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1、使用不合适的木托板盛载成品目的 Purpose:最近我司发现有些装瓶厂利用一些用来盛载空罐及空PET瓶的木托板来盛载我司的成品。由于这些木托板是专为盛载很轻的空罐及空PET瓶而设计的,所以都是非常单薄而不适宜用来盛载重的成品。 It was found that some of the bottlers utilized the wooden pallets, which were used for empty cans and PET bottles, for carrying our products. Because the pallets are specially designed

2、for carrying light empty cans and PET bottles, they are very weak and unsuitable for sustaining heavy products.这些木托板都有以下的问题 The pallets have the following drawbacks :这种木托板用的是薄木料,若放上成品后会有木块变形的情况发生。这情况会令到每箱成品承受的压力不均匀,导致放置于仓库不平稳而可能有倒塌的危险。 They are made of thin wood materials. Therefore, the pallets wil

3、l be deformed when they are used for our products. Consequently, the pressures will not be evenly distributed among boxes and the pallets may become unstable or even collapse.此等木托板的底部设计一般都没有横木板连接主木骨架,这些木托板盛载了成品后若再放在其他堆叠的成品上,所有的压力将会直接从主骨架压在部分成品上而不能平均分布在所有成品上。如成品是玻璃瓶/塑料箱,这压力一般会把塑料箱压裂;如成品是PET瓶或易拉罐,这些成品

4、也会被压坏。 The bottom of the pallet usually has no middle wood connecting its main skeleton. Consequently, when they are put on top of the other, the weight will fall on only small parts of products. As a result, it may damage the plastic crates of RB products. Or even worth, for canned and PET products, they may directly be damaged by this kind of uneven weight. 要求 Requirement:由见及此,我司要求贵厂不能使用这一类木托板来盛载我司的成品,以免压坏成品或做成危险。 Thus, we request all bottling plants not to use such wooden pallets for company products, to prevent from product damage or causing danger.认可Approval:欧阳荣 生产服务及包装部经理签署Signature:


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