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1、There is certainly evidence that actors experience a blending of their real self with their assumed characters. For instance, Benedict Cumberbatch said, My mum says Im much more impatient with her when Im filming Sherlock.Mark Seton, a researcher at the University of Sydney, has even coined the term

2、 post-dramatic stress disorder, to describe the lasting effects experienced by actors who lose themselves in a role. “Actors may often prolong habits of the characters they have embodied, he writes.A recent finding doesnt involve acting, and it indicates that merely spending some time thinking about

3、 another person seemed to rub off on the volunteers sense of self led by Meghan Meyer at Princeton University. Across several studies, these researchers asked volunteers to first rate their own personalities, memories or physical attributes, and then to perform the same task from the perspective of

4、another person. For instance, they might score the emotionality of various personal memories, and then rate how a friend or relative would have experienced those same events.有确凿的证据表明,演员们经历了真实的自我与假想角色的融合。例如,本尼迪克特康伯巴奇说:“我妈妈说我在拍神探夏洛克的时候对她更没耐心了。悉尼大学的研究人员马克西顿甚至创造了“戏剧后应激障碍”一词,来描述演员在角色中迷失自我所经历的持久影响。他写道:“演员

5、通常会延长他们所扮演角色的习惯。”最近的一项研究发现与表演无关,它表明,普林斯顿大学的梅根迈耶领导的志愿者们,只要花点时间想想别人,就会产生自我感觉。在几项研究中,这些研究人员要求志愿者首先对自己的性格、记忆或身体特征进行评估,然后从另一个人的角度来完成相同的任务。例如,他们可能会对各种个人记忆的情绪化程度进行评分,然后评估一个朋友或亲戚如何经历这些相同的事件。After taking the perspective of another, the volunteers scored themselves once again: the consistent finding was that

6、their self-knowledge was now changedtheir self-scores had shifted to become more similar to those theyd given for someone else. For instance, if they had initially said the trait term confident was only moderately related to themselves and then rated the term as being strongly related to a friends p

7、ersonality, when they came to rescore themselves, they now tended to see themselves as more confident. Remarkably, this morphing of the self with another was still apparent even if a 24-hour gap was left between taking someone elses perspective and re-rating oneself.By simply thinking about another

8、person, we may adapt our self to take the shape of that person”. said Meyer and her colleagues. That our sense of self should have this quality might be a little discouraging, especially for anyone who has struggled to establish a firm sense of identity. Yet there is an optimistic message here, too.

9、 The challenge of improving ourselves一or at least seeing ourselves in a more positive lightmight be a little easier than we thought. By roleplaying or acting out the kind of person we would like to become, or merely by thinking about and spending time with people who embody the kind of attributes we

10、 would like to see in ourselves, we can find that our sense of self changes in desirable ways.“As each of us chooses who to befriend, who to model, and who to ignore write Meyer and her colleagues, “we must make these decisions aware of how they shape not only the fabric of our social networks, but

11、even our sense of who we are.在接受了另一个人的观点后,志愿者们再次给自己打分:一致的发现是他们的自我认知现在改变了他们的自我评分变得更像他们给别人的评分。例如,如果他们一开始说“自信”这个词只与他们自己有一定的关系,然后认为这个词与朋友的性格有很大的关系,当他们重新审视自己时,他们现在倾向于认为自己更自信。值得注意的是,即使在接受别人的观点和重新评价自己之间有24小时的间隔,自我与他人的这种变化仍然很明显。“只要想到另一个人,我们就能使自己适应那个人的形状。”迈耶和她的同事说。我们的自我意识应该有这样的品质,这可能会有点令人沮丧,尤其是对于那些努力建立牢固的认同感

12、的人来说。然而,这里也有一个乐观的信息。改善自己的挑战一或者至少看到自己在一个更积极的灯光比我们想象的更容易一些。通过扮演或表演我们想要成为的那种人,或者仅仅通过思考和花时间与那些体现我们想要在自己身上看到的特质的人在一起,我们可以发现我们的自我意识在以令人满意的方式改变。迈耶和她的同事写道,我们每个人都要选择和谁做朋友,给谁做榜样,忽略谁,“我们必须在做决定时意识到,这些决定不仅会影响我们的社交网络结构,还会影响我们对自己的认识。31. The first two paragraphs mainly .A. state that acting requires skillsB. explai

13、n the stress that an actor facesC. show that a role leaves a mark on the actorD. stress the importance of devoting oneself to a role解析:本题答案出处为:There is certainly evidence that actors experience a blending of their real self with their assumed characters.32. What does the underlined phrase rub off on

14、” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Influence.B. Strengthen.C. Confuse.D. Determine.解析:本题需看懂:A recent finding doesnt involve acting, and it indicates that merely spending some time thinking about another person seemed to rub off on the volunteers sense of self led by Meghan Meyer at Princeton Universi

15、ty. 并看懂选项,代入后最通顺的即为答案。33. According to the study, taking the perspective of another person .A. brings changes to ones self-knowledgeB. motivates one to better understand himselfC. helps people deal with their identity problemsD. produces temporary effects on ones character解析:本题答案出处为:After taking the

16、 perspective of another, the volunteers scored themselves once again: the consistent finding was that their self-knowledge was now changedtheir self-scores had shifted to become more similar to those theyd given for someone else.34. What is the significance of the study?A. It offers instructions on making friends.B. It proposes a means to improve ourselves.C. It gives advice on adjusting ones emotion



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