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1、 Inventory: Design the perfect phone application icons in five easy steps (Research papers Download news) is very superficial human species, although we believe that a person should be judged according to the connotation, however, we have the final decision will always be affected by the appearance.

2、 Well, whatever you think of what we say here is not dating, I want to discuss is how to influence consumer application icon decide whether to download a game. Because these little boxes - sometimes with rounded corners, sometimes not really affect your downloaded applications addition, the design w

3、as bad icons may lead platform owner refused to publish your products. In June of the global Apple Developers Conference, poor icon design is listed as one of the three reasons for App Store developers were rejected. Therefore, in line with the spirit of helping others, I wrote this essay to tell yo

4、u how to make the perfect application icon beautiful icon platform developers prefer not to discuss, but also to please a considerable part of the consumer. A study design trends Remember a few months ago iOS6 transition from the system for Apple devices lively scene iOS7 it? For developers, the sys

5、tem updates any version of Apple to eliminate the bug is usually the center, but this time, iOS7 and new tactics - the new look. Yes, iOS7 flattened to change the way consumers view the main interface, but most importantly, the icon changes. Realistic design original system was gone, replaced by App

6、les chief designer Jony Ive approved style icon - false, flat, lively colors and fine shadows. Competing platforms such as Windows Phone developers in the past also used to design flat of the application icon, and change the direction of the mean Apple iOS developers had to make major changes to ada

7、pt to new trends. YouTube icon shown in the following example: compared with the new version, the old version of small TV will look very funny on the iOS7 screen. In the field of design, changes are commonplace phenomenon, although you always refused to change the room, but to accept the changes to

8、better ensure the people search application, more willing to leave them on the screen. Icons (from pocketgamer) icons (from pocketgamer) Apple old version of YouTube icon (left) and Google latest YouTube icon (right) So, before you start making icon, first click on Google or Bing What is the most re

9、cent design trends to ensure that they can integrate into your application icon design. 2, understand the market competition You must ensure that you comply with the current icon design practices to ensure that they fit in the users home screen, but more importantly, to ensure that they stand out ag

10、ainst other competitors in the target market. Find the balance point is never easy, but look at how the intense competition in certain types of games - such as search in the App Store, the elimination of class game, the results shown in the following figure, you know to design a personalized icon ho

11、w important it is thing. match3 (from pocketgamer) match3 (from pocketgamer) As Apples UX expert Mark Stern said in a recent speech, If the icon looks good, making it very carefully, then you have reason to believe that other parts of the application are also designed and produced as good. So, take

12、the time to search the App Store and other application markets, look for potential competitors to see which did outstanding, and learn each others advantages for its own purposes. 3, a combination of icons and role One of the most important elements of the game is memorable roles. Integrate icon to

13、increase the role of personality, and personality of the game for the first time to seize the icons in addition to the human eye, even a few years later, still in the players memory occupies a special place. Whether we are talking about Mario or Sonic the Hedgehog, or people remember the << &g

14、t;> Grand Theft Auto 5 in Trevor, special characters are able to imprint in the minds of the players to help players remember them the game is located. They also help make your application icon in the fierce competition. See the following three examples: < >, < > And < > Players

15、 invest time and money in training roles are taken before the layer icon to make it easier for players to find their presence in the App Store. Appicons (from pocketgamer) appicons (from pocketgamer) According to this proposal, your main challenge is to lead with the most appropriate methods into an

16、 icon, more than three example is an example. In all three cases, the role dominated the entire image, but each one combines well with the icon. < > The Billy sitting on the ground playing with his ridiculous guns, < > The Hannah Dakota to capture the charm of the British elite, < > The gorgeous scenes of the game and its protag


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