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1、A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for theMasters Degree of Translation and InterpretingThe Effect of Academic Background Knowledge on theConsecutive Interpreting A Case Study Based on Giles ModelsGraduate Student: He MiaoProfessional field: Translation and Interpret

2、ingSupervisor:Associate Prof. Xi JingChina Three Gorges UniversityYichang, 443002, P.R.ChinaMay, 2013IV三峡大学学位论文独立完成与诚信声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体均已在文中以明确方式标明,本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。学位论文作者签名:IV日期:三峡大学MTI硕士学位论文内 容 摘 要本项目采用实验方法,



5、方向上提供参考。关键词:口译;专业背景知识;精力分配模式;口译理解公式IVi三峡大学MTI硕士学位论文AbstractThis project analyses and explores the effect of academic background knowledge oninterpreting, by taking descriptive research on the record of interpreting task conducted byinterpreters from different majors on the spot, and combining the in

6、terpreting theories ofGiles Processing Capacity Model, Comprehension Equation.This report elaborates the difference and compares the advantages and disadvantagesof different interpreters on the interpreting performance of the same source text. Therecords of this project prove that, first, if the req

7、uired mental “energy” in interpreting taskexceeds the available mental “energy” of the interpreter, the interpreting performancedeteriorates. And second in interpreting process, the linguistic knowledge andextra-linguistic knowledge are independent. But only when they work closely togetherwith analy

8、sis, the real comprehension can be achieved. The non-English major interpreterprefers to integrate the accumulated academic background knowledge into the predictingand understanding the content, when interpret some source text related to his or her major.And this is conductive to the interpreter to

9、simplify the complex and professional sentenceand the interpreting. However, English major interpreters are used to take the advantageof a better understanding of the different thinking patterns of eastern and western, indealing with those polysemous and long sentences, according to the content. And

10、 this isconductive to the interpreter to adjust the words order and sentence structure according tothe culture of target language speaking area, and make the interpreting more smoothly.Thus, it comes to the conclusion that academic background knowledge, which refers tothe related academic knowledge

11、acquired from systematic professional learning, workingand research of the interpreter, is independent of linguistic knowledge. It may influencethe performance of interpreting to a certain extent. The linguistic proficiency may lightenthe negative effects caused by lack of academic background knowle

12、dge, but cannotreplace the academic background knowledge. The more professional the source text is, theiiIV三峡大学MTI硕士学位论文more important the academic background knowledge is to the performance ofinterpreting.The difficulty of controlling the abundance of variables and the difficulty of findingthe rese

13、arch subjects in a completely same condition makes this research can be onlyconsidered as a case study, and the result is not universal. But it can provide somesupportive data to the present interpreting empirical research, and a reference for thestudents of MTI to choose the developing field.Key words: interpreting; academic background knowledge; Processing Capacity Model;Comprehension Equation



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