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1、 青岛理工大学毕业设计(论文)用纸毕业设计(论文)任务书专业:土木工程 班级: 级 班 姓名: 下发日期:2006年3月题 目烟 台 某 三 星 级 涉 外 旅 游 宾 馆专 题建筑、结构、施工组织设计主要内容及要求1.建筑设计说明书及建筑平、立、剖面图;2.结构设计说明书、结构计算书及结构施工图;3.工程概况、工程量计算、施工方案选定、单位工程施工进度计划表及施工平面图。主要技术参数1、建筑面积:总建筑面积96005m2。2、 建筑等级:耐久等级为II级,耐火等级为II级,建筑装修标准高级,集中供暖,可设阳台。3、抗震设计条件:抗震设防烈度7度,三级抗震。4、地基承载力标准值为800KN/m

2、2。5、水文地质概况:常年地下水位-3.0m到3.6m,无腐蚀性 。6、风向:全年以西南风最多。7、荷载:基本风压0.6 KN/m,基本雪压为0.2KN/m 。进度及完成日期建筑设计: 3.284.15结构设计: 4.165.26施工组织设计:5.276.20教学院长 签字日 期教研室主签字日 期指导教师签字日 期摘 要该工程名为烟台某三星级涉外旅游宾馆,位于烟台市市区。主要接待国内外游客,满足外出旅游、大中型会议等多种需要。基地面积为9600平方米,环境优雅、交通便利,拟建宾馆为宾馆三级,高级陈设和装修。本设计分为三个部分:第一部分为建筑设计,包括布置柱网,功能分区,选择材料等等。该部分设计

3、应满足功能分区明确,布局合理,满足消防、采光及安全疏散的要求,立面设计体现旅游建筑的现代特色,内部设计满足使用使用功能要求,同时满足节能和环保要求。第二部分为结构设计,这是本设计中最重要的部分,包括梁,柱,基础的设计。在该部分中,要求掌握多层框架结构房屋的结构选型,并利用计算机进行辅助设计和绘图 。要完成结构方案设计,大部分结构计算,以及结构图,本设计主要进行了结构方案中横向框架(4)轴框架的抗震设计。在确定框架布局之后,先进行了层间荷载代表值的计算,接着利用顶点位移法求出自震周期,进而按底部剪力法计算水平地震荷载作用,从而求出在水平荷载作用下的结构内力(弯矩、剪力、轴力)。然后计算竖向荷载(

4、恒载及活荷载)作用下的结构内力,内力组合找出最不利的一组或几组内力进行了组合,选取最安全的结果计算配筋并绘图。此外,还进行了结构方案中的室内楼梯设计和基础设计,并完成了平台板、梯段板、平台梁等构件的内力和配筋计算及施工图绘制。第三部分为施工设计,完成了施工方法和施工方案选择、工程量计算、施工进度计划编制、施工平面图设计以及保证安全施工的措施和手段等内容。关键词: 建筑设计结构设计施工设计ABSTRACT That engineering is named the some three star classes of Yantai to concern foreign affairs the t

5、our guest house, locating Yantai City downtown.Main reception domestic and international visitor, satisfy to go out tour, big and medium-sized meeting etc. various demand.The base area is 9600 square meters, environment grace, the transportation is convenient, drawing up to set up the guest house as

6、 guest house x-rated, the high class displays and repairs. This design is divided into three parts:The first part for building design, include to arrange the pillar net, the area of cent of function, the choice material etc.That part design at the request of satisfy the function for cent area explic

7、it, layout reasonable, satisfy fire fight, adopt the light and safe evacuation, sign to face to design the body travels now architectural of modern special features, the internal design satisfies the usage usage function request, satisfying the economy energy and environmental protection requests at

8、 the same time.The second part designs for the structure, this is the most important part in this design, including the beam, pillar, basal design.In that part, the structure that requests to control many layer frame structure house chooses the type, and make use of the calculator to carry on the as

9、sistance design and paintings.To complete the structure project design, big and parts of structure calculation, and the structure diagram, this design mainly carried on the structure project Central Cross-Island highway toward the anti- earthquake design of the frame(4) stalk frame.The certain frame

10、 layout is after, the forerunner went the layer the lotus carries the calculation of represent the value, making use of the top to move the method to beg to come from to shake the period immediately after, then shearing the dint method calculation level earthquake lotus to carry the function accordi

11、ng to the bottom, thus begging a carry the function in the level lotus under of dint inside the structure.( curved , shear the dint, the stalk dint)Then compute the toward the lotus carry( the carries and lives the lotus to carry) the function under of dint inside the structure, found out the most d

12、isadvantageous a set or several dint inside the sets to carry on the combination inside the dint combination, select by examinations the most safe result calculation to go together with the calculation to combine the painting.In addition, still carried on the indoor stairs design within the structur

13、e project and the foundation designs, and completed the terrace plank, the steps a plank, the terrace beam etc. the structure piece of inside dint and go together with the calculation and start construction the diagram draw.The third part for construction design, completed the construction method an

14、d start construction the project choice, the engineering quantity calculation, start construction the degree of progress plan establishment, start construction the plane chart design and guarantee the contentses such as measure and means etc. of the safe construction.Keyword: architecture design. the structure design. construction design.目 录前 言1第一章 建筑设计说明 2一 、建筑设计概要2二 、建筑总平面设计3三 、平面设计3四 、剖面设计3五 、立面设计3六 、内外装修情况3七、细部设计内容 3八、重要部件构造做法 4第二章 结构设计说明 7一 、 结构体系的选择与确定 7二 、柱网布置及构件初定



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