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1、20春大学英语(三)作业4试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 100 分)1.Attitudes _ daydreaming are changing greatly.A.toB.forC.onD.against答案:A2.A _ of red arrows on the wall point the way to the meeting room.A.setB.pictureC.seriesD.group答案:C3.If you dont work hard, you would amount _.A.to anythingB.to nothingC.to an

2、ybodyD.to nobody答案:B4.No matter _ , the little sisters managed to round the sheep up and drive them back home safely.A.it was snowing hardB.hard it was snowingC.how it was snowing hardD.how hard it was snowing答案:D5.It was essential that the application forms _ back before the deadline.A.must be sent

3、B.would be sentC.be sentD.were sent答案:C6.when he realized the police had spotted him, the man _ the exit as quickly as possible.A.made upB.made outC.made offD.made for答案:D7.Ill never forget _ you for the first time.A.to meetB.to have metC.meetingD.having to be meeting答案:C8.Its difficult to _ her fro

4、m her sister.A.spoke toB.said toC.distinguishD.differ答案:C9._ girl dressed _ black is her sister Rose.A.A/ inB.A/ onC.The/ onD.The/ in答案:D10.The newspaper _ the rain will last for another three days.A.is being saidB.saysC.is saidD.is saying答案:B11.Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have _ of fat.A.the

5、 large numberB.the large amountC.a large numberD.a large amount答案:D12.She can stay in her workroom for 10 hours without eating or sleeping, all her attention _ herA.focusing onB.focused onC.focusing inD.focused in答案:A13.Mike is better than Peter_ swimming.A.forB.atC.onD.in答案:B14.Those gift of rare b

6、ooks that were given to us were deeply _.A.appreciatedB.approvedC.appealedD.applied答案:A15.There is an undesirable _ nowadays to make films showing violence.A.directionB.traditionC.phenomenonD.trend答案:D16.Nancy is_ girl.A.a eighteen-year-oldB.an eighteen-years-oldC.a eighteen-years-oldD.an eighteen-y

7、ear-old答案:D17.It is high time that such practices _.A.are endedB.be endedC.were endedD.must be ended答案:C18.These two areas are similar _ they both have a high rainfall during this season.A.to thatB.in thatC.except thatD.besides that答案:B19.Todays weather is _ worse than yesterdays.A.veryB.muchC.very

8、muchD.much too答案:B20.There are some people who show great _ about others affairs.A.livesB.expectsC.interestsD.curiosity答案:D以下内容不需要的请自行删除 德国企业是欧洲企业的代表 1.企业培训。德国企业培训的突出特点是注重能力的培养,解决实际存在的问题。通过探讨和实验寻求解决问题的最佳途径和方法,给每个员工充分的自由发挥的空间,极大地调动了他们的积极性,也大大地提高了参训学员的素质和解决问题的能力。德国企业培训工作还有一个十分重要的任务,就是让员工认同企业的价值观。 2.牢固

9、的质量意识。德国企业对产品质量一向是最重视的。他们认为没有物美价廉的产品,只有精品和次品。他们的许多产品都是以精取胜,成为世界知名的品牌。德国企业精益求精的价值观已深入人心,成为员工的一种自觉行为。德国企业员工追求技术完美和注重质星的强烈意识,技术不断进步,保持良好的质量,制造一流产品,是德国企业具有较强竟争力的重要原因。 3.注重独创性研究开发。德国研究经费占国民生产总值2.9%,居世界前列。德国人相信研究与开发决定企业未来,因而不论经济如何不景气,也不削减开发费用,并在研究中重视独创性和高度专业性,最大限度发挥个人创造潜力,这是德国研究与开发体制的长处。附件2个人所得税预扣率表一(居民个人



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