四年级英语上册 Unit1 period1教案 闽教版(通用)

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1、闽教版四年级英语上册教案 Unit 1 School Lesson 1教学目标:1.能听懂会说nice, where , classroom, again , building. look, class , grade ,2.能听懂会说会用Class One, Grade Four3.能听懂会说并在情境中应用:Where is our classroom? In the new building. Lets go and have a look. OK. Lets go.教具准备:VCD、单词卡片、多媒体课件教学步骤:一、热身及导入1齐唱歌曲 “ Ten Little Baby Ducks”2

2、 师生互相问好Good morning . How are you ? 导入Nice to seeyou again. Nice to seeyou ,too.二、教授新词汇1.用单词卡教授 nice, again, look, class , grade ,。2.教师引导学生复习已学单词1-10用手势提示学生念出数字1,4,教授Class One, Grade Four3.用对比法引导学生推断Class Two, Grade Four4.带读Class Two, Grade Four Class One, Grade Four5.“炸弹”游戏巩固单词。6.课件出示与Where is our

3、classroom? In the new building. Lets go and have a look. OK. Lets go. 相结合的图7.课件出示教授新单词where , classroom, again , building.带读后请学生自己拼读,找出拼写规律。利用课件肯定正确答案并总结后,隐去图,让学生根据单词快速认读。三、教授课文1 复习单词nice, where , classroom, again , building. look, class , grade ,教授句型 Where is our classroom? In the new building. Lets go and have a look. OK. Lets go.2 “接龙”游戏练习句型。3 播放教学VCD Lesson 1让学生静听。4 再次播放VCD,并让学生根据故事回答问题。5 让学生模仿VCD中人物的语音语调读课文。6 给学生一些时间进行两人练习,之后请一些学生上台表演。四、巩固练习1 “模仿秀”游戏,练习书本第3页活动2部分。2 “隔墙有耳”游戏,练习书本第3页活动3部分。五、总结六、作业1 听磁带数遍,直到熟练朗读Lesson1。2 完成活动手册P1,2 3情境中应用,尝试用英文表达。


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