2020年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(一)-英语 (word版无答案)

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2020年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(一)-英语 (word版无答案)_第1页
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1、秘密启用前试卷类型:A2020年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(一)英 语满分 120 分。考试用时 120 分钟第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。By WENQIANGABritish MuseumWhen the British Museum opened in 1759 it was the first of its kind in the world: the only national museum open to the public. It was and still

2、 is free to visit. The displays are organised by location and time period: Ancient Iran, Greece, China from 5000 BC onwards, Roman Britain and so on. Overwhelmed? Follow a free eye-opener tour on your smart phone or book onto the Around the World in 90 Minutes guided tour.National GalleryYou cant mi

3、ss this artistic institution in Trafalgar Square. There you can see some of the worlds finest works of art for free. Founded in 1824 to display a collection of just 36 paintings, today the National Gallery is home to over 2,000 works from artists such as da Vinci, van Gogh and Picasso. The National

4、Gallery hosts free after-work events for adults. So if you want to learn more about these famous artworks over a glass of wine, come along. Science MuseumOne of Londons favorite hands-on museums, the Science Museum features seven floors of entertaining and educational exhibits, including the Apollo

5、10 Spaceship! It youre going with little ones, head to Pattern Pod or The Garden, where children can directly explore basic scientific principles with sound and water.Cartoon MuseumThis highly entertaining London tourist attraction covers the history and development of British cartoon from the 18th

6、century to the present day. See how artists portrayed important events and the great and good over the centuries. Its great value at only 7.00 for entry.21.Which museum provides a free digital guide?A. British Museum.B. National Gallery.C. Science Museum.D. Cartoon Museum.22.How is the Science Museu

7、m different from the other three?A. It is the only one where entry is free.B. It offers free events after regular working hours.C. It allows visitors to carry out simple experiments.D. It is the museum with the longest history in London.23.Where would you most likely find this passage?A. In a Britis

8、h school book.B. On a London street map.C. In a London tourism guide book.D. On the British Museum Entrance Board.BAdriana put down the knife, stepped back and looked at her finished painting. She was usually her own worst critic, but today Adriana was pleased with what she saw. Sunset was her best

9、work yet! Not that her classmates would agree. Their reaction to her abstract art was always “Whats that supposed to be?” or “Artists use brushes to paint, not knives, string and cloth.” Still, she didnt care. Adriana painted to please herself, not others.When she showed the work to Mr. Marcus, her

10、middle school art teacher, the net day, he shook his head and said sternly, “Please Adriana, Ive had enough of this.” Anyone hearing this comment and its tone would naturally think Mr. Marcus was criticizing her work, but it was his frustration speaking. He loved Adrianas paintings and had repeatedl

11、y begged her to show them publicly. She always refused.As her middle school graduation approached, however, Adriana began worrying about university. Her parents would cover her study fees, but Adriana planned to pay for her university books, art supplies and accommodation herself. So, this time, whe

12、n Mr. Marcus made the suggestion, Adriana agreed. A disbelieving grin appeared on Mr. Marcuss face.The following day, after checking the newspapers and visiting several local real estate offices, Adriana and Mr. Marcus wandered around the town looking for a suitable location. Finally, though, they c

13、ould not find anything within their price range.At the days end, the pair entered a small coffee shop to rest. Mr. Marcus could see the disappointment on Adrianas face and, as a woman came to take their order, said, “Dont worry. Well find somewhere to show your art.” On hearing this, the woman said,

14、 “Did you say art? You know we show local artists works right here in the caf,” pointing to the paintings hanging on the walls. “Bring a few of your pieces around tomorrow for me to look at. Im Susan by the way, the owner.” After thanking Susan for her offer, Adriana and Mr. Marcus left the cafe in

15、amazement.The next morning Adriana brought along Sunset and Mr. Marcus the two paintings of Adrianas hed purchased earlier that year. Susan studied the paintings in silence, concentrating hard on each one. After what felt like a lifetime, she turned to Adriana and said, “Id be honoured to hang these

16、 in my caf.”24.What can we learn about Adriana from the first paragraph?A.She was very independent in her thinking.B.She was not very popular with her classmates.C.She was easily affected by other peoples opinions.D.She was very confident in her own artistic abilities.25.What was Mr. Marcuss opinion of Adrianas paintings?A.Strongly critical.B.Very positive.C.Som


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