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1、2019 学年第一学期浙江省名校协作体试题 高三年级英语学科 考生须知 1 本卷满分150 分 考试时间120 分钟 2 答题前 在答题卷指定区域填写学校 班级 姓名 试场号 座位号及准考证号 3 所有答案必须写在答题卷上 写在试卷上无效 4 考试结束后 只需上交答题卷 第 卷 选择题部分 共95 分 第一部分听力 共两节 满分30 分 第一节短对话 共 5 小题 每小题1 5 分 满分 7 5 分 听下面 5段对话 每段对话后有一个小题 从题中所给的A B C 三个选项中选出最佳选项 并标在试卷的相应位置 听完每段对话后 你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题 每段对话仅读一遍

2、1 Why does the boy refuse the girl s offer A He wants to get a better grade B He is busy with a reading group C He has to get to school early 2 What has the man been doing A Reading a book B Writing a report C Fixing the power 3 What are the speakers mainly talking about A A road B A shop C A produc

3、t 4 How much will the woman pay for the tickets A 15 B 20 C 30 5 What is the relationship between the speakers A Friends B Co workers C Sister and brother 第二节 共 15 小题 每小题15 分 满分22 5 分 听下面 5段对话或独白 每段对话或独白后有几个小题 从题中所给的A B C 三个选项中选 出最佳选项 并标在试卷的相应位置 听每段对话或独白前 你将有时间阅读各个小题 每小题5 秒钟 听完后 各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间 每段对话

4、或独白读两遍 听第 6 段材料 回答第6 7 题 6 What does the woman want to do A Go to an event B Do some shopping C Take a photo 7 Why does the man refuse to change the shirt A He likes the pocket in it B He has nothing else to wear C He thinks it is his lucky shirt 听第 7 段材料 回答第8 至 10 题 8 Why does the woman make the ca

5、ll A She thinks she is poisoned B She wants more apple seeds C She needs a ride from the man 9 What does the man think about the woman A She is going to die B She is just anxious C She is allergic to apples 10 Where is the woman probably A At her house B In the hospital C In Poison Control Center 听第

6、 8 段材料 回答第11 至 13 题 11 When does the conversation probably take place A In the morning B At noon C In the evening 12 Where is the cat food A In the basement B In the cupboard C In the fridge 13 Why did the man have to lock everything A The dogs steal their food B The kids are not well behaved C The

7、cat opens all the doors 听第 9 段材料 回答第14 至 17 题 14 Why won t the robot newsreader be successful according to the man A People will find it funny B People will think it strange C People will not concentrate on the news 15 What problem does the man see from robots A They will take jobs B They will take

8、control C They will become smart 16 What is said to be robots weakness A They are expensive B They can t create C They are not reliable 17 How does the woman feel about the future A Sad B Indifferent C Optimistic 听第 10 段材料 回答第18 至 20 题 18 Where is the speaker giving the talk A At a village B At a fa

9、ctory C At a university 19 Which word best describes the water provided A Cheap B Clean C Cold 20 What kind of organization does the speaker represent A A charity B A company C A government 第二部分阅读理解 共两节 满分35 分 第一节 共 10 小题 每小题25 分 满分25 分 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的A B C 和 D 四个选项中 选出最佳选项 并在答题卡上将该 项涂黑 A I started to

10、 worry when the golf car taking me Steve and our suitcases stopped in the middle of the Maine forest A yurt 蒙古包 is a tent tall enough to stand in and wide enough to fit a big family But I didn t see it anywhere You hike from here said the driver pointing down a weedy path The woods were darkening an

11、d Steve encouraged me to pick up the pace My summer sandals 凉鞋 slipped on the damp leaves Steve and I spent a good hour until we spotted the light of white canvas the yurt Steve skillfully lit a fire We ate some sandwiches had a few beers and settled in for a good nights sleep But I couldn t relax I

12、 shook Steve awake The door to the yurt doesn t lock I said What if a bear wanders Into the camp Don t worry Moose 驼鹿 are a bigger problem here than bears he said Well what if someone decides to rob us Or what if one of the locals wants to teach us a lesson OK Steve said with a heavy sigh He jammed

13、a chair under the door handle There extra security He smiled And even if someone gets through the door you ll have time to grab that book and use it as a weapon I laughed Sleep moved in We could enjoy our weekend When we checked out three mornings later I was the first one up That s when I realized

14、that the door opened out The chair had been serving no purpose other than to keep me quiet So I said as we walked heavily back to meet the golf car How else have you been handling me this weekend He smiled Well I decided not to tell you about the snake that lived in the firewood 21 What can be learn

15、ed from the first two paragraphs A I was quite looking forward to the trip B It was convenient for us to get to the yurt C I felt nervous and uneasy about the trip D The golf car sent us directly to the yurt 22 Why did Steve put a chair under the door handle A To make it safer to sleep inside B To s

16、top me from worrying C To protect them from locals D To have fun 23 What s the best title of the passage A An Unforgettable and Meaningful Trip to Yurt B The Significance of Getting Close to Nature C More to Know about Yurt D The Time I Survived a Yurt B Limited to a narrow seat for hours with just a tiny bag of cookies and orange juice to comfort yourself the last thing you feel like doing when you get off a plane is to wait around for your bags The easy option when traveling has been to limit


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