attitude, its essence and discard the dregs, adopting a dialectical analysis method, cannot simply confirm or deny. This paper through a series of analysis and research for our country enterprise consolidation appear save the crux of the problem and puts forwar

14、d some operable constructive Suggestions on its channels, innovation, development of its marketing.Keywords: enterprise culture; Development; Innovation; Market potential III 目 录摘 要IAbstractII目 录IV第1章 引言11.1 课题的目的11.2 课题的意义11.3 国内外现状及发展趋势2第2章 企业文化相关理论52.1 企业文化的概念52.2 企业文化的功能62.3 企业文化相关的理论7第3章 我国企业文化

15、所存在的问题及原因分析93.1 我国企业文化现状93.2 企业文化存在的问题及原因103.2.1 对企业文化建设认识和重视程度与企业发展的需要不同步103.2.2 企业内部母文化与子文化建设不同步103.2.3 企业文化建设的形式与内涵不同步113.2.4 企业领导者的倡导与员工的参与不同步12第4章 解决企业文化问题的对策134.1 切实转变思想观念,提高对企业文化建设重要性的认识134.2 明确企业文化建设的基本原则134.3 科学地确定企业文化建设的内容144.4 组建高素质的企业队伍,真正做到“以人为本”15第5章 结论16参 考 文 献17致 谢18 IV沈阳工业大学工程学院本科生毕

16、业论文第1章 引言1.1 课题的目的21世纪是经济全球化的时代,是知识经济快速发展的时代,企业文化作为社会大文化的一个子系统,客观地存在于每一个企业之中。优秀的企业文化,将极大地促进企业的发展,反之则将削弱企业的组织功能。企业文化或称公司文化,我国有时称企业精神,是企业在实现企业目标的过程中形成和建立起来的,由企业内部全体成员共同认可和遵守的价值观念、道德标准、企业哲学、行为规范、经营理念、管理方式、规章制度等的总和。企业文化对企业成员具有感召力和凝聚力,能把众多人的兴趣、目的、需要以及由此产生的行为统一起来,是企业长期文化建设的反映。本文通过在企业文化提升企业竞争力和持续经营能力方面进行探讨,试图发现企业的管理者在学习优秀的管理模式的同时,营造本企业独特的、适合企业发


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