六年级英语 小升初每日一练(50)(无答案) 闽教版(通用)

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《六年级英语 小升初每日一练(50)(无答案) 闽教版(通用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级英语 小升初每日一练(50)(无答案) 闽教版(通用)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、小升初英语每日一练(50)一.选出不同类的词( ) 1. A. sour B. young C. hour D. our( ) 2. A. pig B. potato C. horse D. sheep( ) 3. A. Mon. B. Wed. C. A.M. D. Fri.( ) 4. A. pork B. fish C. beef D. onion( ) 5. A. sour B. salty C. sweet D. swim二.完形填空The term home schooling means educating children at home or in places other

2、than a normal setting suchas a public or private school. There are many reasons why parents choose home schooling for theirchildren. Some parents are 1 with the quality of education in the public schools. Others do not wanttheir children to have to worry about “peer pressure”, or social pressure fro

3、m friends. They say it may havea(n) 2 effect on the childs studies. These parents 3 this type of pressure will lead to bad behaviorsuch as smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking drugs.Bullying(欺负) from other students is another concern. Still other parents choose this type of 4 forreligious reasons.

4、Whatever the 5 may be, it is evident that more and more children are being taken outof normal schools every year. 6 , many questions have emerged, encouraging the debate over homeschooling against public schooling.What then is the future of education? Will this new model of schooling replace normal

5、schools? Willcomputers and the Internet 7 our classrooms and teachers? As the debate continues, so do thequestions about what home schoolers are studying at home. How can parents ensure that their childrenare prepared 8 for college? How are home schoolers assessed to make sure they are getting thesa

6、me educational standards that school students must have?Finally, there are questions regarding the childrens emotional development. Are they too 9 their fellowstudents? Are they 10 the opportunity to get the social benefits of being in a large classroom ofstudents? As with any debatable issue, the a

7、nswers to these questions are neither simple nor one-sided.( ) 1. A. patient B. familiar C. pleased D. dissatisfied( ) 2. A. active B. contrary C. important D. negative( ) 3. A. care B. fear C. wish D. deny( ) 4. A. activity B. education C. behavior D. belief( ) 5. A. effects B. suggestions C. reaso

8、ns D. pressures( ) 6. A. As a result B. On the whole C. After all D. On the contrary( ) 7. A. replace B. reserve C. represent D. release( ) 8. A. gracefully B. emotionally C. academically D. financially( ) 9. A. free from B. isolated from C. related to D. close to( ) 10. A. providing B. making C. taking D. losing


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