阅读理解(下)2020年中考英语[白衣天使 专题练习]

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《阅读理解(下)2020年中考英语[白衣天使 专题练习]》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《阅读理解(下)2020年中考英语[白衣天使 专题练习](29页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、白衣天使专题阅读理解题型专练(1)以良好的心理状态积极抗疫阅读理解 阅读下文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Wearing a mask while sleeping at home sounds a little crazy. But Wu Keying did so during the novel coronavirus outbreak. “I feared that I would be infected. Now I know its not necessary to do so. But I am still worried about when the

2、 epidemic will end,” said the 13-year-old from Chengdu, Sichuan province. Being stuck inside makes her feel anxious.In fact, many people have experienced feelings like Wu. Nearly 80 percent of people are deeply worried about the outbreak, while 40 percent strongly fear it, according to a survey rele

3、ased on Jan 27 by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.These emotions (情绪) are normal for people who are going through stressful events, according to Wang Weihua, an expert on positive psychology (积极心理学). “Some stressful reactions (反应) can help us fight the virus,” Wang said. “We take more protect

4、ive actions, such as wearing masks and washing hands often, for example.”But if these feelings last too long, it will be bad for our mental (心理的) health, Wang added. So how can we stay positive?First, we should learn to accept unexpected changes in life, wrote Xiong Kewei, a psychological consultant

5、 (咨询师) at Beijing Normal University. We might learn new lessons from these changes, like respecting (尊重) nature and being more responsible (有担当的).Another useful way to stay positive is to stick to a normal routine (正常作息).“The key is to take good care of the body, arrange a reasonable schedule, ensur

6、e adequate sleep and diet, and get the necessary rest and relaxation,” Zhang Hong, deputy chief physician of Wuhan Mental Health Center, told China Daily.阅读短文,从每小题所给的选项中选择能回答问题的最佳选项。1. Wu Keying wore a mask while sleeping because _.A. her parents told her to do soB. its the best way to avoid infecti

7、onC. one of her family members was infectedD. she was scared of being infected2. What do we know from Paragraph 2?A. Many people feel worried about the virus.B. We shouldnt worry too much about the virus.C. Only 40 percent of people worry about the outbreak.D. More than 80 percent of people wear mas

8、ks while sleeping.3. According to Wang Weihua, _ can help us fight the virus.a. wearing masksb. being stress-freec. staying positived. washing our handsA. abc B. abd C. acdD. bcd4. The last three paragraphs are mainly about _.A. how to stay away from the coronavirusB. how psychologists helped patien

9、tsC. suggestions on how to stay positiveD. how to receive psychological counseling答案及其解析:1. D【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第一段第三句“I feared that I would be infecte.”可知 Wu Keying睡觉的时候戴口罩的原因是不知道自己是否被感染新冠病毒,怕传染给家人,故选“she was scared of being infected”2.A【解析】细节理解题。第二段 Nearly 80 percent of people are deeply worried about

10、the outbreak, while 40 percent strongly fear it,可知80%的人担忧此次疫情,40%的人感到害怕,故选Many people feel worried about the virus.3.C【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第三段wearing masks and washing hands和第四段So how can we stay positive?可知,a. wearing masks c. staying positive d. washing our hands能够帮助我们抵抗新冠病毒。4.C【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第四段So how ca

11、n we stay positive?可知接下来的三段都是关于如何保持积极的心态。白衣天使专题阅读理解题型专练(2)怎么洗手才是正确的?阅读理解 阅读下文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。How to wash your hands properly?1. Dont use antibacterial soap (抗菌肥皂) it does little extra good and can create “super-bugs (超级细菌)”. Regular soap will do.2. Wash for 30 seconds with warm water an

12、d soap. You can keep track by singing “Happy Birthday” twice.3. Be sure to get oft-neglected(经常忽视的)places: fingertips, between fingers (webbing), and under the nails.4. How you dry your hands is up to you, but a hands-free dryer (干手器) is the best for both cleanliness and the environment.5. Use a pap

13、er towel or your sleeve (袖子) to open the door when you are leaving.6. Hand sanitizer (洗手液) is better than nothing.Choose the answer:1. Which of the following is the best choice for washing your hands?A. Antibacterial soap.B. Regular soap.C. Hand sanitizer.D. Only water.2. Two rounds of singing “Happ

14、y Birthday”_.A. takes 60 secondsB. is the best song for washing handsC. is how long we should wash our handsD. can help us clean our hands3. Which parts of our hands are often neglected?a. fingers b. webbingc. fingertips d. nailsA. ab B. bc C. bd D. ad4. Why should we use hands-free dryers to dry ou

15、r hands?A. Because they are good for the environment.B. Because they can help us save money.C. Because they are easy to use.D. Because they are good for our skin.参考答案:1. B 第一段Regular soap will do.2. C第二段Wash for 30 seconds with warm water and soap. You can keep track by singing “Happy Birthday” twice.3. B第三段Be sure to get oft-neglected(经常忽视的)places: fingertips, between fingers (webbing), and under the nails.4. A第四段but a hands-free dryer (干手器) is the best for both cleanliness and the environment.


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