四年级英语下册 Unit 4 Lesson 25(3)教案 冀教版(通用)

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1、冀教版四年级下册英语Unit 4 my favouriteLesson 25: My favourite colours一、教学目标:能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词pink orange purple white brown black green we our their they 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语My favourite colour is 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型 I like . We like .二、教学重、难点:能听懂、会说、会读和会写本课四会单词和句型.三、教学难点:能正确听、说、读、写单词pink orange purple white brown black

2、 green we our their they能正确听、说、读、写句型I like 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语My favourite colour is . We like .四、教学过程:一、 Class opening and review Sing a song “Colour Piont” Review :pink orange purple white brown black green 二、New concept1、 T:Whats this? S:Its a pen. T:Good!This is a pen. T:What colour is it? S:Its bla

3、ck.T:Very good!This is a black pen.Follow say it.C:This is a black pen.S:Whats this?(书)S:This is a book.S:What colour is it?S:Its yellow.C:This is a yellow book.T:Ok.What are these?S:These are purple grapes.T:You are a good boy . Lets say it.C:These are purple grapes.2、Game规则:两名同学在教室内快速找出不同颜色的东西,用 T

4、his is 表达,用时短的为赢. These are .3、出示课件.抢答颜色单词.T:I like pink. What your favour colour?S:I like red.T:Good.4、连锁练习T:I like pink. Whats your favourite colour?S1:I like red. Whats your favourite colour?S2:I like black. Whats your favourite colour?S3:I like green. Whats your favourite colour?S4:I like orange

5、. Whats your favourite colour?S5:5、(教具:手偶)T:I like pink. Whats your favourite colour,Danny?Danny:I like pink,too.T:We like the same colour. Our favourite colour is pink.Follow say it.C:We like the same colour. Our favourite colour is pink.We like the same colour. Our favourite colour is pink.Danny:I

6、 like pink and yellow. What your favourite colour,Jenny?Jenny :I like red and yellow.T:They like a different colour. Their favourite colour is yellow. 6出示课件,认读新词.7、听录音跟读.8、学生自编对话表演.三、Class closing Draw a picture :draw your favourite clothes.板书设计:Lesson 25: My favourite coloursThis is . I like .These

7、 are . We like .What is your favourite colour? My/Our favourite colour is .课堂练习:1 请把下面的汉语的正确翻译填写在横线上 (粉色)的eraser (橘红色)的 orange (紫色)的grapes (棕色)的monkey (白色)的 cat (黑色)的pen (绿色)的tree (红色)的apple 2.根据问句请选择正确的答句 (1) What is your favourite colour? ( ) A : I like blue . B: We like apples . C: I like a shirt . 3. 请将正确的答案填写在横线上 a. I like purple . favourite colour is purple . b. We like red . favourite colour is red .课后反思: 课堂教学资源:在这节课中,向学生简单的介绍一下代词和它们相对应的物主代词。 列表如下: I my you yourhe hisshe herwe ourthey their


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